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Q & A 244
00:00 Lymph System (oil based system); fatty acid
01:04 Lymph System (oil based system); fatty acid
01:20 What side of chemistry does the lymph system has to deal with? ACID
02:50 Constipation remedy (bunch of coconut)
07:02 "11 most destructive nutrition ever told" article
09:20 Why is protein bad for your kidneys? (high phosphorus, push up calcium and magnesium, acidic, ripped the GI Tract)
13:11 Carbs should be the biggest source of calories
13:22 Carbs should be 80% of your diet; source of fuel, nutrition
18:03 Highly acidic diet
20:15 What causes headache, migraine? What happens to the body when the pain comes?
20:59 Thyroid Glands (highly acidic)
21:11 Headache (spasm occurs); types of headache
21:44 Anti-spasmatic/great formula
23:50 National Fruitarian Society
25:39 Balance is always the key!
28:30 Acne remedy (accutane)
37:07 Extreme loss of vision (blindness; eye tissue)
39:51 Cold shower (treatment of hair loss) Fact or not?
40:15 Inflammation (acidosis)
43:53 Flavonoids in contrast to vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
58:14 Protein guaranteed kidney failure
01:00:23 Dialysis (not fixing the kidney, it fails)
01:02:13 Toxemia (a fatal disease)
01:03:35 Creatinine level (kidney test)
01:03:50 Erosive gastritis and heartburn
01:04:13 Lymphatic System (interstitial)
01:06:00 PPI ( proton pump inhibitors) treat acid reflux, but can cause constipation
01:06:18 Stomach Cancer
01:09:20 Lymphomas (cancer); damaging cell is an acid experience
01:23:31 Detoxification of the lymph system
01:29:45 Kidney transplant ( from the same genes)
01:33:10 Ovary problem (irregular menstruation)
01:35:50 Allergy (comes from the poor lymphatic system)
01:44:40 Eczema (skin problem)
01:44:27 Skin (eliminating organ)
02:03:00 Cause of intense stomach pain
02:19:40 Steroid problem
02:34:56 Side effects of Milk (gall bladder problem, and more)
Q & A 224 Uterine Fibroids, Fibromyalgia, Candida, Tumor, Amines
00:00 Uterine Fibroids (What side of chemistry do you think that causes Uterine Fibroids?)
12:58 Uterine Fibroids (What side of chemistry do you think that causes Uterine Fibroids?)
17:53 Birth Control Pill (the more milk you drink ; the heavier the lymphatic congestion of the body)
20:05 Endometrial ablation (the procedure of getting rid of Uterine fibroid and other dysfunctional uterine)
20:29 Detoxification (is a process of hydration, cell rejuvenation, cellular genetic membrane)
22:34 2 Things to deal with detoxification (Scar tissue & further acidosis)
25:07 very low tolerance to foods that are high in (amines) & has Fibromyalgia. Is there a way to detox successfully and overc
25:42 Fibromyalgia (systemic acidosis); lymph draining from the kidney
26:34 Intracellular Acidosis (a typical cancer level start to develop)
30:17 Homeostasis (balance of magnetic)
36:28 Blood dominates the base side & the lymph in the acid side
46:46 Hypoglycemia (blood sugar down)
50:13 Fermentation produces Fungus
01:00:53 Fever (what is its value according to Dr. Morse)
01:01:13 Skin as the largest eliminator (the 3rd Kidney)
01:13:01 Reasons why losing the smell?
