Dr Robert Morse Recent Videos
The greatest wealth is health

Eye Review Part 1 - Dr. Morse reviews submitted eyes
00:00 Eye Review Part 1 - Dr. Morse reviews submitted eyes
01:52 Recoonect Spinal Cord injury (C4, C5)
06:40 Decay in an acid sides of chemistry
10:19 Eye Review Chart
12:19 Little fibers seen in the eyes
13:00 Lymphatic system (exposes itself in the eye)
13:25 Skin (one of the kidneys)
14:20 Acid waste from the cells
17:30 Hyperactivity
18:48 White or thick yellowish wall (lymph system not able to filter well)
19:25 No straight patterns (potential cancers)
20:02 Lighter and darker brown eyes due to chronic fatigue (nervous system; chroni adrenals)
21:10 White rope goes around the pupil (lymph system backed up in the intestinal wall) ; brown ring (malabsorption ring)
23:55 Blood vessels in the eye (lower back)
25:13 Terminology of cancer
26:35 Lymph node swollen eye
28:10 Gingivitis & Osteoporosis
31:57 Nerve / Chest Weakness ; Thyroid and Lymph
33:10 Lymph Nodes at the back / spine weakness
34:00 Deterioration in the head area
36:30 Bowel walls; groin and kidneys
39:40 Head and other parts of the facial structure
40:30 Pacreatic area ; chest area ; cerebellum area
42:28 Green to blue eyes (subacute stage of a lymph toxicity)
45:15 Sulfur build-up / thick, dark ring in the pupil (malabsorption)
47:00 Bladder and lymph (interstitial cystitis)
49:25 Brown eye (GI tract problem)
51:00 Kidney problem seen in the eye
55:30 Pituitary in the brain area ; embryo genetic weakness
59:35 Parathyroid in the back
01:00:39 Kidney and Chronic Adrenal
01:04:30 Thyroid ; GI Tract
01:09:50 Bowel ring
01:10:50 Nervous system
01:11:50 Bowel Wall ; Colitis

Q & A 316 Scaring, Teeth, Dry Skin, Moving Lymph
00:00 Q & A 316 Scaring, Teeth, Dry Skin, Moving Lymph
00:58 Typical American Diet
02:55 Digestive Problem ; Eczema
07:25 Hydration and Clarity
09:25 Vegan Diet
12:50 Spider Veins (eliminate by fruit diet)
14:25 Skeletal system ; connective tissue
16:05 Parathyroid Gland
24:20 Acidic Medium (dehydration); Radiation
27:23 Hyperhidrosis
30:53 Kidneys Filtering; GI Tract
35:50 Spinal Cord injury
40:35 Detoxification
44:13 17 y.o severe kidney filtration
45:57 Very dry Skin problem
48:00 Lose Filtration (acidosis)
51:25 Hydration (Alkaline Chemistry)
54:27 Pineal Pituitary Issues
56:47 What side of chemistry with dry, burning eyes?
01:16:58 Epinephrines (adenalines and activities)
01:19:15 Dopamine and Acetylcholine (works in the kidneys

Q & A 315 Trichotillomania, Interstitial Cystitis, Phobias
00:00 Q & A 315 Trichotillomania, Interstitial Cystitis, Phobias
01:00 "Why you suffer?"
07:13 Sugar causes inflammation
07:58 Strokes and Heart attacks
08:49 What breaks down your cells?
09:35 How bad sugar is?
13:30 What Is Trichotillomania? (impulsive hair falling)
15:52 Defungal (fungus) ; endocrine glads up
16:35 Botox in the Bladder
17:40 Interstitial Cystitis
19:00 Lung Cavities
20:43 Lipid-based System
22:23 Interstitial Cystitis (extremely bad infection)
24:00 Advanced Tumor
26:49 Acidosis (bladder and kidneys)
28:10 Gallstones and Kidney Stones
44:38 Poison with Mercury (effect: acidic)
46:30 Seizures (cause of Vaccines)
48:57 Heavy Metal Detox
55:00 Context of Acidosis
55:25 Parathyroid
56:30 Upper circulation of Blood (oxygenation of tissues)
57:00 Lymph System (kidneys and adrenals)
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