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Q & A 273
02:17:30 Detoxification (loosen the skin at first)
01:57:50 fatty liver (afib) atrial fibrillation
01:55:13 Cell has to eliminate waste
01:21:05 What causes inflammation? (acidosis)
01:46:20 Detox the gut (to avoid malabsorption)
01:17:15 Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)
01:08:58 Green drinks (high-calcium)
01:08:45 Flavonoids (vascular wall integrity)
01:06:56 Thyroid & Parathyroid weaknesses
01:06:35 Brain problems (Herniation & Aneurysm)
01:00:10 Fruits (help the nerve and brains sytem of a developing child)
57:56 What the body does to fight acidosis?
58:12 Calcium, Cholesterol and Edema
54:20 Acidosis (makes the cholesterol packing)
50:16 Nodes on the neck
33:19 Bladder Infection
36:40 Chronic and Adrenal Kindney Problem; Chronic Lymphatic Problems
26:30 Colon Cancer with liver metastasis
00:00 Q & A 273
20:10 Stage IV Lung Cancer
Q & A 274
17:03 Uncontrollable Bladder At Nighttime, Monthly Cycles, Estrogen Dominance
14:30 Arsenic poisoning
00:00 Q & A 274
02:50 Natural Birth Control for Women
09:45 Brain Stem Tumor, Paralysis, Difficulty Swallowing
12:18 What's causing the blockage? What system is the tumor in?
01:07:52 exhaustion neurological weakness)
01:00:20 Salmonella (effects:brain fatigue & congestion)
55:00 Mucus (acid waste)
48:48 Lymphomas (disease from the lymphatic system); acid causes the problem (inflammation)
39:05 How To Get Rid Of Fungus
44:30 Shingles/Herpes, Type 2 Diabetes
29:24 Skin (part of the eliminative organ)
21:46 More cases of heart attack (sleeping on their left side)
26:41 Baldness, Skin Problems/Pigmentation, Abnormal Fungus Growth, Excessive Sweating
Q & A 275
11:20 Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)
04:05 Acute thyroid (extra hormones)
00:00 Q & A 275
01:03:30 Behcet's (beh-CHETS) disease, also called Behcet's syndrome, is a rare disorder that causes inflammation in blood vessels throughout your body.
01:03:15 Individualized Education Program (IEP)
53:23 Hypothyroid (T3)
32:00 Weak immune system (talking to lymphatic system)
27:00 Skin (largest eliminative organ); cellular waste sewage
26:25 Cystic Acne (severe acne)
12:50 Avoid Protein foods (for epilepsy)
02:05:10 Alzheimer's dementia; baldness
01:58:52 Hyperactivity means detoxification
01:50:20 Interstitial Cystitis (acidosis)
01:36:00 Human papillomavirus (HPV), a lymph disorder
01:06:35 Asthma is the first stage of COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
01:08:12 Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation
01:08:36 UTI (right to hurt kidneys)
01:11:18 Inflammation (immune response from acids and proteins)
01:29:09 Antispasmodic (anti-inflammatory)
01:31:30 Uterine prolapse retreat
01:35:00 Postpartum Depression (after giving birth)
Q & A 264 Polycystic Kidney Disease, Hemorrhoids, Gallbladder Stones, Fatter Liver, Leaky Gut
13:11 Polyneuropathies (nervous system)
13:51 Digestion takes energy (with fruits, berries and melons)
15:40 Translucent teeth (parathyroids are down & losing of calcium)
17:39 No menstual period for 3 years (pituitary is down)
20:50 Months without bowel movements (malabsorption)
21:22 Lymphatic System (deals with acids)
22:56 Q: Can the body be regerated? Yes!
26:00 "You can't repair tissue properly in an acidic medium."