01:24:34 Chemotherapy
01:40:54 Difference between Vitamin D vs Cod Liver Oil
01:43:41 Diabetic Coma (genetic); coffee addiction and its effect
01:59:18 Regenerate the body (through Raw Food Diet)
02:06:10 Effects of Chlorine & Fluoride in the body
02:06:45 Ascorbic Acid repairs nuclear radiation
02:07:04 Flavonoids (from the fruits)
02:07:53 anionic (acidic) ,which fluids tend to dehydrate, thickened & hard vs cationic (alkaline), which has aggressive hydrati
02:11:50 IV Therapy (Chemo, from Artery)
02:14:07 What does the body do to find an acid? (Vascular Walls)
Q & A 232
00:00 Focus of the field (Important to increase the wellness)
02:28 Focus of the field (Important to increase the wellness)
04:24 Cells of the teeth are genetics
06:14 Detoxification is the golden key(base balance/alkaline balance)
06:50 Base balance or alkaline balance can only do through food
07:14 Teeth/Bones are pathways of elimination(Calcium Busters)
07:36 Two Factors of life (Eating & Elimination); swelling
08:56 Three Anti-inflammatory acids to defend (Cholesterol/Calcium/Water-Edema)
10:34 Baking soda are some of the things that used to clean wash mouth out.
11:50 The best thing to clean the mouth and body is using dark grapes
19:30 Major fungus problem(low sugar metabolism,sulfur)
20:13 Too much fungus (just like having an alzheimer )
20:42 Cleaning the Lymph System to get the adrenals up, improve metabolism and get the kidney functioning
21:02 Clean and Filtering (to have a complete parasitic kill)
21:26 Raw Foods would not clean the fungus; Herpes simplex is viral
23:42 Hyper Acidic will bring out the herpes simplex virus
25:38 Anything acidic brings out tissue (some like green pineapple)
29:53 Detoxifing is the way to eliminate the viruses.
31:28 Detoxication is the golden key to get (mucus,virus,fungus)
40:05 Duality in the mind (beauty,intellect,academic side and ego)
50:16 Cystic acne (has a down Kidney,Adrenal Glands); Skin is the 3rd Kidney
52:12 Lymph is the system that deals with acids
59:18 Hypoglycemia is the fasting blood sugar below 70
01:05:45 By enhancing the adrenal glands will enhance the cortisone
01:14:45 Radiation causes cancer
01:20:33 Autonomic Nervous System Sides(Sympathetic & Parasympathetic )
01:23:11 Detoxication process is the regenation process
01:24:41 Paratyroid Gland controls calcium mutilation
01:25:12 Fruits and Berries are neurological, brain foods,and renal foods
01:26:35 Neurological system controls moving activity of everything
01:31:51 Tree of knowlegde is (the mind)
01:34:04 Cold compress is alkaline (alkaline cools down heat which is acid)
01:34:27 Acids produces heat
01:40:20 Progress is low when lymph is not filtered
01:41:27 Rebuilding cells (Proper pH,right foods,right chemistry and energetics )
Q & A 245 Birthday Wishes, Lost Memories, Congestive Heart Failure
00:00 Birthday Wish of Dr. Morse: All will be healthy
00:59 Birthday Wish of Dr. Morse: All will be healthy
02:43 Divine love: is really consciousness, expresses itself, as love for all life
03:24 Mutation of tissue begins to happen due to acids
03:40 Showing detox of what really is.
04:45 Nerve regeneration & pain
05:52 Detoxification (pulling acids out in the body)
06:17 Lymphatic System (where lipids and fatty acids are absorbed)
06:50 3 pH acid (painful acid); uric type acid
09:14 Cholesterol (affecting the blood flow); through iridology
10:35 Facts about lymph stagnation
12:51 Eye review: What is the health indication of the violet hue around the eyes?; losing the blood flow
14:14 Parathyroid (detox fungus)
14:48 2 things that affect your depression syndrome
15:25 Psychiatric medication (post-partum syndrome, and more)
17:40 Regenerating the human brain; Memories are kept in the brain (mind vs brain)
18:47 Brain regenerates neurons (with 76M neurons)
20:33 Distilled water (elemental, free radical); rapid amino acid around minerals
22:31 Blood 7.4 pH (normal)
23:21 Acidic (mineralized water would be great); energized fruit water (hydrating based water)
25:20 Congestive Heart Failure (What system is this individual having a hard time with? Lymph System)
25:53 Pulmonary Edema; swelling & Hypotrophy (tissue enlargement); acidic
28:03 Congestive Heart Failure (high lymph, swelling); cuts the nerve flow
30:56 Chronic level of Toxemia (acute)
Q & A 225 Colon, Snoring, Asthma, Fibroids, Colicky Babies
00:00 Effects after ingesting the herbs and tinctures orally but also taking the tinctures rectally through a syringe, the pro
01:07 Effects after ingesting the herbs and tinctures orally but also taking the tinctures rectally through a syringe, the pro
01:59 Sigmoid portion of the colon (peLvic colon), absorption is minimal
03:06 Rectal Tumors (type of cancer)
08:29 Herbivores (animal anatomically and physiologically adapted to eating plant material; grass-eater)
11:25 Systemic Acidosis (Chronic IBS); hydration in the lung interstitial (mucus)
17:40 GI Tract Cancer (urinary tract, kidneys & deterioration of the bladder)
18:14 Atkins Diet (around eating protein) / Remember: "The body cannot use protein in a diet"
23:16 Stomach Imbalance and its cause
27:33 REGENERATION of Tissues
31:27 Questions about snoring, colicky babies and water.
