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Q & A 306 Hair Loss, Lung Cancer, Ear Infections(Dog) Anxiety
00:00 Q & A 306 Hair Loss, Lung Cancer, Ear Infections(Dog) Anxiety
05:40 Chronic Ear Infections
06:25 Infection (acid sewage)
20:11 Detoxification (herbs)
25:50 Migraine (spasm in the right eye)
33:27 Brain and Nerve
41:52 Neurological Diabetes
44:29 Why would calcium citrate not replace vital calcium to reverse depression from a chemical standpoint?
48:14 How cure these 3 diseases: 1. Thalassemia, 2. Gauchers, 3. Motor Neuron (Lou Gericks)
51:16 Detox Miracle Sourcebook in French
52:10 Diagnosed with inflammation of the stomach (ascending colon)
01:00:20 Digestive Problems (15 month on the raw food diet)
01:04:50 Obesity & Fatigue (thyroid)
01:07:21 What is Asthma?
01:17:22 Treating Leaky Gut, liver condition, genetic adrenals, fatty acids
01:26:55 relation between salt and the kidneys/adrenals.
01:29:57 Cases of schizophrenia can be lack of frolic and green leafy veggies can be helpful
01:32:25 Whats the best way to move the lymph, rebounding?
01:35:30 How to go raw vegan?
01:42:51 Bechets Disease
01:46:51 Hair loss and acne
01:51:55 Lung Cancer Case
Q & A 307 Herpes, Pancreatic Cancer, Baldness, Ovarian Cancer
00:00 Q & A 307 Herpes, Pancreatic Cancer, Baldness, Ovarian Cancer
01:15 60 days juice fast
06:39 Been on a strict fruitarian diet for over 6 months.
17:00 Sugar Metabolism, Neurotransmitter
28:43 Private Parts (are infected, including the rectum)
30:08 Blood & Lymph System (Kidney's and Adrenal glands)
38:40 Water Fasting
49:46 Cure herpes completely 100% (detoxification)
52:34 HIV & Hep C (viral loads)
54:36 Pancreatic Cancer
01:01:14 suffered hemostasis
01:06:24 Acne, frontal hair loss, irregularities in menstrual cycle, abnormal hair growth around navel and around nipples
01:17:52 Goodness of Fruits and Berries diet
01:20:00 Cervical, Viginal Wall, Uterus Issues
01:29:59 pH Balance (usually acidic; is it detoxing overnight?)
01:33:14 How to heal lymphatic system?
01:39:45 Kidney Infection
01:42:15 Complex Sugar (glucose)
01:43:15 High Fruit Vegan Diet
01:47:16 Malabsorption (digestion absorption and utilization)
01:50:03 Amour thyroid
01:52:34 Hormones (thyroids get weaker and weaker)
01:55:00 Chemotherapy
01:56:00 Mucus (thyroid problem)
01:56:47 Death of the Tissue
01:58:15 Hormonal steroid (block the symptoms)
02:03:22 Teeth Problem
02:11:06 Ovarian Cancer
02:24:33 Adrenal glandular to wean off of Hydrocortisone
02:33:57 Cataracts (artery problem)
02:35:28 Adrenal Function (canal)
02:37:14 Synthetic Steroids
02:38:54 Sulfur Compunds
02:40:46 How to take the adrenal grandular?
02:52:19 23-year-old male with baldness
02:57:50 Green Eyes (actually blue); Yellow Eyes (malabsorption)
03:06:01 Fruit and Vege Eating
Q & A 308 Charcot Maria Tooth, Diatoamceous Earth, Leukemia, Eye Reviews.
00:00 Q & A 308 Charcot Maria Tooth, Diatoamceous Earth, Leukemia, Eye Reviews.
08:33 Acetone, Acetate (acid breakdown)
22:52 80th day on the grape fast update
26:12 What to acids do to the tissues of your body?
28:01 THC and MMS
31:54 Acids (remove calcium to the structure)
34:05 Dislocated Shoulders & Bruises
56:10 Kidneys & Adrenal Glands
59:21 Anti-fungal Bacteria
01:06:53 Leukemia (acute limphoblastic type B)
01:13:52 Eye Review, Sharon O
01:16:40 Panic attack
01:17:56 Grandular (kidneys and adrenals)
01:22:02 Anti-inflammatory (alkaline)
01:26:04 Leukemia (an immune system problem)
01:26:18 Spleen (clean itself)
01:31:10 Eye Review (Krysta R., Helen P., Alexandra P.)
01:48:58 How to get rid of Radii Solaris or other toxic lines in the iris?
Q & A 297 Egg Donor, Swelling After a Grape Fast, Tinnitus
00:00 Q & A 297 Egg Donor, Swelling After a Grape Fast, Tinnitus
01:08 Egg Donor (female reproductive formula)
04:50 Electromagnetic Frequency Levels
05:40 Law of Homeostasis
07:49 Endocrine Gland Formula
19:20 Serious Chronic Problem
27:23 Acidosis (cause of swelling;not sodium)
30:33 tinnitus (damaged myelin sheath); create by lymph pressure in the head
Q & A 298 Finger Nails, Fillings, Building Muscle, Organs/Dynamics
00:00 Q & A 298 Finger Nails, Fillings, Building Muscle, Organs/Dynamics
01:07 Psoriasis
09:06 Symptoms of Lymphatic (Sewer System)
14:14 Toxicity (too much heavy metals)
14:56 Relationship of Spleen and Liver
21:14 Acid Neutralization (Breaking up of Tumors)
23:40 How to build muscles?