30:34 Polycystic kidney disease (not filtering kidneys)
31:06 Water fasting (Good for tumor and cyst); aside from fruits, berries, and melons
34:15 Fruits (the best bowel movement ever)
34:58 Hemorrhoids (Red blood in the bowel)
37:20 Fixed Hemorrhoids (weakness in walls)
45:43 Interstitial ( works in gall bladder)
46:10 Overweight (fights the adrenals and kidneys)
46:25 Kidneys controling the lymphatic system
46:33 Skin (being the Third Kidney)
55:08 Fatty Liver; What is Lipids?
59:15 Leaky Gut (Chronic exhaustion; no kidney filtration)
01:07:00 Cause of depression (parathyroid's down)
11:13 Heart Problem (with extreme chest pain, breathlessness, numbness in the left side)
08:44 Exhausted even after the sleep (endocrine glands are down)
07:00 Acidosis (Burning in the head)
04:54 Lymph system uses kidneys as the eliminative organs
01:54 Acidosis (sewer system so backed up)
02:30 Most people died through heart attack, sleeping on their left side
03:30 Severe Neck/Shoulder Pain
03:35 What creates swelling? (Lymphatic problem)
Q & A 265 Brain Injury, Viruses, Laser Hair Removal, Berries, Gallstones, Water
00:00 Q & A 265 Brain Injury, Viruses, Laser Hair Removal, Berries, Gallstones, Water
06:30 High Fat, High Nitrogen
11:06 Valerian Root (Can cause of death?)
15:53 How do you clean the internal terrain of the human body?
16:13 How do you clean a protein? (detoxification through the body itself)
16:27 Homeopathic medicine (helps the toxins out in the body)
18:23 "The treatment of conditions, diseases, and symptomology...."
24:22 Berries are some acid forming, but also an alkaline in the latter
27:12 Flavonoids and alkaloids
29:13 Gall Stones; Protein is the dominant source of the food like beans
31:14 Acidosis is related to all forms of stones
31:30 Calcium (Calcifications or calcium stones)
33:16 High elevated enzymes (gall bladder problem; spasm in the liver)
37:38 Fats are essentials; Amino Acids are body carriers
41:09 High acidosis (body's breaking down)
46:20 Thyroid grandular (thyroids cells)
48:47 Blood pH is 7.4
50:00 Allopathic (alkalosis); pH 7.6
54:31 Kidney failure; Q: "How Can I work on my kidneys to start filtering better?"
58:12 Cold Sores (High Acids)
01:02:01 Gut scleroderma (losing nervous system)
01:03:32 Parathyroids & sinus (full of mucus)
01:04:46 PSP Syndrome (Progressive supranuclear palsy)
01:08:30 Dementia MS (multiple sclerosis); Cognitive Dysfunction
Q & A 266 Digestion, Radiation, Viruses, RA, Cellulitis, Eye Transplants
30:40 Calprozyme & Ultrazyme (digestive enzymes and probiotic, melatonin & magnesium)
16:10 Nervous Stomach Problem (autonomic and back to the adrenals as well)
16:25 Lymphatic System (in the wall)
21:53 Radiation (left breast & white spot on the left lung)
11:53 Pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastritis, and more
12:00 Colon inflammation (acidosis)
08:40 Liver deals with fatty acids
11:09 Q: Why do we have a pancreatic & liver gall bladder problems or gastric stomach problems?
07:18 Endocrine & Exocrine gland
06:34 Carbohydrates (Uses the pancreas as its digestive glands)
00:00 Q & A 266 Digestion, Radiation, Viruses, RA, Cellulitis, Eye Transplants
01:13:15 Q: What to eat with these diseases?
01:19:28 The reason that is damaging cells, is not filtering the lymph.
01:11:10 Persistent Chlamydophila Pneumoniae
01:12:05 Trigeminal Neuralgia (intense pain in the face)
53:48 Q: With the essential raw foods, high enzymes protocol, do you think tumor will sink?
