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Q & A 241 High Blood Pressure, Circulation
00:00 Bradycardia is a slow heart beat, tachycardia faster beat
01:09 Bradycardia is a slow heart beat, tachycardia faster beat
02:00 Autonomic Nervous System (control the adrenal glands)
02:47 High Blood Pressure (associated with bradycardia)
06:19 When dealing in a plants with high lipids you can overdose
10:00 Oils are anti-acids which is anti-inflammatory
10:48 Ginger and pepper (very stimulating to mucosa)
11:43 Little pepper will stimulate blood flow (capillaries ,too much pepper causes mucus)
27:38 Even acid chaimber like stomach can become cancer.
29:38 Carbohydrates (Gastromatic pancreatic problem)
30:06 Vegetable matter is almost consider protein.
30:07 Amino acids not quite is compact what we called protein
38:02 Stop acids (basic chemistry fruit)
00:00 Selenium is very dangerous (considered toxic metal)
46:38 The stomach is the seat of the autonomic
46:42 Acidic ( can have neurogical problem)
Q & A 220
00:00 Vitiligo (is a condition that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsi
02:04 Vitiligo (is a condition that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsi
02:13 Treatment of Vitiligo (starts at the kidneys, endocrine, adrenals, the lymph system, GI Tract)
04:05 Chemotherapy & Radiation
05:41 Digestive System
05:49 High Protein & High Fat Formulas (not suitable for children)
06:28 High Acid Environment (can cause cancer)
06:58 Cells (as a medium of acid)
09:14 Methanol (with detox system in the body)
10:48 Liver/Gall Bladder Formulas (raw food diet; acid metal of the body)
16:06 Severe Detox Symptoms (reaction on moving lymphs, hard to breathe)
21:06 Face rashes & swelling eyes (adrenal glands)
23:39 Thyroid Dumping Syndrome (body rash)
24:37 What defines normal size breast? (Gland problem)
25:23 Prostate Cancer Treatment
25:33 Gynecomastia (growing breast in men)
26:20 Sexual Intercourse Problem
30:02 Stem Cells (stimulation of the bone marrow)
35:07 Liver & Bone Cancer (to avoid: living things should be nourished and cleaned)
36:06 Seawater injection (cure acidosis & scoliosis)
39:31 Do you know ways to protect yourself from radiations? (Be in the alkaline side, since acids hold radiation)
41:00 Holding Radiation is a factor ( Intracellular Acidosis)
45:54 Psoriasis (skin problem)
48:52 Eczema (skin problem)
50:13 Liver Enzymes (liver breaking down)
Rapping with Dr. Morse
00:00 Journey of Awakening & Wellness
03:25 Journey of Awakening & Wellness
08:40 Acid & Base Chemistry
14:20 Creation: Importance of feeding awareness , consciousness, & love through yourself (proactive)
17:57 Atheist Perception (just looking of how life just put together)
20:35 Surrender means "letting go of the mind"
23:19 Cosmic Consciuosness (Extreme reducer of the experience)
31:53 Herb (rebuilds specific tissue)
35:44 Alkalosis vs acidosis
40:00 Blood (Acidic)
40:44 Lymphoma (inflammations)
41:13 Endocrine Glands (thyroids & adrenals)
43:08 Effects of Botox Treatment
45:25 Aliphatic Healthcare (good precautions & emergencies)
46:02 How to have an alkaline precaution from an acid event; lymph system formula; pop up the adrenals
47:31 Herbal products vs pharmaceutical products
57:04 Side effects of having antibiotic habits
58:33 Anti-inflammatory/Anti-spasmatic (for kidney formulas)
01:01:40 Regeneration (Rebuilding of Tissue); scar tissue
01:03:58 Systemic Acidosis Trauma
01:10:20 Lymph System/interstitial system (acne & pimple breakout); use colon to eliminate and kidneys in the skin
01:13:10 Trigger of oxidation/detoxification (is alkaline); stress
01:16:27 Toxemia (acidosis)
01:19:05 How to control acidosis? /Suppressive Steroids & its effect
01:19:35 Skin pigmentation (pituitary problem)
01:22:02 Gigantic Sewer System in the body
Q & A 242 Vegan Diet, Cystic Acne, Diabetic Neuropathy
00:00 Pineal gland is a gland of rest, when it is chronic, after feed sleep is extremely difficult.