26:36 Extremely Malabsorption
31:30 Dont organs have their own dynamics structurally and musculary and mechanically on a macro level?
40:30 Steroids (antibiotics)
42:40 Kidney Filtration
Q & A 299 Teeth, Polycystic Syndrome, Anxiety
00:00 Q & A 299 Teeth, Polycystic Syndrome, Anxiety
05:20 Lipids (absorb in the lymphatic system)
05:31 Inflammation (product of protein acidosis)
05:44 Why does the body has inflammation?
06:03 Lymph Nodes Swelling in the Intestine
06:22 Left Kidney has full of Lymph
07:40 Teeth
17:45 Lymphatics, Pancreatic & GI Tract
27:16 Dehydration (acid build up)
28:20 Ovarian Polycystic Syndrome
30:52 Hospital Diagnostic Testing
32:49 Allopathic medicine (homeopaths and proponents of other forms of alternative medicine)
50:13 Muddy (brownish) tint to the sclera of the eyes
54:00 Acids neutralize alkaline; Alkalines neutralizes acids
58:57 Stomach ulcer (seen through an endoscopy)
01:02:06 Incomplete Digestion ( Stomach Belching)
01:06:39 Ulcer (acid burn)
01:15:50 Cerebellar (cause of dizziness)
01:16:20 Inflammation (acidosis)
Q & A 284
01:51 Hydrated Interstitially (around the cells)
07:23 Connective & Skeletal Tissue (teeth)
24:00 Prostate's not filtering (prostatitis)
32:00 Balance Chemistry
32:33 7.6 pH Blood Alkalosis
32:41 Fruits are not stimulants
34:28 Systemic Lymphatic Constipation
35:12 Based Balance Food (anti-hydration)
37:40 Scoliosis (lymph system back up)
42:22 Hyperactive Pituitary Gland
47:10 Superblend foods (high in calcium)
49:26 MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase)
01:06:30 Pictures of Eyes
01:31:20 Stomach Upset and Heartburn
01:34:25 Mucosa (Interstitial Fluid Condition)
01:44:44 Overweight & Menopausal Syndrome
01:45:10 Thyroid and Adrenal Gland weakness
01:49:40 Tachycardia
02:00:40 Herbs are endangered!
02:06:49 Candida Leaky Gut
02:09:02 High Protein Diet (Having a child); High Phosphorus
02:09:18 Post Partum Depression (tissue integrity)
02:16:00 Low Sexual Drive (less erection); Male Reproductive Formula (strengthening the male)
02:20:40 Lymph swelling (low blood circulation)
02:47:00 Hemorrhoids (bleeding in the anus)
02:49:30 Eyes & Parathyroid weakness
02:57:40 Acupuncture (traditional Chinese medicine)
02:59:25 Why not to eat grapes with kidney disease?
Q & A 300 Keratoconus, Methadone, Shattered Tibia and Fibula.
00:00 Q & A 300 Keratoconus, Methadone, Shattered Tibia and Fibula.
04:50 Eye disease (Keratoconus)
05:47 What side of chemistry causes mutation of tissue? (acid)
09:54 Methadone 30 mg (drug addiction detoxification)
10:43 Detoxification (tissue regeneration)
18:05 Shattered Tibia and Fibula
24:30 Dry itchy flaky scalp (hydrotherapy is not enough; need detoxification)
28:22 Bloating and Constipation
33:18 Gut Infection (due to malpractice)
37:12 Fasting and Mono Diet (Starches and Proteins)
43:48 Spirituality (controling your mind more)
51:42 Lymph Nodes (Breast area); Kidney filtration
01:06:00 Japanese Lifespan in Canada (longer due to veggies and fruit diet)
01:11:34 sun gazing to activate the pineal gland? open up the third eye?
01:16:12 Why ocd/anxiety increases when eating bananas?
Q & A 285
00:00 Q & A 285
03:40 Detoxification (constant function in nature)
04:16 Problem with extreme constipation
06:35 No. 1 healing modality is naturopathy (the study of nature)
20:30 Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin)
21:47 Adrenals (control the kidneys, sewer system & lymphatic system)
22:04 What is cancer? (lymphomas)
34:10 Systemic Acidosis (Lupus, Fibromyalgia)
36:03 Acidosis (Inflammation)
36:20 Progesterone (Estrogen Neutralizer)
47:05 Toxemia (blood poisoning by toxins from a local bacterial infection)
50:20 Bacteria (clean the lymph system)
01:00:00 Parathyroid Glands (Connective Tissue Integrity) Calcium, Cholesterol, Edema
01:10:39 Advance Acid Medium (dehydration)