35:20 Alkaline Water Ionizers
44:18 What to do to a baby crying to pacify, based on the food they feed?
45:54 Raw Food Diet (Diet eating meats and greens)
46:19 How long should baby be breastfed?
50:13 Asthma patient (eliminate the dairy product in a diet); good effect
58:35 Pituitary Grandular (Thyroid Grandular)
01:10:08 Hypoglycemia (unstabilized sugar)
01:18:01 Areas of weakness and lymph stagnation) are low thyroid (Hashimotos), adrenal fatigue, polychondritis (nose, ears, joint
01:23:23 Pituitary Tumor (elimination of waste in the cell)
01:34:36 Large Tumors/ Fibroids (should be removed)
01:37:07 Menopausal Period (bad effect due to Chinese Herbs)
01:41:45 Juice Fasting (Stomach Ache)
Q & A 233 Teeth, Stomach Pain, Prolapsed Bowels
00:00 Lymph system that breaks the teeth and jaw,receding gums
08:16 Lymph system that breaks the teeth and jaw,receding gums
08:28 Acidic mouth loses calcium out of the teeth
09:12 Proteins brings in bicarbonates to cool off
10:12 God made fruits self-cleansing
10:33 Berries are good for all endocrine glands
17:26 By taking steroids, you wrecked the adrenals
23:00 Acids destroy cells; Adrenal sets on the top of the kidney
25:42 Chemical Imbalance involving in abnormity hemoglobin synthesis
32:40 Hyper stimulation tissue can create excessive production of a constituent
33:05 Any acidosis can create not just hypo and breakdown, it also can create hyper sensitivity
35:01 Adrenal produces 24-25 steroids that involves in mineral utilization
51:47 Detox is so exciting!
55:27 Breads are very constipating even whole grains; inflammation in the bowels
56:15 Radiation is a good example of what it does to tissue, it hardens the body
56:44 Connective Tissue outside the acidosis; pulls out of tissue may affect the parathyroid glands
01:01:43 Actual cleansing and renewal of a human body
01:02:28 Hyperstimulation of a tissue can create excessive production of a constituent
01:05:01 Hyperstimulated area of the body (acidosis)
01:06:10 Sugarcane alcohol (sweetened alcohol)
01:21:04 Detox and regeneration (short term; endocrine)
01:24:57 Why does cooked bread speeds up digestion?
01:37:13 What does acid do, radiation does, chemo does? Shockers!
01:38:02 Treatment Based System; hydration interstitially
Q & A 226 Toxins, Digestion, GI Health, Kidney Regeneration
00:00 Raw Vegan Diet (done water fasting with correct refeeding)and ended up worse off in that went from having adrenal fatigu
01:30 Raw Vegan Diet (done water fasting with correct refeeding)and ended up worse off in that went from having adrenal fatigu
11:32 How exactly does protein (or amino acids) affect the kidneys? And how much protein in grams would you consider to be too
13:27 Dead Tissue (Dying Cells in stagnant blood)
15:10 Endocrine Glands (different levels of absorption, utilization, and digestion)
16:30 What are your thoughts on leaky gut?
