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Stomach & Bowel Formulas
00:00 Alcohol destroys the herbs
00:58 Alcohol destroys the herbs
02:22 Stomach Imbalance formula
02:53 Colonoscopy &endoscopy done by Dr. Jensen
06:18 Mucus forming food (chemical byproducts get locked on the bowel wall particularly proteins)
06:29 Study on colon cancer (linked entirely to the cinsumption of meats are pro high protein diet)
08:15 Peristalsis (contraction and relaxation of the muscles); hydrating interstitially
09:48 Structures of atoms and magnetics and chemistry
12:58 #2 formula: Cascara Sagrada Extract
13:22 Importance of restoring GI Tract
14:28 Toxic (chemical killing people)
15:43 #3 formula: Start restoring good adrenal functions & peristalsis
16:05 Understand the beauty of HERBS
19:49 What a bad diet does; and what do herbs do in cleaning black bowel wall
21:38 Herbs as natural healers
27:16 Bad effects of pharmaceuticals
27:32 Solidified consciousness (constipation)
Q & A 239
00:00 Carbon is the gasoline to your body
01:52 Carbon is the gasoline to your body
02:55 "All protein diet left him free diabetic"
06:01 Filtration; Remember: All tissues have a lymph system
08:47 High protein eating female would not be good for milk (baby)
12:05 Lymph nodes (holding acids means having lymph problem)
12:58 The thyroid controls the heart rate
13:57 Acid have stimulating effect of the body
16:08 As you suppress the function of testis, prostate, adrenals all your stats go down (hyperactivity)
20:07 Red is strong , aggressive,and can situate pain (watermelon & peaches); heavy duty interstitial cleaners of the urinary
34:00 Most of the processes of the organs and glands are designed to feed/clean the cells that comprise the human body to cont
43:48 Eye colors are indicative of levels of weaknesses; level of toximia (the acute stage)
44:56 Deep level of Toxemia (with blue and brown eyes)
45:41 You can get tumor from accute prob chemo.
45:58 Unhealthy people always reflected in their eyes
48:12 Aneurysm (brain damage)
48:34 Massage therapy (no relation with kidney filtration)
54:25 What grows on stagnation? (fungus)
01:01:04 Urinary Tract Weaknesses
01:07:06 Black stool associated with the liver
01:09:41 Systemic Acidosis (high inflammation)
01:12:17 Sclerology ( is the scientific study of the sclera lines, or the red lines in the whites of your eyes)
01:15:53 Water Fast (cleaning deeper); kidney filtering
01:40:21 Accumulation of Chemistry (magnetic affiliation)
01:43:20 The more you wait, the more deterioration in your body
01:48:00 Alkalosis (too much alkaline)
01:52:54 What type of chemistry above cellular waste?
01:55:26 How do you feed your mind on consciousness?
01:55:44 What is the relation between the body and the mind?
02:06:58 Do you think, do we need sex for our pleasure?
02:12:15 What do you think about dreaming?
02:22:08 Systolic (adrenal glands)
02:22:35 Relation of sympathetic and parasympathetic
02:24:26 Autonomic Nervous System
02:24:40 Cortisol vs Neurotransmitters
02:25:21 How do you get full of mucus?
02:28:14 Cortisol (blood sugar controlling)
02:29:06 Nitrogen can create acidosis
02:34:06 What herb tonic to start with? ( blocked lymph nodes)
02:36:54 Pituitary adenoma (Tumor)
02:37:57 Pituitary controls the thyroid
02:42:49 Salivary glands (problem & treatment)
02:43:14 Tonsil Stones (Lymph nodes)
02:52:58 Mood swings (depression)
02:54:52 High cholesterol (adrenals are down)
02:58:30 Parathyroid problem (heavy weight lifters can blown rectums)
02:59:18 High blood Pressure (correlated to kidneys and adrenals)
02:59:31 Cold hands and feet (due to thyroid problem)
03:01:12 PNR (Point of no return); Extreme dehydration and acidosis
03:01:25 Pain in the joints (cause of acidosis)
03:02:24 What is the cause of congestion after stop smoking?
03:13:04 Lung cancer (a lot of cough it out)
03:34:17 What is the cause of the orange-peel texture in the skin?
