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Q & A 239
00:00 Carbon is the gasoline to your body
01:52 Carbon is the gasoline to your body
02:55 "All protein diet left him free diabetic"
06:01 Filtration; Remember: All tissues have a lymph system
08:47 High protein eating female would not be good for milk (baby)
12:05 Lymph nodes (holding acids means having lymph problem)
12:58 The thyroid controls the heart rate
13:57 Acid have stimulating effect of the body
16:08 As you suppress the function of testis, prostate, adrenals all your stats go down (hyperactivity)
20:07 Red is strong , aggressive,and can situate pain (watermelon & peaches); heavy duty interstitial cleaners of the urinary
34:00 Most of the processes of the organs and glands are designed to feed/clean the cells that comprise the human body to cont
43:48 Eye colors are indicative of levels of weaknesses; level of toximia (the acute stage)
44:56 Deep level of Toxemia (with blue and brown eyes)
45:41 You can get tumor from accute prob chemo.
45:58 Unhealthy people always reflected in their eyes
48:12 Aneurysm (brain damage)
48:34 Massage therapy (no relation with kidney filtration)
54:25 What grows on stagnation? (fungus)
01:01:04 Urinary Tract Weaknesses
01:07:06 Black stool associated with the liver
01:09:41 Systemic Acidosis (high inflammation)
01:12:17 Sclerology ( is the scientific study of the sclera lines, or the red lines in the whites of your eyes)
01:15:53 Water Fast (cleaning deeper); kidney filtering
01:40:21 Accumulation of Chemistry (magnetic affiliation)
01:43:20 The more you wait, the more deterioration in your body
01:48:00 Alkalosis (too much alkaline)
01:52:54 What type of chemistry above cellular waste?
01:55:26 How do you feed your mind on consciousness?
01:55:44 What is the relation between the body and the mind?
02:06:58 Do you think, do we need sex for our pleasure?
02:12:15 What do you think about dreaming?
02:22:08 Systolic (adrenal glands)
02:22:35 Relation of sympathetic and parasympathetic
02:24:26 Autonomic Nervous System
02:24:40 Cortisol vs Neurotransmitters
02:25:21 How do you get full of mucus?
02:28:14 Cortisol (blood sugar controlling)
02:29:06 Nitrogen can create acidosis
02:34:06 What herb tonic to start with? ( blocked lymph nodes)
02:36:54 Pituitary adenoma (Tumor)
02:37:57 Pituitary controls the thyroid
02:42:49 Salivary glands (problem & treatment)
02:43:14 Tonsil Stones (Lymph nodes)
02:52:58 Mood swings (depression)
02:54:52 High cholesterol (adrenals are down)
02:58:30 Parathyroid problem (heavy weight lifters can blown rectums)
02:59:18 High blood Pressure (correlated to kidneys and adrenals)
02:59:31 Cold hands and feet (due to thyroid problem)
03:01:12 PNR (Point of no return); Extreme dehydration and acidosis
03:01:25 Pain in the joints (cause of acidosis)
03:02:24 What is the cause of congestion after stop smoking?
03:13:04 Lung cancer (a lot of cough it out)
03:34:17 What is the cause of the orange-peel texture in the skin?
03:36:27 Skin is made up of cells
03:36:40 Chronic Sinus Infection
03:37:08 Lymph System backed up can cause dandruff due to acids
03:38:05 Malabsorption, Interstitial lymphatic constipation (appendix rapture)
03:38:27 Acne as a back up lymph system; not a disease
03:41:57 Eliminating organ with a fruit diet (to get the body detoxified)
Q & A 218 Candida, Hormonal Issues, Fatigue, Calories, Fructose
00:00 Power of Fruits is healing (Interstitial Cystitis); cyst in the wall, round the cells
04:47 Power of Fruits is healing (Interstitial Cystitis); cyst in the wall, round the cells
06:01 The swelling of the Tissues (the formation of the tumors); decaying of the Lymph nodes
18:25 Candida: All Fruit Diet (detoxing against Chronic Fatigue)
23:14 Acid causes dehydration
24:15 Intracellular Acidosis; Inflammation outside of the cell
25:10 Too much sugar & low sugar metabolism
28:20 Chronic Lymphatic Constipation
39:16 The disadvantage of eating High Calorie Diet (have to fix absorption, digestion, and utilization)
45:25 No Dairy; No Meat (for Candida problem)
46:16 Water Fasting effect (more endurance)
47:38 Female Reproductive Formula (for hormonal imbalance); herbs to bring the self into balance
52:44 Blood sugar problems (hyper or hypoglycemia)
58:27 Why after feeding fruits can energized better? Systemic rebuilding (with constant bleeding infection); full of Candida,
01:06:50 Chronic Fatigue (with Raw food diet)
01:21:08 Raw Food Transition (Acid Fruit Diet)
01:25:10 Anemia (related to Adrenal Glands)
01:53:21 Herbs and Alkaline
01:58:55 What does the part of the body that has missing lymph nodes? (filtration)
02:00:00 Lymphatic vessels
02:03:39 What is a great way to cleanse and release Keratosis Pilaris from the body? (commonly referred to as chicken skin and r
02:07:38 Fructose ( it gets in by diffusion and not how it gets converted into energy like glucose does in the Krebs cycle. )
02:08:30 How do you convert simple sugar (fructose) to another simple sugar? Disaccharides (2 combined simple sugars) Polysacchar
02:09:09 Glucose is converted into glycogen; broken back down to glucose; blood to be carried
02:10:59 Insulin need for glucose, what happens to the blood sugar?
