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Q & A 267 Gout, Ovarian Cysts, Ebola, Benzodiazepines, Lung Cancer
29:10 Virus easily detoxifies into the body (ebola)
29:40 Viral is a protein (not a single organism)
22:32 The difference between vegetable & fruit juices is in detoxifying; vegetable juice can't be used in detoxification.
21:40 Dr. Morse never recommend salt water (sodium-potassium balances)
12:50 Soya (Estrogenic Bean)
07:33 Ovarian Cyst & Endometriosis
02:50 Fungus living in the body (because of fungus)
04:15 Non-GMO foods (A non-genetically modified organism) like beans
01:19:10 Herpes Type II
01:15:30 Chronic Thyroid (adrenals & grandulars)
01:04:30 Dopamines used for elimination
01:02:30 Detoxification leads to the resurrection from bringing you down
50:19 Kidney filtration and water intake
37:14 Stage IV Lung Cancer
01:50 Gout & Arthritis (solution: fruit diet)
00:00 Q & A 267 Gout, Ovarian Cysts, Ebola, Benzodiazepines, Lung Cancer
Q & A 268
01:23:17 Hymenectomy (swollen because it's acidic)
49:28 Cardiovascular Disease, lymphoma or diabetes
48:32 Lymphoma Cancer
48:00 Sea Salt (Sodium Chloride); Sulfur
43:08 Granuloma Annulare
42:40 Enhancing autonomic nervouse system (pull EDD and ADHD)
37:36 Protein is excluded if there's a physical pain; proteins are toxic
19:55 Pancreatic Cancer (lymph system)
22:20 Bell's Palsy
17:22 Anything orange will help digestion better
07:04 Calcitonin & parathormone use in utilization and the movement of calcium
06:57 Thyroid produces calcitonin
06:52 Thyroid controls the rate of the metabolism
06:10 Thyroiditis (inflammation, acidosis)
00:26 Fasting is the process of detoxification; regenerate stem cell / tissue
00:00 Q & A 268
01:08:41 Tumor (lymph stagnation)
59:34 Kidney failure (no protein)
01:01:02 Kidneys (adrenals on top)
01:02:42 What are the two sides of chemistry?
01:07:10 "There's no such thing as disease. It's the end product of the causes of the maleducated of the food choices"
Q & A 269
01:25:50 The lymph system is your immune system
01:14:20 Kidney filtration problems; skin asthma medication
01:09:02 Salivary Glands problem (removes some lymph nodes)
55:22 Herpes Cyst II & III
45:23 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a strain
42:07 Blood is always base chemistry
41:30 Why do we lose the function of cells? (trauma, lymph and blood)
39:17 Acid causes spasticity; antispasmodic (anti-inflammatory)
37:30 Thyroiditis (inflammation in the thyroid)
33:50 How to remove toxicity out of the brain
32:41 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP): cell battery energy
32:34 (Carbon and oxygen) are known to be the two energetic drivers of the cell
32:13 What do you think could make tissue stops performing?
32:03 Hypo means under; hypofunctioning tissue
29:50 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
29:13 What is the most effect detox food supplement?
22:50 Carbon is the essential need of oxygen
21:18 Lymphatic system & acidosis ( 2 sides of chemistry)
15:03 Sore metabolism (hypothyroid case); slow oxidizer
10:50 Yellow mucus (acute & sub-acute stage)
07:30 Bad breath problems (comes from the nose)
05:29 Cystitis (interstitial inflammation); interstitial acidosis
00:00 Q & A 269
Q & A 270 Hypersensitive, Lipedema, Diamond Blackfan Anemia
01:26:30 "3rd and 4th degree frost bit on the left foot and ankle"; why the ankles aching? Kidneys!
01:22:00 Inhalers (cancer-causing); antispasmodic
01:19:05 Kidneys, lymphatic system, mucus
01:16:01 Chronic Bronchitis; sub-acid and acids are expectorants
01:08:20 Psoriasis in the testicles (acidosis)
55:35 Fruitarian Diet
54:11 How can I gain weight in a healthy way?
