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Q & A 177
00:00 stabbing victim (the mind)/total security (also view from 33:09)
01:15 stabbing victim (the mind)/total security (also view from 33:09)
07:42 the circulation formulas (Upper Circulation, Lower Circulation)
09:55 Ultimate Immune (deer velvet antler)
11:31 spend time alone (get to know yourself, consciousness)
15:30 mastocytosis
16:14 intracellular acidosis/genetics
24:47 “you can’t expect to be full of energy if you kill what you eat”
28:47 chronic bowels
30:41 the GI Broom
35:08 maintain the foundation of true detoxification (intellectualism)
38:06 low energy while fasting (kidneys and adrenal glands)
39:20 loss of appetite during fasting
43:28 dry fasting (not recommended for the very sick)
44:52 lymphatic drainage massage (kinesiology, neuro-lymphatic points)
48:43 precaution regarding deep tissue work in presence of connective tissue weaknesses
51:30 benefits of only taking the herbs (diabetes) (on a Standard American Diet)
53:20 type 2 diabetes
54:03 new herbal formula: Healthy Glucose
55:39 seasonal belly rash (dogs)/how to work with dogs/small tumor
01:04:00 adjusting protocols for people in cold climates
01:07:40 proteins
01:09:45 gravel root tea
01:12:22 spinal
01:16:00 absorption of fat
Q & A 188
00:00 Individuality of Detoxification continued
02:08 Individuality of Detoxification continued
04:50 discussing quadriplegics/emergency rooms (ER, E.R.)
10:17 extreme hair loss on high fruit diet (hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes)/stop desiring (spiritual insights)
16:38 the 4 ways of consumption/complex foods
23:30 when symptoms disappear but come back (also view from 25:45)
25:11 “your symptoms won’t come back, when you get to WellVille”
33:57 chronic skin problems (steam sauna and lemon essential oil recommendation)
38:04 cold sheet treatments are not advised for people with neurological weakness
42:20 “what YOU are experiencing, so is GOD - so is all of LIFE, because we are all ONE”
42:58 consumption of healthy fats (quantity)/getting your intuitiveness in line
48:59 diet recommendations for athletes (athletics, resistance, obstructions)
Neuro-Lymphatic points & Eye Review
00:00 high fat diets, algaes (chlorella, spirulina, klammath lake)
01:13 high fat diets, algaes (chlorella, spirulina, klammath lake)
05:02 let the buyer beware/there is a process to getting well
08:15 kinesiology
10:08 neuro-lymphatic points
17:00 iridology (autonomic nervous system)
18:31 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #93 (Danielle) (iridology)/the 4 stages of disease (acute, sub-acute, chronic, and d
20:48 the New Zealand iridology chart
22:39 nerve rings (adrenal glands) (iridology)
24:25 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #93 (?) (iridology)
24:47 sclerology
31:20 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #94 (?) (iridology)/leukemia (blood cell count)
40:27 digestive enzymes and probiotics (brief)
41:52 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #95 (Reena) (iridology)
48:05 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #96 (Ben) (iridology)/high blood pressure
51:41 vitamin D
51:58 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #97 (Alana) (iridology)/losing too much weight (excessive thinness, malabsorption)
56:56 enemas and colonics (does Dr. Morse recommend them?)
57:23 cravings (brief)
57:35 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #98 (?) (iridology)
01:03:35 sunglasses
01:06:43 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #99 (?) (iridology)
01:14:38 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #100 (?) (iridology)
01:19:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #101 (?) (iridology)
01:22:43 muscular dystrophy (MD, M.D.) (brief)
01:24:57 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #102 (AllThatJazz) (iridology)
01:27:53 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #103 (Sandor) (iridology)
01:33:20 low basal temperature (thyroid)
01:35:10 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #104 (Leila’s husband) (iridology)
01:40:35 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #105 (?) (iridology)
01:42:37 throat pain
01:46:12 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #106 (Kina) (iridology)
01:51:02 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #107 (Wiktor) (iridology)
01:55:51 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #108 (Eva(?)) (iridology)
Q & A 189
00:00 beets (beetroots)/fruits vs. vegetables (brief)/food quality (brief)
04:00 beets (beetroots)/fruits vs. vegetables (brief)/food quality (brief)
06:08 “keep the simplicity, while enjoying some intellectualism”
08:23 Fox Mountain Flower Essences for astral travelling (Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman, spirituality) (spiritual insights)
13:36 nutrient needs (nutritional deficiencies, alfalfa, kelp, flavonoids)/digestion, absorption, utilization (brief)
19:15 “no matter what you’re diagnosed with, you just realize that detoxification is the key”
