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Q & A 205
00:00 “you breathe it, you eat it”
02:58 “you breathe it, you eat it”
04:37 Tiger’s case (3-year-old with malignant tumor, malignant neoplasms) (also view from 5:58) (kids, children)
05:15 excess education (theories, the mind) (brief)
12:25 keep it simple/the state of aloneness (cancer)
15:34 psychosis (endocrine glands)/”your physical brain is only a channel for the mind to get to this world” (spiritual insigh
23:16 balancing out from extreme states of consciousness (grounding oneself)
27:15 adrenal glands/”your weaknesses are sometimes your spirituality”/”you’re either intellectual or you’re emotional”
29:20 “become the observer of life instead of the thinker”
31:44 working your way through psychosis (flower essences)
34:35 broken rotator cuff, acne
39:13 topical treatments for acne, scar and stretch marks (brief)
Q & A 206
00:00 actualities in clinical observation
01:17 actualities in clinical observation
02:42 lack of enzymes in produce/digestive enzymes (PuraDyme, Lou Corona)/can genetic weaknesses be changed?
12:18 possibility of cerebral palsy caused by 1966 polio vaccine
15:47 should you stop the kidney and lymphatic formulas if you’re filtering (when should you stop?)
17:07 should you stop taking herbs when you can’t find good quality fruit?
18:30 Dr. Morse’s opinion on grounding (barefoot walking)/be in the now (learn to stop thinking)
23:08 cataracts (cholesterol, strokes, heart attacks)
26:52 difference between digestive enzymes and glandulars (how glandulars work)
32:27 precautions for dealing with a sensitive stomach
36:12 10-year-old with intestinal bowel problems
40:32 27-year-old female born crossed eyes (strabismus)
44:51 gas and bloating
47:43 amalgam fillings (mercury) (tooth, teeth, dental)
50:20 is it possible to grow a 3rd set of teeth? (tooth, teeth, dental)
51:56 how powerful are pomegranates for detoxification?
53:08 niemann-pick disease (enlarged spleen)
57:27 what’s the difference between God’s Garden Superfood Blend I and II? (blue-green algae, vitamins, minerals)
01:00:13 bodybuilding on a high fruit diet (athletes, athletics)
01:04:56 the Yale study comparing athletes on various diets (including fruitarians)
01:06:06 Dr. Morse does not recommend digestive enzymes (Dan the Man, Life regnerator)
01:08:47 aneurysm in the center of the brain, headaches
01:12:15 detoxification symptoms post 5-month grape fast (transverse colon pain, swelling after including vegetables into diet)
01:16:34 banana peppers (brief)
01:21:14 fruit and dental problems (tooth, teeth)/”again, it’s not the fruit, it’s the acidosis”/”it’s not the bacteria, it’s not
01:28:00 twitching eyelids, bloating after eating, slow digestion, gas, 6 mercury fillings
01:31:47 38-year-old with gallbladder removed, digestive problems, gluten sensitivity, allergies, fructose malabsorption
01:34:20 “remember, the action of fruit is so much more aggressive; they’re more magnetic; [and] they’re more astringent. People
01:39:37 colds, sinus infections, heavy periods
01:42:06 excruciating sharp pain I shoulder (pinched nerve)
01:49:40 how much should one eat?
01:51:56 ravenous hunger (parasites, compromised stomach)
01:58:43 can you reverse temporomandibular joint dysfunction? (TMJ, T.M.J.)/”9 times out of 10, I always see a parathyroid weakne
01:59:37 sagging skin
02:00:56 Endocrine Glands and hormonal balance (brief)
02:01:33 boosting endocrine gland activity increased elimination through skin
02:02:49 heavy periods following use of Endocrine Gland formula
02:04:00 cold and flus are the best expectorants
02:09:16 “the true healers are those that have walked the walk”/”you can’t be a good healer as [just] an academically educated pe
02:11:08 should we take herbs for the rest of our lives to be healthy?/being in the moment, detachment
02:17:57 multiple sclerosis (MS, M.S., pharmaceutical medications)
02:23:40 a case #132: chronic constipation, panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, mood swing, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,
02:37:53 “healers do NOT treat”/”treatment is a nightmare from hell”
Q & A 207
00:00 what iridology is about
00:52 what iridology is about
02:44 fear of fruit (natural immunity)
08:25 depression and anxiety
10:00 the mind is a conditioned instrument
11:10 why isn’t an alkaline chemotherapy made?
13:36 would we be attracted to bitter herbs in nature? (intuition)
16:19 hesitant about taking stronger herbs (e.g. poke root and blood root)
18:27 Dr. Morse’s experience with Peruvian bark (Jesuit’s bark)/hair color
23:04 are herbs toxic?
30:22 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #120 (Olly) (iridology)
36:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #121 (Emma) (iridology)
Q & A 208
00:00 could growth factor in deer antler cause tumors to grow?
01:25 could growth factor in deer antler cause tumors to grow?
04:50 hair loss on a fruit diet (the body gets rid of weaknesses, castor oil packs)
08:28 we must empower ourselves/corruption (Monsanto, GMOs)
10:24 cerebral ataxia
11:34 major stress, brain overload (academics)
13:50 bad oxygenation following 10-day water fast (weak adrenal glands, low neurotransmitters)
15:55 sulfur (sulfuric acid, glucosamine)/what about sulfur in vegetables?