04:12 Pineal gland is a gland of rest, when it is chronic, after feed sleep is extremely difficult.
04:39 Neurons are always irritated & agitated because acids can do both (shut down , decay or kill; irritate, accelerate or hy
04:56 Detoxification is the key (for those people who cannot sleep)
07:10 Roots always hunt for nutrition (They grow down to look for their food)
08:45 High flavonoids; Greens are not highly nutrious(Fruits)
09:07 Chemistry is created through Physics, consciousness of God, so energy is the creator of all life
09:20 Physicist point of view: everything is frequencies of electrical magnetic energy which creates chemistry and everything
09:32 One creates the form (conscious,creative,creator that creates)
12:03 Nutrition is so simple (no need nutitional classes)
13:05 Tree, plant-bearing fruit is always the superior way.
15:07 Detoxification is generally a water fasting experience.
15:11 High vibrational chemical fruit to detoxify the body
15:46 Process of implanting the food of the gut (Digestion, Absorption, Utilization, Elimination)
16:41 Adrenals produces 24-25 steroids that involves in mineral utilization
18:03 Cystic Acne (Kidneys & adrenals up, lymph system get filtered)
19:07 Suppressive nature of antibiotics
21:48 Plant-based Diet (for acne problem)
24:13 Neuropathy is a diabetic problem (kidneys and Adrenals are down)
28:07 Acidosis (losing calcium, calcification, losing stability or weakening of muscles)
29:34 Systemic acidosis (e.g: Scoliosis,Arthritis)
32:59 No thyroid, no hormones
Q & A 221
00:00 Lymphatic Gall Bladder Problem
03:17 Lymphatic Gall Bladder Problem
03:25 Lymph System in the Pancreas (along with Pancreatitis)
04:00 Adrenal Glands connection to all forms of Blood Sugar Problems (cortisol)
05:28 Two things that are essential to life (cleanliness and strengthen the cells)
07:19 Nonorganic grape challenge (Effect: filtering pesticides big time)
08:50 The symptoms of dehydration and an ability to fully rehydrate the body with water are a result of an acidic body.
09:17 Lymphatic System -as a post to the blood system (filtering acids)
10:20 Interstitial Hydration (hydration around the cells)
11:00 Balance PH (the balance is always towards the base side); Blood PH 7.4
11:56 Acidosis & Alkalosis (PH Balance)
17:59 Drugs & Medications - Phentermine (Heart Problem)
19:36 Lack of Calcium (cause dehydration)
21:42 Congestive Heart Failure (lymph back in the heart); cause palpitation
23:17 What could be this acidic medication? (side effects of pharmaceuticals)
23:22 Neurological & Endocrine Gland suppression
32:00 Hair Loss (Pituitary)
32:35 Acidosis through Inflammation
35:40 GI Tract (Embryology)
38:46 Sewage (more carbon metabolized); lose weight
42:07 Dry Skin (reflecting the systemic dehydration)
42:19 Hydration (means filtration and elimination); process of consumption
44:29 Acid (makes fluids, tissues and fibroids hard; cause dehydration)
45:05 Parathyroid (local calcium utilization)
46:19 Lymph Nodes/ Lymphatic problem (stiffing of the neck)
46:48 In vitro of the Brain Cyst (enlargement)
47:19 Hardening of the Calcification (acidosis);dissolved in alkaline based solution
48:35 Right Lung Congestion (have to detox)
50:17 Sinus Pressure (nebulizing with open clean environment)
51:31 Metastatic Adenocarcinoma (Eat fruit Diet)
54:16 Cancer Cells (fight through Lymph Nodes)
55:42 Proper elimination of Cellular Waste (know how)
57:10 Is Rich in Potassium Food can be dangerous to a person with acute/chronic kidney failure? (True or False)
01:05:01 Toxemia (acidosis)
01:10:13 Mineral & neurotransmitter imbalances (Adrenal gland Problems)
01:11:33 Why is neurologist Dr. Perlmuter telling people with neurological issues to eat fresh butter, a small piece of daily dar
01:16:50 Lipid System & Steroids to deal with acids
01:17:30 Glutathiones injection therapy (high proteins)
01:20:30 Acne ( have to bring extra cells to rejuvenate scars)
01:22:55 Vaccines (as neurotoxins)
01:27:18 Water fasting (in distillation, never use plastic); polycarbons in plastic
01:28:10 Diffusion and Osmosis
01:29:15 5 days water fast/ 5 days water elimination/ dry fast (compare)
01:31:16 How would you deal with a child with Progeria the "Aging Disease"?