01:10:50 Multiple Sclerosis (may lose the ability to walk)
53:08 Digestion, absorption, utilization, and elimination (the 4 essential processes)
52:10 Dopamine (the relaxing neurotransmitter)
45:13 Hair loss with medication (chemotherapy)
44:00 Endocrine (everything breaks down)
39:00 Cellulitis (skin infection)
39:42 Lymph (immune system)
43:28 Tumor (reason for the hair loss); pituitary tumor
43:52 How can a tumor hyperstimulate the pituitary gland? (acid)
01:25:40 Remove pain, remove acids; to remove acids, remove lymph (detoxification is the golden key)
01:25:10 Lymph system is stiff and tight (acidosis)
01:22:30 Interstitial Lymphatic Acidosis (hydrated interstitially to repair)
Q & A 267 Gout, Ovarian Cysts, Ebola, Benzodiazepines, Lung Cancer
29:10 Virus easily detoxifies into the body (ebola)
29:40 Viral is a protein (not a single organism)
22:32 The difference between vegetable & fruit juices is in detoxifying; vegetable juice can't be used in detoxification.
21:40 Dr. Morse never recommend salt water (sodium-potassium balances)
12:50 Soya (Estrogenic Bean)
07:33 Ovarian Cyst & Endometriosis
02:50 Fungus living in the body (because of fungus)
04:15 Non-GMO foods (A non-genetically modified organism) like beans
01:19:10 Herpes Type II
01:15:30 Chronic Thyroid (adrenals & grandulars)
01:04:30 Dopamines used for elimination
01:02:30 Detoxification leads to the resurrection from bringing you down
50:19 Kidney filtration and water intake
37:14 Stage IV Lung Cancer
01:50 Gout & Arthritis (solution: fruit diet)
00:00 Q & A 267 Gout, Ovarian Cysts, Ebola, Benzodiazepines, Lung Cancer
Q & A 268
01:23:17 Hymenectomy (swollen because it's acidic)
49:28 Cardiovascular Disease, lymphoma or diabetes
48:32 Lymphoma Cancer
48:00 Sea Salt (Sodium Chloride); Sulfur
43:08 Granuloma Annulare
42:40 Enhancing autonomic nervouse system (pull EDD and ADHD)
37:36 Protein is excluded if there's a physical pain; proteins are toxic
19:55 Pancreatic Cancer (lymph system)
22:20 Bell's Palsy
17:22 Anything orange will help digestion better
07:04 Calcitonin & parathormone use in utilization and the movement of calcium
06:57 Thyroid produces calcitonin
06:52 Thyroid controls the rate of the metabolism
06:10 Thyroiditis (inflammation, acidosis)
00:26 Fasting is the process of detoxification; regenerate stem cell / tissue
00:00 Q & A 268
01:08:41 Tumor (lymph stagnation)
59:34 Kidney failure (no protein)
01:01:02 Kidneys (adrenals on top)
01:02:42 What are the two sides of chemistry?
01:07:10 "There's no such thing as disease. It's the end product of the causes of the maleducated of the food choices"
Q & A 269
01:25:50 The lymph system is your immune system
01:14:20 Kidney filtration problems; skin asthma medication
01:09:02 Salivary Glands problem (removes some lymph nodes)
55:22 Herpes Cyst II & III
45:23 MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a strain
42:07 Blood is always base chemistry
41:30 Why do we lose the function of cells? (trauma, lymph and blood)
39:17 Acid causes spasticity; antispasmodic (anti-inflammatory)
37:30 Thyroiditis (inflammation in the thyroid)
33:50 How to remove toxicity out of the brain
32:41 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP): cell battery energy
32:34 (Carbon and oxygen) are known to be the two energetic drivers of the cell
32:13 What do you think could make tissue stops performing?
32:03 Hypo means under; hypofunctioning tissue
29:50 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
29:13 What is the most effect detox food supplement?
22:50 Carbon is the essential need of oxygen
21:18 Lymphatic system & acidosis ( 2 sides of chemistry)
15:03 Sore metabolism (hypothyroid case); slow oxidizer
10:50 Yellow mucus (acute & sub-acute stage)
07:30 Bad breath problems (comes from the nose)
05:29 Cystitis (interstitial inflammation); interstitial acidosis
00:00 Q & A 269