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Q & A 181
00:00 “be careful [of] what people say, and you let[ting] it inside”
00:27 “be careful [of] what people say, and you let[ting] it inside”
02:39 is it possible to heal the physical, mental and emotional bodies through spiritual healing alone? (creation)
05:41 the goals and focus of detoxification/the theory of pathogens
09:35 consciousness flows through all life
11:12 “you must follow the laws for each body on each plane”
13:31 discussion on nerve regeneration
16:41 bioavailability of minerals/getting off of the ground/chelation therapy
21:26 is carob a good substitute for chocolate?
22:43 discussion on acids/outer appearance of “healthy” and “unhealthy” people
26:56 unable to detoxify fast enough on green juices
29:07 a case #122: stroke at age 25, diverticulitis, weight gain, stomach pain, scoliosis, atrial fibrillation, internal blee
42:10 vitiligo
43:10 83-year-old with tumors
45:20 why you want cancer cells in lymph nodes (brief)
52:14 a case #123: peripheral neuropathy, ringing in ears, anxiety
Q & A 193
00:00 cholesterol and type 2 diabetes
02:00 cholesterol and type 2 diabetes
06:34 statins
10:00 appreciation of iridology
14:12 “schools are boxes”
17:14 sulfur powder
18:55 watermelon rinds and seeds/quinine
21:25 minerals (cell salts, chelation)/isolated chemistry (supplements)
23:28 calcium supplements without adequate parathyroid hormone (brief)
25:00 animation of life (iridology)
27:32 narrow focus/getting too body conscious, the mind/”stop thinking, stop talking, and there is nothing you won’t know”
30:26 make the journey the primary focus
33:18 cells have memory
Q & A 182
00:00 the simplicity of how the body works
02:02 the simplicity of how the body works
03:28 lump in breast, cancer of mammary glands (breast cancer)/carrot juice
10:07 how do you show people that everything they’ve been taught is a lie (without offending them)? (educating people)/stand
15:13 “people are an example of what is”
16:05 confusion from the many levels of health
18:20 why does detoxification take years?
24:20 difficulty maintaining an all raw diet
29:35 vitiligo (brief)
31:25 pin-sized red spots on skin (skin tags)
34:31 discussion on kidney physiological effects (brief)
35:56 can leaky heart valves be corrected with herbs and raw food?
38:23 discussing potassium and phosphorous in dialysis (urination)
47:13 discussing candida (fungi, fungus)/complex sugars
50:43 colloidal silver (brief)
54:37 severe acne
01:00:24 detoxifiying without herbs (diet only)
01:02:53 edema
01:05:23 using the tongue as a diagnostic tool (tongue color, fasting)
01:07:43 oil pulling, neti pots, sun gazing
01:09:07 low vitamin D levels (low iron levels, low B12) (brief)
01:09:37 thinning the blood
01:11:17 LDL and atherosclerosis
01:14:47 decline in memory
01:16:12 brain shrinkage (Batten’s disease) #2
01:20:28 a case #124: heavy drinking (brief), vaginal prolapses, acne, rosacea, dry skin, mood swings, anxiety
01:28:02 a case #125: type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, fatigue
01:32:32 77-year-old with kidney failure, knee pain
01:35:20 brain herpes and dry eyes, elevated calcium levels, elevated creatinine, elevated C-reactive protein, dementia
Q & A 194
00:00 thyroid nodule (benign vs. cancerous)
01:39 thyroid nodule (benign vs. cancerous)
09:15 Eat Right For your Blood Type Diet (alkaline, acids, hydration)
12:39 electro sensitivity (electromagnetic hypersensitivity)
19:35 titrating off of synthroid/”it never hurts to come off slowly”
22:55 never be afraid of admitting that you don’t know
25:05 x linked ichthyosis
Q & A 183
00:00 Parkinson’s (neurological problems, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system)
01:24 Parkinson’s (neurological problems, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system)
05:23 statins
07:02 severe dry eyes
07:50 sleep apnea (brief)/psoriasis of neck and face (brief)
08:11 dandruff (brief)
08:42 depression
11:31 why avoid acid category fruits in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, etc.?
14:20 methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) (brief)
16:43 hepatitis B (Hep B, removed gallbladder)/”if your gallbladder is in trouble, your liver is [also] in trouble”
21:00 water retention (brief)/problems urinating properly
23:25 “I hate huge needles. Ew.”
31:56 which capsules are recommended
32:41 kidney stones (brief)
36:00 “there’s higher things than diet”
38:21 prioritize working on yourself
39:35 discussion on post detoxification (reversal and return of diseases, etc.)/always detoxify beyond absence of symptoms
43:54 a case #126: large uterine fibroid (9 centimeters), adrenal fatigue, severe anemia, hair loss, gum problems, heavy blee
46:55 “we’ve gotta get in and get this fear out of people”
56:05 mesothelioma (asbestos)
01:11:47 weak heart (heart palpitations)
Q & A 195
00:00 Homo sapiens and northern climates
04:57 Homo sapiens and northern climates
10:32 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #118 (iridology)
16:14 testosterone gel (steroids)
24:31 “if you live in the world of diseases, you’re trapped in a prison”
25:46 parasites (Paragon)
27:00 nasal polyps and asthma
32:30 James Sloane’s position on glandulars
38:12 natural toothpaste and soap
42:30 “all toothpaste should be alkaline”
44:11 stroke
49:47 high blood pressure
51:00 type 2 diabetes
52:17 depression (brief)
Q & A 184
00:00 letting go (spiritual insights)
00:34 letting go (spiritual insights)
05:03 corruption/the health club/”disease” and “nutrition”
14:10 pleurisy and celiac disease
15:13 lipomas
16:12 does fruit have too much sugar?