01:34:57 Gurgling in the intestine (Transition Diet)
01:41:20 Many of the herbal formulas are benefical in helping with chronic fatigue but frequently say "if not cause by Epstein-ba
01:41:32 Difference between Epstein-barr Virus & Immune response virus (initiator)
01:42:40 HIV & Aids; Hepsis & Hepa Virus (destruction of cells)
01:43:20 Too much fungal Loads (chronic fatigue)
Dr Robert Morse – Indiana Talk – Part 1
00:00 System of treatment (no remedy, vitality and wellness)
00:22 System of treatment (no remedy, vitality and wellness)
01:34 High Protein Diet (for generation)
01:40 Biggest component of Inflammation (protein)
01:54 Two sides of Chemistry (acid & base); fluids in human body (blood & lymph)
02:34 Cells Made of Tissue (with endocrine glands and kidney)
02:52 What is cancer? (fungal problem; damaged cells)
03:26 What is a tumor made of? (interstitial fluid; mutate the cell)
05:38 Acid (Aggressive side of Chemistry)
07:44 Chemo is a Crime (Damages healthy cells); acid side of chemistry
08:43 Main acid in the human body- Cholesterol; (inflammatory response)
09:54 Blood is not a lipid based side of chemistry
10:43 Cells Eliminate Waste (with inflammation, pain & swelling)
14:50 State of Cleansing (from base side of chemistry)
16:02 Things Happening in the Body (1st thing: digesting food properly)
16:33 What is the pancreas made of? Bunch of cells with two fluids (with digestive enzymes)
16:45 Pancreatic & Liver problems; most people die in their own sewage cells
19:29 Deterioration of the cell; what part of the body that is lymphatic?
20:07 Acidosis (high cholesterol; calcium loss)
20:18 Things Happening in the Body (2nd thing: calcium loss; 3rd thing: water edema/swelling)
22:39 Cancer-causing treatment (chemotherapy)
24:05 Acids are corrosive in chemistry; acids & estrogens are beneficial
24:24 Acids are beneficial; Cellular Acid with 3 pH
24:45 Hydrochloric Acid & Battery Acid (chemo)
26:06 Skin (largest eliminating organ); kidneys & spleen (filtration)
27:59 Can you get 2 alkaline? Absolutely! ; Acid based balance
29:09 Acid to damage cells; tumor & more
30:12 Compatibility between the Food you eat ,the air you breath & the interstitial blood
31:00 Fungus and Fluids (culturing medium; lymph system is cleaned)
32:18 Septic Sytem (Bacterium); It breaks down sewage in the septic tapes)
34:08 Bacteria and Fungus (& their job)
34:48 Fermentation is what fungus all about (eating starch)
35:15 Adrenal Glands controls "sugar metabolism"
36:54 Frugivore (fruit); Herbivore (plant or herb)
37:52 Astringents; Mucosa is part of a "lymphatic system"
38:04 Golden Key: Detoxification (cleaning all toxins)
38:23 Neurotoxins (with pesticides & herbicides)
38:37 Autonomic Nervous System; Adrenal Glands with Low & High Blood Presure (loosing kidney, correlate that with blood and cr
39:00 Creatinine Level is 0.5 normal (0.7 up is not normal 0.9 is for dialysis )
39:39 Kidney transplant (focus on your kidney to avoid this activity)
Eye Pictures – A “How To” Guide with Marcie and Megan
00:00 3 IMPORTANT things before taking the picture (upclose the picture, capture the fibers of the eye,s, and make it glare as
00:52 3 IMPORTANT things before taking the picture (upclose the picture, capture the fibers of the eye,s, and make it glare as