03:36:27 Skin is made up of cells
03:36:40 Chronic Sinus Infection
03:37:08 Lymph System backed up can cause dandruff due to acids
03:38:05 Malabsorption, Interstitial lymphatic constipation (appendix rapture)
03:38:27 Acne as a back up lymph system; not a disease
03:41:57 Eliminating organ with a fruit diet (to get the body detoxified)
Q & A 201
00:00 eliminating through the skin following detoxification/consumption and elimination
03:03 eliminating through the skin following detoxification/consumption and elimination
06:00 why we get mucus
07:10 what’s the perfect diet to live on? (meat, beans)
09:50 “we need to raise the consciousness of the constipated”
10:44 grains, beans, sweet potato
11:44 can you raise children on fruits and vegetables? (kids)
13:21 vitamin B12 (brief)/seaweed/”life isn’t all about nutrition”
14:26 a case #130: hypothyroidism, sinus issues, wakes during the night, fatigue, bowel movement once a day, low platelet cou
21:58 low iron levels (parsley, dandelion greens, spinach, yellow dock root, burdock root, Oregon grape root
23:18 changing our viewpoint on health
25:40 ObamaCare
27:11 severe head pain during sex or climax
32:55 coping with a partner that is on a cooked food diet (spiritual insights)
36:07 does cooking food improve its nutritional value? (energy, angstroms)
39:07 “get away from the desires of materiality; always wanting things. These are [just] things, they come and they go - and
39:44 very itchy skin (itchiness)/15 lumps around the body, dry flakey skin (staphylococcus infection)/mild depression
46:06 chronic bad breath (halitosis)
48:10 going blind in both eyes and type 2 diabetes
51:04 alopecia (also view from 52:55)
55:30 yellow fever vaccination
57:57 “malaria and all things are real [BUT] in a TOXIC environment” (culturing medium)
59:17 recommended toothpaste
01:01:16 the self-assessment health questionnaire
01:03:25 anxiety
01:04:32 low systolic and diastolic blood pressure (88/40)/depression (brief)/migraines
01:07:03 spinal weakness or mild scoliosis
01:10:08 detoxification is a process/titrating off of antipsychotic medications
01:14:42 don’t assign labels to yourself (disease conditions)
01:19:47 babaesia and bartonella (parasites)
01:21:24 Dr. Morse’s opinion on Omega-3 fatty acid (liver and gallbladder, fish oil, primrose oil, flax seed oil)
01:23:20 digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination
01:25:25 fixing the four processes necessary for health and vitality, before considering nutritional deficiency (deficiencies)
Q & A 202
00:00 opening a detox center (naturopathy, meat-eating)
01:34 opening a detox center (naturopathy, meat-eating)
04:11 cravings and eating smaller meals more often/starches, fungi (complex carbohydrates)
06:16 liver flushes, coffee enemas/”the liver isn’t a detoxifying organ, it’s a chemical manufacturing plant”
06:40 discussion on nutrition/isolates
10:29 2-year-old with grapefruit sized cyst in bile duct (tumors) (kids, children)
15:05 what are the roles of the liver and spleen in detoxification? (biological transmutations)
21:37 “get away from modern physiology thinking and add this higher understanding of the kidneys in place”
22:13 ”every hole you have, can become an eliminative waste channel”
25:31 “let’s a revolution against this whole concept of disease”/“this concept of disease is illusionary”
27:00 inflamed gums
29:44 “if I’m doing something that’s hurting somebody, please [will] someone make me aware of that because I don’t want the l
30:52 what suppresses cellular functioning?
32:31 Osgood-schlatter disease, fragile toenails, losing hair, pericarditis, heart murmur, cold extremities, eye floaters
38:14 not seeing changes after 5 months on grapes
57:28 genetically modified organisms (GMO labelling)
01:07:10 cholesterol ring in eyes and brain fog (iridology)
01:13:18 iodine/”isolates are not the real key”
01:20:17 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis/keep things simple (simplicity)
01:23:20 the four processes necessary for health (digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination) (#5)
01:24:22 isolates vs. whole food complex
01:26:48 career paths (naturopathy, herbology, Obamacare)/keep it simple
01:32:17 can water fasting remove heavy metals?
01:33:58 baking soda as replacement for shampoo
01:35:45 stage 2 colon cancer, goiters
Q & A 203
00:00 yellow blobs in semen (sperm)
01:17 yellow blobs in semen (sperm)
02:57 acupuncture/”whenever you have ‘dis-ease’ or you have pain, there is always obstruction in the course of the flow of ene
06:08 how does one know when you’re completely detoxed? (healed, finished) (also view from 7:57)
06:23 what type of cooked food does Dr. Morse eat? (diet)
11:24 4-year-old with body misalignment
14:20 growing pains
15:32 “never say never, and don’t stop”
16:50 can we survive indefinitely on grass juice?/”the body doesn’t burn protein for energy”
19:55 karma
23:44 are greens mandatory for building tissue, after detoxification? (vegetables)
24:28 alopecia (hair loss, balding)
26:50 rate of healing on different diets (Arnold Ehret’s bloodletting experiment)
28:57 hormonal acne, no appetite, hair loss
32:12 isn’t grain alcohol bad for the bad?