20:56 breaking out from eating fruit/impetigo (skin issues)
24:34 adrenal glands and mineralocorticoid steroids (mineral utilization)
26:06 “what happens to those people that get into raw foods first, [is that] they go to the supplement side later because the
27:56 chaste tree berry (pituitary gland)
29:11 drop the concept of nutrition
31:01 fats (fatty acids, individual needs)/”don’t get caught up in nutrition and things, because you’ll be beating a dead hor
35:37 cleaning the skin with alcohol and baking soda (vodka)
41:00 a case #129: anxiety (marijuana)/terrible anxious feeling, sweating, unprovoked fear, hyperventilation, numbness, stiff
45:50 stomach (solar plexus)
50:07 people who have horrible diet and lifestyles but still look good
51:13 cerebral spinal fluid leak (lumbar epidural)
54:05 headaches
55:11 saunas and sweating/steam saunas vs. far infrared saunas
01:02:55 soy beans
01:04:17 healing without a gallbladder/detoxification exposes weaknesses/signs of cleansing (also view from 1:08:05)
01:09:53 interstitial cystitis/irritable bowel syndrome
01:18:06 the path of a healer
01:26:54 abdominal fat
01:27:57 Stomach & Bowels #5 formula
01:30:04 synthroid (TSH, T3, T4)/depression
01:35:32 tumor (pituitary adenoma), elevated prolactin and testosterone
01:38:04 acute, sub-acute, chronic and degenerative (brief)
01:40:00 Devic’s disease/loss of vision
Q & A 178
00:00 Arnold Ehret’s ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System’/dairy (brief)
01:10 Arnold Ehret’s ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System’/dairy (brief)
04:29 parasites (worms)
05:25 cellular wastes/the lymphatic system, interstitial lymphatic constipation
08:47 the skin, basal temperatures
10:10 the priority of kidneys and adrenal glands/organs and endocrine glands
11:27 sensitivity to chemicals, toxins and heavy metals (neurotoxins, excitotoxins)
15:13 the casualties from Allopathic Medicine (FDA, F.D.A., Food and Drug Administration)
16:26 experimental chemotherapy
19:03 surgery (brief)
24:33 antibiotics (bacteria) (brief)/theories vs. actualities
25:54 severe acid reflux
27:48 healing is simple/the mind
32:50 constant fatigue and depression, difficulty sleeping
33:45 “you can’t hurt someone when you’re making them healthy”
37:10 craving bread (brief)
41:53 stage 4 melanoma/”don’t fear the word ‘cancer’”
43:42 cellular constipation
44:52 sugar feeds cancer?
48:22 is sugar acidic? (carbon, nitrogen, proteins)
49:10 American Cancer Society raw food chart 1986 (#7)
52:48 brain shrinkage (Batten’s disease)
58:42 “if you ride with typical thinking, your chances of passing [away] are high”
01:00:14 best herbs for fertility (difficulty conceiving, conception)/anesthesia
01:03:04 [still have] dermatitis and eczema after a year of detoxification
01:06:00 if your symptoms are not going away
01:06:51 a case #120: 84-year-old with asthma (emphysema, COPD, C.O.P.D.), atrial fibrillation, duodenal ulcer, hyperthyroidism
01:10:58 inhalers (Albuterol, asthma))
01:13:15 why is there a lack of focus on the liver?
01:17:09 not feeling good on certain herbal formulas (muscle testing)
01:19:40 albinism (brief)
01:20:52 difficulty sleeping (pineal gland)
01:22:20 when organs and glands swing between hyperactivity and hypoactivity (stimulation)
01:23:42 extreme anxiety (brief)
01:31:10 obsessing over food (body consciousness)
01:35:00 young child picky with diet
01:36:11 79-year-old with Alzheimer’s
01:40:45 food combining (green smoothies, apples)/dietary advice (oils, sprouts)
01:47:10 meat vs. grains, fish vs. eggs, potato vs. corn/spices
01:48:40 is store bought almond milk and coconut milk okay? (aluminum)
01:49:48 Hulda Clark’s program/the zapper
01:51:27 Western A. Price
01:54:53 “the simpler you eat, the better the digestive power”
Q & A 190
00:00 learning should be fun (health should be fun)
01:38 learning should be fun (health should be fun)
03:33 statins
08:09 running stools after meals/antioxidants (brief)
11:56 lecithin
12:52 mineral utilization (zinc, selenium)
15:20 “most naturopaths are very unsuccessful; they [can] make you feel a little better; [but] this isn’t the time to make peo
17:03 why we must change our level of thinking (lost in nutrition)
18:06 message to those taking vitamins and minerals
20:29 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #109 (iridology)
26:15 Hashimoto’s, lupus, mouth sores (herpes)/digging deeper when feeling stuck
38:41 serious message to the Allopathic community (radiation)
42:31 testosterone (steroids, estrogen, external neurotransmitters)
49:52 leaky heart valve and shingles
53:09 losing [too much] weight on raw foods
57:31 discussing how you will put on weight on the same diet (brief)/”the same diet that’s detoxing you, will be same diet tha
58:57 vitamin B12
01:03:03 Nature terminates weaknesses (cycle of birth, life and death)
01:04:38 stepping back and observing/playing without getting lost (spiritual insights)
01:09:06 ignorance of health
01:12:27 is it difficult to reverse vitiligo?