01:47 1st step: have lights as possible (less blurry the better)
02:17 2nd step: Enlarge and focus or zoom the eyes when taking picture
02:33 3rd step: Have a pin light (eyes are rounded); focus pin light at the side
03:03 4th step: Hold, to wide the eyes open
03:16 5th step: take picture close-up as you can (right eye)
04:25 Another side on the left eye
Q & A 222
00:00 Type II Sugar Metabolism (with Juice Fasting)
08:39 Type II Sugar Metabolism (with Juice Fasting)
14:38 Sodium Adrenals (kidneys in the potassium)
18:10 Benefits of far infrared sauna and other FIR products. What is the truth? Seems like the end of the light ray may add to
24:17 Liver illnesses whip up debate over dietary aids
36:56 Cataracts with an 82 yr-old woman (seen through iridology)
37:26 ADHD in a 14- yr old with constipation (growing slow)
Dr Robert Morse – Indiana Talk – Part 2
00:00 Fixing the thyroids, adrenals and the pituitary
00:19 Fixing the thyroids, adrenals and the pituitary
00:39 Chronic State of Grandulars (desiccated tissue)
00:56 What are the adrenal glands made of? (bunch of cells & 2 fluids-blood & lymph)
01:15 Lymphatic System (a small painful death diseases) Pulmonary eczema & strokes
04:39 Fast track Alkalizers; Effects of Bicarbonate in the Pancreas
05:14 Lymph is a lipid based; an anti-acid system
05:23 Inflammation (acidosis)
05:45 3 Kinds of Heart burn (1st: true acid reflex)
06:13 3 Kinds of Heart burn (2nd: interstitial lymphatic constipation)/ burning in the inside out
06:34 3 Kinds of Heart burn (3rd: interstitial lymphatic constipation)/ burning in the inside out
07:25 Sulfur (gut; high candida problem)
08:01 Creatinine Level is 0.5 normal (before losing your kidney if not filtering)
11:54 Blood is 7.4 pH
15:35 What is the first sign of having an adrenal problem? (low blood pressure)
19:05 Vaccination (constant seizures)
20:45 Benefit of the Highest Green Nutrition
22:57 What is a cancer or a tumor & their effects?
24:04 Omega 3 to 6 in a diet
25:03 Fructose is a simple sugar like glucose
25:33 Adrenal Problem & sugar metabolism
28:54 Flavonoids (from the fruits)
Q & A 243 Case Review, Relaxing Meditation, Heart
00:00 Detox spot is exciting.
01:59 Detox spot is exciting.
09:47 Relaxing Meditatio and its effect
12:35 Hardcore fasting detox (water fast)
13:01 Before having a 30-day water fast, make sure that your kidneys are filtering
26:57 Blood cell analysis
27:10 Detoxification (Naturopathic experience)
30:25 Liver diseases (Cancer, cirrhosis)
36:20 Good high Enema
38:50 low T3 (adrenal disfunction)
39:05 Pituitary dysfunction can lead to thyroid dysfunction (autonomic nervous system)
39:24 "Pitting" Edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid); full of water
39:35 Why would the body holds the water?
41:41 Pancreatic digestive problem
42:29 What would bloat up tissue? (acidosis through lymphatic system)
45:13 Excessive Sleeping (no energy)
51:19 Sewer System; food allergies
53:53 Detox is the golden key (not the medication)
57:31 Low sodium Diet ; antibiotic
59:39 What glands that control sodium in the body?
01:01:00 Bradycardia-Tachycardia Syndrome
01:04:48 Hypoglycemia (blood sugar down)
01:05:00 Too much protein is acidic; Exacerbation of inflammation
01:12:15 Kidney deficiency
01:13:29 Thyroid gland (with 38 degree celcius)