36:41 interstitial cystitis
40:12 antibiotics/“bacteria helps to break these acids down; they don’t cause it”
41:28 exercise when not filtering/dark and cloudy urine
44:35 “it isn’t a theory, it’s obvious” (theories, the mind)
47:44 naturopathic doctors recommending lots of supplements (supplementation)/isolates (iodine), colloidal silver
59:12 “if you worry about poor quality foods, then use superfood blends” (top soil)
01:02:13 “we can’t get to WellVille with the concept of deficiency [or] with the concept of treatment”
01:08:33 feeling outside of oneself (balancing out)
01:12:32 how much fruit would an adult of small stature need to eat?/spirituality
01:14:14 “it’s a lot more fun to move by thought than it is to move the physical body around”
01:14:47 general advice to a 19-year-old with potential neurological weaknesses
01:20:30 “keep it simple, [be]cause complexity is the mind [and] the mind will lose you into the world of illusion”
01:20:45 “health is what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel - but also - more of what you a
01:21:04 distilled water (Kangen water, pH)
01:23:03 it is nonsense to say that humans should not eat animals/meat
01:26:36 ADHD, allergies, vaccines, ear infections (neurotoxins, ear candling)
01:36:35 “stay strong, stay ego-free, stay loving, stay Godly and go and heal up the world”
01:36:49 “there’s always going to be the ‘woo-woos’ out there, [so] stay
Q & A 204
00:00 “no one person has all the answers, but if you looked at nature as your barometer, and asked yourself how nature does th
00:43 “no one person has all the answers, but if you looked at nature as your barometer, and asked yourself how nature does th
05:56 dialysis/blood pressure (systolic, cardiac punch, diastolic)/swinging blood pressure (brief)
08:05 avoid moving lymph too aggressively if not filtering through kidneys/”tumors are holding pockets; they’re storage bins f
08:40 biopsies (biopsy) (not recommended)
09:37 “in the end analysis karma is karma, and no money on the planet is worth it”/”losing one’s freedom is not worth any mone
12:26 “we teach each other by experience”
13:06 breast cancer
14:56 “a balanced individual is a great healer”
16:24 “all high blood pressure cases are low blood pressure cases”
17:58 a case #131: fatigue, cold extremities, foggy memory, acne, bad body odor, , wrinkles under eyes, dizziness, insomnia
25:20 top 5 male enhancement herbs (damiana, yohimbi, ginseng, fo-ti)/Gland Tonic, Circulation Lower, Male Reproductive/buglew
30:45 overdose of poke root herb/peruvian bark (Jesuit’s bark)
34:07 “lymphatic herbs are the strongest herbs of nature”
34:24 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and fatal events (herbs, pharmaceutical medications)
36:00 learn about herbs
38:46 internal bleeding (hemorrhoids)/restoring health of the bowels (gastrointestinal endoscopy, colon hydrotherapy)
45:55 starting out slowly with the herbal protocol (Shania Twain)
48:54 really low blood pressure
50:24 “if a 100-year-old man can go on raw and do herbs, so can every other 100-year old men; it’s all about attitude”
51:26 detoxification is your time to relax
52:57 bone loss (calcium)
55:20 high blood pressure (diastolic)
01:03:22 moles and liver spots (brief)
01:04:58 using Heal-All Tea to heal gums
01:06:31 are you still a vegan if you eat honey?
01:08:00 candida albicans (cravings, starches)
01:10:37 black salve and the body using a newly created hole as a drainage port
01:21:25 salt baths (salt water)/bentonite clay
01:22:37 cholesterol ring (iridology)
01:24:32 20-year-old female with thyroid nodules (cancer)
Q & A 205
00:00 “you breathe it, you eat it”
02:58 “you breathe it, you eat it”
04:37 Tiger’s case (3-year-old with malignant tumor, malignant neoplasms) (also view from 5:58) (kids, children)
05:15 excess education (theories, the mind) (brief)
12:25 keep it simple/the state of aloneness (cancer)
15:34 psychosis (endocrine glands)/”your physical brain is only a channel for the mind to get to this world” (spiritual insigh
23:16 balancing out from extreme states of consciousness (grounding oneself)
27:15 adrenal glands/”your weaknesses are sometimes your spirituality”/”you’re either intellectual or you’re emotional”
29:20 “become the observer of life instead of the thinker”
31:44 working your way through psychosis (flower essences)
34:35 broken rotator cuff, acne
39:13 topical treatments for acne, scar and stretch marks (brief)
Q & A 206
00:00 actualities in clinical observation
01:17 actualities in clinical observation
02:42 lack of enzymes in produce/digestive enzymes (PuraDyme, Lou Corona)/can genetic weaknesses be changed?