01:15:18 don’t think about how long it takes to heal/”don’t put thought in the mix. That blocks healing”
01:16:48 heavy bleeding, irregular menses, very short
01:18:35 when people don’t experience detoxification symptoms
01:26:18 “you’re never too old to learn”
01:28:19 lymphedema from lymph node removal
Q & A 179
00:00 “people make so much out of so little”
01:33 “people make so much out of so little”
03:07 fused C5-C6
04:30 the importance of a fruit diet if chairbound
07:25 relaxing the bladder (overactive bladder)
10:08 how to dissolve karma (states of consciousness, creation) (spiritual insights)
14:18 “if you want to stop karma; stop thinking, and stop desiring” (stop creating)
16:07 “stop looking outside of yourself for the answers”
16:30 God-absorption
20:18 “nobody can hurt you, unless you allow it”
20:40 Time Magazine article (cancer)/”we’re the reality-checkers”
24:18 cat with aggressive cancerous fibrocacinoma(?)
25:48 intentionally implanted metals during biopsies (breast cancer, tumors)
28:20 “as soon as you care, you’re trapped” (karma)
29:52 vaccines (vaccination)
35:30 maca root for the adrenal glands?
36:10 mild acne (antibiotics)
Q & A 191
00:00 the four stages of disease (acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative) (dairy)
03:27 the four stages of disease (acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative) (dairy)
11:10 spirituality is YOU
12:00 the four processes necessary for health (digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination)
12:58 caveman skin regimen
16:23 cavities (cavity, dental decay, fruits)
24:11 that alone exists (you are always alone) (spiritual insights)
32:25 plantain herb for spider bites (poison)
38:45 x linked ichthyosis
Q & A 153
00:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #68 (Tris) (iridology)
00:55 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #68 (Tris) (iridology)
08:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #69 (Jess) (iridology)
12:10 briefly explaining iridology, Ignatz Von Peczely’s iris chart, Dr. Bernard Jensen’s iris chart, simple iris chart
18:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #70 (?) (iridology)
25:55 observing and correlating (iridology)
27:30 academics and the medical curriculum (brief)
29:05 myasthenia gravis
30:22 “the more you turn on the mind, the more you turn on the ego”/spiritual insights, live in the moment
34:14 bioavailable elements (mumigo fossil deposits, inorganic elements)
37:22 if you can’t handle fruits (work your wait up slowly)/if you don’t like fruits (brief)
38:08 malabsorption (excessive thinness)/”there is no reason to be thin on fruits and vegetables”
40:45 hypercoagulation
42:38 how to tell if endocrine glands have been repaired/tissue always repairs itself
45:31 protocol for lump in breast
48:14 radiation
50:07 getting full spectrum lighting (don’t use sunglasses, sun exposure, sunlight)
53:45 the practitioner’s manual (#2)
57:30 diffusion (homeostasis, balance)
01:00:14 adrenal surges
01:02:45 taking proper iris pictures (eye pictures)
01:05:02 high uric acid levels/diarrhea during juice fasting
01:09:00 iodine and the thyroid/oral application of iodine
01:09:50 cerebral interstitial lymphatic constipation (brief)
01:11:40 can you foresee a healing crisis from the iris?/healing lines (iridology)
01:16:58 Nerium face cream
Health Talk
00:00 how to start with detoxifying with fruits/sourcing fruits
04:33 how to start with detoxifying with fruits/sourcing fruits
10:21 discussing sugars (diabetes)/children and genetics (brief)
15:15 don’t be fearful of feeding babies raw foods (children)/superfoods
25:38 confusion regarding the pathways of lymphatic system/”if you ignore the kidney filtration of the lymph, you’re going to
36:38 differences between pus and mucus/infections (brief)
39:42 foam in stool (Master Cleanse)
41:34 sulfur (orange in the eyes) (iridology)
42:30 douching with the Heal All Tea (also view from
44:56 deep hollow eyes
47:50 fibroids
53:45 foot drop from multiple sclerosis (MS, M.S.)
57:27 breast tumors and biopsies/”the less medical intervention, the better, and the more chances you’re likely to get well”
01:00:23 mammograms (thermography)