19:48 gene therapy (brief)/stem cell therapy
23:14 mercury toxicity, protein myth
26:37 salivary gland depletion following radiotherapy for throat cancer
Q & A 209
00:00 pesticides linked to smaller babies
01:17 pesticides linked to smaller babies
02:37 bipolar disorder (parathyroid glands, thyroid gland, adrenal glands)
05:53 “when you’re such a physical scientist [that] you can’t grow outside of a physical experience, then you’re understanding
07:26 antidepressants
12:45 Circulation (Upper)
14:21 Fox Mountain Flower Essences, Moonshine Yarrow
15:33 what does moving lymph mean?
17:53 Dr. Morse’s spiritual journeys (spirituality)
22:04 why is it that fruitarianism isn’t sustainable long-term?
30:12 12-year-old with asthma and allergies (allergy, kids, children)/low human growth hormone
35:58 hormonal imbalance/continuing detoxification while feeling weak
40:57 spasms (Neuromuscular/Antispasmodic) (brief)
42:15 lightheadedness/constantly feeling cold
44:37 the efficiency of a focused detoxification program
47:05 Dr. Rubin Jordan’s recovery on organic raw dairy products, etc.
Q & A 210
00:00 mucoid plaque and parasites (rope worms)
02:00 mucoid plaque and parasites (rope worms)
05:13 jars with worms (brief)
06:26 Dimitri’s experience on a water fast
11:04 being in control (discipline, breaking away from the control of the mind)
12:25 bipolar disorder and chemical medications (flower essences)
18:44 Tiger didn’t make it (advanced health problems post medical treatment)
20:20 flatulence (sulfur, gas, putrefaction, fermentation) (also view from 25:37)
24:25 keep things simple for your clients/”every time I have a client in here, I’m telling myself, ‘how more simple can I expl
28:10 acne scars (grape seed oil, adhesions)
32:21 Methylsulfonylmethane supplements (MSM, glucosamine)
34:15 the endocrine glands/essential focus points for healing
37:28 don’t get involved in the diagnosis (spiritual insights)
41:08 conditioning (brain washing)
42:03 “true spirituality is only between you and who you really are”/walking the talk (brief) (spiritual insights)/being in th
46:53 a case #133: short in height, short and light menstrual cycle, visual floating black spot, dark circles under eyes, wrin
Q & A 211
00:00 nutrition/”it isn’t about nutrition coming in which [supposedly] strengthens it, it’s about getting of that which weaken
00:52 nutrition/”it isn’t about nutrition coming in which [supposedly] strengthens it, it’s about getting of that which weaken
11:24 Alzheimer’s and high blood pressure (Norvasc, cerebellum)/prevention of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks
18:15 mammography (thermography)/laetrile, apricot seeds (vitamin B17)
20:40 diseases are an illusion
24:00 coconuts (coconut oil, coconut milk)
29:17 oils
29:37 puss sores (blood clots, cleaning blood)/gallstones, tumor, urinary tract infections (UTI, U.T.I.), weak, low energy
35:41 Cipro
40:42 does the Endocrine Glands formula increase acid steroids? (testosterone, estrogen, ginseng, dong quai)
Q & A 184
00:00 letting go (spiritual insights)
00:34 letting go (spiritual insights)
05:03 corruption/the health club/”disease” and “nutrition”
14:10 pleurisy and celiac disease
15:13 lipomas
16:12 does fruit have too much sugar?
19:12 ulcers
24:53 dental fluorosis (brittle skeletal structure)/receding hairlines
26:52 what is an infection really?
29:27 what fruits and vegetables for building bones?
31:02 anxiety and neural toxins
32:53 dealing with excessive thinness
37:46 lymphatic system formulas
40:10 your job as a healer
Q & A 196
00:00 importance of sunlight (chromotherapy; color therapy)/the mind
01:29 importance of sunlight (chromotherapy; color therapy)/the mind
03:40 karma (spiritual insights)
05:50 acids are important at different levels (sunlight)
09:12 thyroid glandulars
10:00 cellular memory (genetics, genes)
12:04 if you cannot afford organic produce (poverty)
17:34 duality and karma
24:35 Seborrheic Dermatitis
30:26 moringa fruit, manuka honey
31:28 why stones form (oxalates, binding of chemistry, acidic environment)
33:00 alkaline urine pH (brief)
36:02 theories (the germ theory)
37:32 Abilify®
40:55 the Essene Gospel of Peace
42:24 “understand that getting well is a process, it isn’t a pill”
High blood pressure
00:00 issue a change of attitude; release and let go
01:40 issue a change of attitude; release and let go
03:30 discussion on high blood pressure and low blood pressure (nervous systems, solar plexus)/neurotransmitters (dopamine, ac
07:08 “nothing can just sit and be static in creation”/blue-green algae (spirulina, chlorella, nutritional yeast, fungus)
08:07 textbook systolic blood pressure (120, adrenal glands)
09:58 diatolic blood pressure (kidneys, creatinine)
14:34 swinging blood pressure (cerebellum, parasympathetic nervous system)
16:30 biopsies (implanting foreign objects) (brief)
19:17 what to do when you have high blood pressure (brief)