12:18 possibility of cerebral palsy caused by 1966 polio vaccine
15:47 should you stop the kidney and lymphatic formulas if you’re filtering (when should you stop?)
17:07 should you stop taking herbs when you can’t find good quality fruit?
18:30 Dr. Morse’s opinion on grounding (barefoot walking)/be in the now (learn to stop thinking)
23:08 cataracts (cholesterol, strokes, heart attacks)
26:52 difference between digestive enzymes and glandulars (how glandulars work)
32:27 precautions for dealing with a sensitive stomach
36:12 10-year-old with intestinal bowel problems
40:32 27-year-old female born crossed eyes (strabismus)
44:51 gas and bloating
47:43 amalgam fillings (mercury) (tooth, teeth, dental)
50:20 is it possible to grow a 3rd set of teeth? (tooth, teeth, dental)
51:56 how powerful are pomegranates for detoxification?
53:08 niemann-pick disease (enlarged spleen)
57:27 what’s the difference between God’s Garden Superfood Blend I and II? (blue-green algae, vitamins, minerals)
01:00:13 bodybuilding on a high fruit diet (athletes, athletics)
01:04:56 the Yale study comparing athletes on various diets (including fruitarians)
01:06:06 Dr. Morse does not recommend digestive enzymes (Dan the Man, Life regnerator)
01:08:47 aneurysm in the center of the brain, headaches
01:12:15 detoxification symptoms post 5-month grape fast (transverse colon pain, swelling after including vegetables into diet)
01:16:34 banana peppers (brief)
01:21:14 fruit and dental problems (tooth, teeth)/”again, it’s not the fruit, it’s the acidosis”/”it’s not the bacteria, it’s not
01:28:00 twitching eyelids, bloating after eating, slow digestion, gas, 6 mercury fillings
01:31:47 38-year-old with gallbladder removed, digestive problems, gluten sensitivity, allergies, fructose malabsorption
01:34:20 “remember, the action of fruit is so much more aggressive; they’re more magnetic; [and] they’re more astringent. People
01:39:37 colds, sinus infections, heavy periods
01:42:06 excruciating sharp pain I shoulder (pinched nerve)
01:49:40 how much should one eat?
01:51:56 ravenous hunger (parasites, compromised stomach)
01:58:43 can you reverse temporomandibular joint dysfunction? (TMJ, T.M.J.)/”9 times out of 10, I always see a parathyroid weakne
01:59:37 sagging skin
02:00:56 Endocrine Glands and hormonal balance (brief)
02:01:33 boosting endocrine gland activity increased elimination through skin
02:02:49 heavy periods following use of Endocrine Gland formula
02:04:00 cold and flus are the best expectorants
02:09:16 “the true healers are those that have walked the walk”/”you can’t be a good healer as [just] an academically educated pe
02:11:08 should we take herbs for the rest of our lives to be healthy?/being in the moment, detachment
02:17:57 multiple sclerosis (MS, M.S., pharmaceutical medications)
02:23:40 a case #132: chronic constipation, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, mood swing, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,
02:37:53 “healers do NOT treat”/”treatment is a nightmare from hell”
Q & A 207
00:00 what iridology is about
00:52 what iridology is about
02:44 fear of fruit (natural immunity)
08:25 depression and anxiety
10:00 the mind is a conditioned instrument
11:10 why isn’t an alkaline chemotherapy made?
13:36 would we be attracted to bitter herbs in nature? (intuition)
16:19 hesitant about taking stronger herbs (e.g. poke root and blood root)
18:27 Dr. Morse’s experience with Peruvian bark (Jesuit’s bark)/hair color
23:04 are herbs toxic?
30:22 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #120 (Olly) (iridology)
36:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #121 (Emma) (iridology)
Q & A 208
00:00 could growth factor in deer antler cause tumors to grow?
01:25 could growth factor in deer antler cause tumors to grow?
04:50 hair loss on a fruit diet (the body gets rid of weaknesses, castor oil packs)
08:28 we must empower ourselves/corruption (Monsanto, GMOs)
10:24 cerebral ataxia
11:34 major stress, brain overload (academics)
13:50 bad oxygenation following 10-day water fast (weak adrenal glands, low neurotransmitters)
15:55 sulfur (sulfuric acid, glucosamine)/what about sulfur in vegetables?
19:48 gene therapy (brief)/stem cell therapy
23:14 mercury toxicity, protein myth
26:37 salivary gland depletion following radiotherapy for throat cancer