53:50 Bacterial infection (terrain)
45:17 How to eat raw food for a country full of parasites?
40:29 Acidosis (can't heal any diseases)
32:50 Effect of blue green algae in an acid lesion on the pancreas
30:40 Healthy low fat vegan diet (effect for the birth control)
29:49 If inflammation is acidosis then steroid is anti-acid
27:16 Lipid -based system (acid side of chemistry)
26:49 Lymph, nerve, and blood pathways
21:13 Acid side of chemistry (the corrosive side)
06:23 Fibromyalgia (systemic acidosis)
02:00 Tachy-brady syndrome (stimulation)
00:00 Q & A 270 Hypersensitive, Lipedema, Diamond Blackfan Anemia
01:36:40 How do we buffered acid reflex in the stomach? (Calcium)
01:36:25 Deterioration of the connective tissue (acids)
01:36:00 Hernia connective tissue
01:32:50 Where do we get progesterone, to get back to life?
Q & A 271
02:53:20 Images of an eye that serve as a cholesterol ring (prone to heart attack and stroke)
02:45:43 How to repair tissue in an acidic medium?
02:41:45 Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation (intercellular acidosis)
02:40:00 Ulcerative colitis (colon cancer)
02:36:30 Chronic Acne; psoriasis; dermatitis
02:28:28 Glycerin (type of lipid)
02:23:20 Aluminum baking soda (bicarbonate)
02:18:35 Adrenal thyroid & parathyroid glands
02:13:10 Hernia (losing the connective tissue)
02:10:20 Low blood sugar (no protein)
02:03:30 Ovarian Cyst; grandular to pop up the thyroid
01:41:45 2 major fluids in the human body (blood and the lymphatic fluids)
01:35:50 "Cleaning is strengthening"
01:35:05 What is the best & effective way to eliminate Herpes in the body?
01:34:30 What is your fastest healing Candida in the Vaginal Area?
01:31:33 How to heal an Anus Fissure in the wall?
01:28:30 Acids (always breaking things down)
01:24:07 Dementia & Alzheimer's
01:21:20 Too much fungus in the body can lead to depression
01:15:45 Lymph system (where fatty acids are absorbed)
01:14:30 What are high inflammatory markers? (acidosis)
01:13:48 Crohn's extreme interstitial acidosis
58:20 Diastolic Number (60-70)
57:00 Anemia (low adrenal function); how to get the blood levels up? (hypothyroidism)
51:15 Herbs & Fruits (parasitic cleansers)
47:19 Chronic inflammation (parasite in the gut); Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
45:30 Chronic Cystitis
40:30 Hormone Imbalance; (polycystic ovaries/PCOS) Lymphatic drainage problem
35:06 MDR-TB (Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis)
24:15 Cellular sewage & digestive sewage
23:35 Clogged Lymph Nodes (no menstrual cycle, and has a back pain)
22:14 Kill parasite ( deworm yourself either)
21:09 Low energy (problem in the nervous system)
09:00 Appendectomy; appendicitis (acids)
00:00 Q & A 271
Q & A 272 Broken Bones, Burning From Fruit, Bloating, Candida, PCOS
01:08:48 Falling Hair (hypothyroidism)
01:13:50 Prostate Cancer (corticosteroid)
01:07:45 How to balance the hormones?
01:06:24 Do we have a thyroid and parathyroid weaknesses individually?
01:04:53 What is dandruff? What causes it?