19:27 If fruits are harvested when they are not ripe, do they become acidic?
19:56 Can you get eye damage from sun exposure ? Yes!
21:35 Would sleeping at night with my window open, allowing the room to become very cold, cause my body to undergo a detox? Is
22:57 If I eat only fruits and take vegan PEA protein powder, and lymph cleansing herbs, would I be able to clean the lymph a
23:25 Do you think that the vegetable PEA would not allow it to happen?
23:39 Amino Acids ingestion (increasing acids)
25:06 Why fruits go through me so quickly? (hard to digest); energetic source
41:06 Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation (Malabsorption of the Lymph System)
42:19 "Be careful not to be impacted with the Psyllium"
43:50 Beauty of eating fruits and vegetables
44:53 Difference between Bentonite & Chracoal (absorbers of Toxins)
54:58 Top 6 kidney Herbs for regeneration: couch grass, corn silk, gravel root, magnesium, B6, calcium oxalate
Q & A 234 Keeping Up with The Diet and Case Study
00:00 Nanocolloidal (extremely low microns; beyond electromicroscope)
02:23 Nanocolloidal (extremely low microns; beyond electromicroscope)
03:43 chelation therapy / blood works ( The body doesn’t absorb fundamentals easily)
12:41 Fungus are craver for men and foods (cheese,breads, grains,pastas)
17:36 Eggs are extremely constipating (raw none filter egg for muscle builder)
19:37 High vibrational frequency diet; (whites are not good like bread and baked potato)
25:37 Dairy products are the most congestive to the upper respiratory (sinus, throat)
29:30 The more acidic you get, the more dehydrated you get, the more endemic you will get
30:08 The three methods that the body uses to protect itself from acidosis(cholestra,calcium,edema)
30:29 Not the blood that get endemic in alkaline mix particularly between 7-9 ph,this is not alkalosis, this is extreme acido
32:40 Potential isolate of radiation is dangerous
33:08 The lymph system flows to the wall of stomach,intestines,liver,heart,brain because they are made of cells
37:34 Lymphoma; Acids suppressed everything
44:28 When glands are down (have proper measurement)
48:58 Polarization of food
47:21 "We must learn to eat to live and not to live to eat"
54:08 Kidney diuretics & its functions
01:03:28 Kidney Diuretic is moving ,when the edema is moving around; moves up and down is a good side
01:04:14 Breathing; check your blood vessels; edema can fill your lungs up
Q & A 227 Cardiac Neurosis, Mucus, Carey Reams, Stress
00:00 What herbs can heal Cardiac Neurosis?
05:03 What herbs can heal Cardiac Neurosis?
07:24 Central Nervous System: hard drive & autonomic nervous system(parasympathetic & sympathetic)
08:00 What glands control the autonomic nervous system? And responsible for emotional issues? (adrenal glands on top of the ki
09:07 Highy Inflammed Stomach; Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation
16:02 Bronchitis & Pneumonia
17:56 What happens if kidneys are not filtering?
22:10 Carey reams includes blood & hair analysis
24:00 Law of Homeostasis (Ionization)
37:06 Life-long Chronic Asthma & Eczema (daily albuterol inhalers and used steroids cream daily)
41:50 Raw Food Diet / High-fruit Diet /Detox in Adrenal Glands
47:10 Dehydrated Organic Foods
51:17 Depression & Anxiety (deals with Parathyroid)
53:07 Detoxification (clean out stress)
58:05 Adrenal Parathyroidism
Q & A 235 Organic Sulfur, Kefir water, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
00:00 Mind has no self awareness,mind doesn’t have consciousness
00:56 Mind has no self awareness,mind doesn’t have consciousness
02:11 The minds is totally separate instrument than you.
02:27 The emotional buddy is separate again(power house of thought)
09:09 Cancer is just a word for damage cells
16:36 Thought block intuitiveness
33:06 Parathyroid weakness (low calcium)
37:35 Acidosis destroys nerves, tissues everything else