19:12 ulcers
24:53 dental fluorosis (brittle skeletal structure)/receding hairlines
26:52 what is an infection really?
29:27 what fruits and vegetables for building bones?
31:02 anxiety and neural toxins
32:53 dealing with excessive thinness
37:46 lymphatic system formulas
40:10 your job as a healer
Q & A 196
00:00 importance of sunlight (chromotherapy; color therapy)/the mind
01:29 importance of sunlight (chromotherapy; color therapy)/the mind
03:40 karma (spiritual insights)
05:50 acids are important at different levels (sunlight)
09:12 thyroid glandulars
10:00 cellular memory (genetics, genes)
12:04 if you cannot afford organic produce (poverty)
17:34 duality and karma
24:35 Seborrheic Dermatitis
30:26 moringa fruit, manuka honey
31:28 why stones form (oxalates, binding of chemistry, acidic environment)
33:00 alkaline urine pH (brief)
36:02 theories (the germ theory)
37:32 Abilify®
40:55 the Essene Gospel of Peace
42:24 “understand that getting well is a process, it isn’t a pill”
Q & A 145
00:00 the problem with believing (belief systems) (brief)
05:24 the problem with believing (belief systems) (brief)
07:00 “it’s time that Allopathy be put in its rightful place, and that’s not in front of the line”/creation, simplicity (brie
08:30 discussing the 4-year-old with tumor behind the eye/the degeneration of man/Ensure
10:39 “we need to come off of this concept of high protein and high fat”
11:26 interstitial cystitis/healing herbs vs. astringent fruits during severe inflammation (tannins)/arthritis (brief)
17:58 weaknesses and karma (brief)/materiality
23:34 seaweed salads (kelp, dulse, nori)
24:10 mucus, congestion
24:55 should nuts be germinated? (brief)
25:46 how should urine look? (sediment, filtering, filtration)
26:48 Bastyr University, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (naturopathic medicine)
27:54 “the average naturopath on this planet can’t cure crap any more than medical doctor can”/being academically smart
30:54 discussion on allergies (allergy, allergic reactions)
32:46 environmental chemicals (brief)
34:41 isolated chemistry (magnesium, bipolar, schizophrenia)
39:38 a case #101: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, pimples (water fasting)
44:14 leukemia (elevated white blood cells vs. low white blood cells, The Gerson Therapy, coffee enemas)
47:56 sunspots (skin spots, skin discoloration)
50:18 people with organ transplants
54:12 the body’s ability to adapt (adaptation)
57:03 skin problem (reptilian-like skin)
01:00:07 dynamic energy/digestion, absorption, utilization (deficiency, deficiencies)
01:02:05 swollen angles
01:03:15 long term effects of Adderall
01:04:48 “I’m sure the primates are looking over to the Homo sapiens going: ‘look at those guys, man, they’re all sick… they can
01:08:19 eating disorders, eroded stomach and esophagus (interstitial lymphatic constipation, the Gi-tract, the three flows of e
01:11:37 briefly discussing gastroparesis
01:25:57 raw vegan getting gallbladder inflammation on diet of nuts/how can a raw vegan have this problem?
01:29:56 a case #102: Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy (MD, M.D.), high blood pressure, anemic (anemia), only one kidney, schizop
01:47:35 chicken skin
01:49:14 deep breathing
01:51:56 hyperthyroidism, connective tissue problems
01:53:34 [post antibiotic use] fever, itching and swollen throat from fruits (Candida, fungus, yeast)
01:56:36 “the problem is that we’ve considered our eating habits a form of play and enjoyment, because everything else sucks”
01:57:57 helicobacter pylori/stomach pain
02:02:44 nutrition and breastfeeding, mother’s milk
Q & A 158
00:00 opinions vs. actuality (brief)/drinking too much water
00:55 opinions vs. actuality (brief)/drinking too much water
03:30 magnesium toxicity (mineral toxicity)
05:43 reality of the medical profession
11:34 the Walgreens commercial (suggesting drugs over whole foods)
15:57 arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, RA, R.A.)
19:47 raw foods testimonial/don’t short sell yourself
21:13 “we create things, but we also ‘uncreate’ things”/observing life
25:30 “as life breaths, it plays music”/”you should always listen to the inner music”
26:49 irregular menstruation
29:38 “a blood test is a fraction of truth”
30:27 sugar metabolism and fermentation
39:46 ear infection/ possible nerve damage from amalgam fillings (mercury)
42:27 “be the knower”/”no matter who you are, you’re an expression of God”
44:36 ketosis during fasting (alcohol tinctures)
45:37 durian fruit
47:38 getting sensitive to various foods/the higher levels/Dr. Morse’s orange mono diet (brief)/more is better concept (brief
51:11 diet for a 4-month old child (children, coconut milk)
53:21 detoxifying horses (eye infection, swelling of hoof, stiffness of hind legs, animals)
55:19 “whenever you see the word ‘infection’, think sewage”
58:02 white stools (liver, gallbladder)
01:02:50 developing a sense of balance
01:05:45 cirrhosis of the liver
01:07:42 the concept of incurable diseases (brief)
01:10:07 “it’s time we learn just how much more we are”
01:13:43 severe gas, ulcerative colitis
01:16:04 sulfur-based enemas
01:20:10 low hydrochloric acid (brief), increasing peristalsis
01:21:36 [too] frequent bowel movements