01:03:50 Depression is parathyroid weakness, anxiety is pituitary, insulin problem is a hormone
01:03:00 Female reproductive organ (fix the pituitary problem)
01:00:15 Excess Hair Growth & Acne (acidic); bring steroid in balance
57:45 Pimples, Boils, Tumors (get the kidneys filtering)
57:20 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
54:18 Heavy Lymph stagnation (high in acidosis); Edema
48:00 Sodium bicarbonate (luminum-free)
45:15 Nervous system (autonomic)
43:00 Column like symptoms (expectorating symptoms)
38:19 14-week program (checking of the eye through iridology
35:25 Overacidic stomach (even eating fruit can burn stomach)
32:00 Anxiety (adrenal glands); if the adrenals are weak, the kidneys are also week
31:05 Problems with unvaccinated polios; viral loads should be detoxified outside the body
30:42 The problem of the (viral loads is the terrain)
29:30 Toxemia (bringing a lot of toxins)
28:50 Herpes Type II (what formula to recommend?)
23:15 Emotional detox (involves Karma)
03:54 4 types of detox (physical, emotional,mental and ego detox)
00:00 Q & A 272 Broken Bones, Burning From Fruit, Bloating, Candida, PCOS
Q & A 273
02:17:30 Detoxification (loosen the skin at first)
01:57:50 fatty liver (afib) atrial fibrillation
01:55:13 Cell has to eliminate waste
01:21:05 What causes inflammation? (acidosis)
01:46:20 Detox the gut (to avoid malabsorption)
01:17:15 Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)
01:08:58 Green drinks (high-calcium)
01:08:45 Flavonoids (vascular wall integrity)
01:06:56 Thyroid & Parathyroid weaknesses
01:06:35 Brain problems (Herniation & Aneurysm)
01:00:10 Fruits (help the nerve and brains sytem of a developing child)
57:56 What the body does to fight acidosis?
58:12 Calcium, Cholesterol and Edema
54:20 Acidosis (makes the cholesterol packing)
50:16 Nodes on the neck
33:19 Bladder Infection
36:40 Chronic and Adrenal Kindney Problem; Chronic Lymphatic Problems
26:30 Colon Cancer with liver metastasis
00:00 Q & A 273
20:10 Stage IV Lung Cancer
Q & A 274
17:03 Uncontrollable Bladder At Nighttime, Monthly Cycles, Estrogen Dominance
14:30 Arsenic poisoning
00:00 Q & A 274
02:50 Natural Birth Control for Women
09:45 Brain Stem Tumor, Paralysis, Difficulty Swallowing
12:18 What's causing the blockage? What system is the tumor in?
01:07:52 exhaustion neurological weakness)
01:00:20 Salmonella (effects:brain fatigue & congestion)
55:00 Mucus (acid waste)
48:48 Lymphomas (disease from the lymphatic system); acid causes the problem (inflammation)
39:05 How To Get Rid Of Fungus
44:30 Shingles/Herpes, Type 2 Diabetes
29:24 Skin (part of the eliminative organ)
21:46 More cases of heart attack (sleeping on their left side)
26:41 Baldness, Skin Problems/Pigmentation, Abnormal Fungus Growth, Excessive Sweating
Q & A 275
11:20 Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)
04:05 Acute thyroid (extra hormones)
00:00 Q & A 275
01:03:30 Behcet's (beh-CHETS) disease, also called Behcet's syndrome, is a rare disorder that causes inflammation in blood vessels throughout your body.
01:03:15 Individualized Education Program (IEP)
53:23 Hypothyroid (T3)
32:00 Weak immune system (talking to lymphatic system)
27:00 Skin (largest eliminative organ); cellular waste sewage
26:25 Cystic Acne (severe acne)
12:50 Avoid Protein foods (for epilepsy)
02:05:10 Alzheimer's dementia; baldness
01:58:52 Hyperactivity means detoxification
01:50:20 Interstitial Cystitis (acidosis)
01:36:00 Human papillomavirus (HPV), a lymph disorder
01:06:35 Asthma is the first stage of COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
01:08:12 Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation
01:08:36 UTI (right to hurt kidneys)
01:11:18 Inflammation (immune response from acids and proteins)
01:29:09 Antispasmodic (anti-inflammatory)
01:31:30 Uterine prolapse retreat
01:35:00 Postpartum Depression (after giving birth)