02:18:14 Painful Intercourse: due to low estrogen of the adrenal glands
Case Studies For Practitioners & Healers
00:00 Acids in the lymphatic system; what happens with the inflammatory process
01:12 Acids in the lymphatic system; what happens with the inflammatory process
01:26 Interstitial cystitis (a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder)
05:34 High-sulfur (gut problem)
06:33 Parathyroid Issues (can cause depression)
07:08 After vaccination (cause serious neurological problem like convulsion)
08:01 Removal of Tonsils (lymphatic problem)
09:53 Symptoms of Bowel Sydrome (wakening up with low back pain & having IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
10:24 Chiropractic Medicine (alternative medicine of musculoskeletal system)
10:39 Lymph System (the eliminated organs of the kidneys with the adrenals on top controlling that)
11:18 Adrenal steroids (what the body uses to fight acidosis)
11:25 Cortical Steroids (highly based in cholesterol)
11:52 Remember: bad effect of losing calcium
12:37 Neurological component to congestion of the lungs (asthma)
13:50 Spasticity (throat is contracting)
14:40 Lymph Toxicity (higher acidosis to the body)
15:10 B-Cells (bone marrow cells); T-Cells (Thymus Cells)
15:50 AIDS (A virus of the body that can be detoxed); Hepatitis
17:09 Dehydration (the effect of acidosis)
17:14 Severe Pancreatitis (Gall Bladder removed)
19:26 Inflammation (lose filtration in the kidney)
19:57 Swelling of the Brain (pressure from the head)
23:27 Glycomic Problem (lymphatic problem)
25:00 Calcium Utilization (Systemic Effects)
28:20 Muscle Severe Fatigue; acid breaks things down
28:34 Nervous System (controls muscles); parasymphatetic & symphatetic (autonomic)
30:11 Malabsorption of Nutrients (energetic & neurological lost)
30:28 Digestion (something to do with liver, gall bladder & pancreas)
30:36 What creates genetic weaknesses? (the acid side of chemistry & the lymphatic system)
31:54 Brady Tachy Syndrome (sometimes the heart rate is moved up to Tachy cardia, then moved down to Brady Cardia; real slow)
34:00 Body wide muscle twitches (nervous system is weak); need anti-spasmatic formula
34:35 Overusage of Calcium (leads to convulsion)
36:32 Neurotoxins (with pesticides & herbicides)
37:19 Constriction of the heart muscle (can cause chest pain)
39:12 Alkaline Chemistry into the body (neutralized acid chemistry)
41:57 Glycomic Pressures (lose of balance in vertigo)
46:30 Abdominal Pain ; endoscopy (high in reflex)
Q & A 240 Blood Cancer, Vision, Diabetes, Lyme Disease
00:00 Hersay: Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment.
04:00 Hersay: Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment.
04:10 What is a blood cancer? (a mutated cell)
04:56 The difference between pathologist and oncologist regarding cancer
05:38 Leukemia (blood cancer); red and white blood cells were damaged
05:49 Lymphomas (losing platelets or the platelets are down, it can cause blood clots)
06:58 Most leukemias are considered lymphomas
10:47 High acid chemistry (damaged your ribs)
12:50 Anionic & cationic (factors with acid and base)
17:00 Psychedelics (altered vision came about a few months after and got worse over time)
18:53 Neurotoxicity (begins weaknesses)
22:10 Type II Diabetes (hypertension)
22:21 Astigmatism (what diet for this); strengthen the optic nerve
24:03 Tumor in the right leg with different procedures of healing
29:29 Chemo (high acid)
38:28 What is a cilium?
41:15 "I also ordered Kidney & Bladder 1, Lymphatic system 3, parasite G, parasite M, GI Broom, Stomach & Bowels 2, Upper Circ
44:15 The healing power of detoxification against illness
50:49 What herbs do Dr. Morse suggests for chronic gastritis ? (malabsorption in the wall)
56:20 Lyme Disease ( infectious disease caused by bacteria)
57:00 (Cowden protocol) natural approach to treating Lyme
Q & A 219 Potassium Foods, Chronic Anxiety, Sulfur, Scar Tissue
00:00 Fructose ( it gets in by diffusion and not how it gets converted into energy like glucose does in the Krebs cycle. )
01:02 Fructose ( it gets in by diffusion and not how it gets converted into energy like glucose does in the Krebs cycle. )
02:07 Spirituality (true social consciousness)
05:09 2 Aspects to Detoxification (cleansing of the toxins & neurotoxins)
05:18 Carcinogens (Cancer-causing)
05:23 Heavy metal (mercury)
05:35 Congested in Mucous (detoxification)
06:17 Accumulation of Waste Materials (simple sugar & small variation of carbon & hydrogen)
06:59 Breaking out of Glycogen (for energy)
09:11 Biological Transmutation
09:38 Sugars as Carbohydrates
09:54 Raw Food/ High Fruit Diet (Cleaning you out)
10:20 Glycogen Weight vs Muscle Weight
10:54 Naturopathic Modality
11:42 Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals
14:22 Amino Acids (human is needing carbon and oxygen)
17:16 High Acidosis (genetic cells/ rebuilding cells is essential)
17:38 Genetics (passing of cell consciousness)
19:41 potassium foods, high magnesium foods (Blood Pressure Lowering Properties)
20:10 High & Low Blood Sugar/High & Low Blood Pressure
20:29 Magnesium is an issue of magnetic steroid
21:39 (parathyroid) Hormone issue
25:10 Lymphatic System & Blood
25:25 Lymph System (Lymph Nodes, Kidneys, Skin)
26:09 Acid Chemistry in the Blood
26:13 Alkaline based Chemistry (Calcium)
26:31 Aneurism (the lack of connective tissue)
28:41 Osteoporosis & Scoliosis
31:06 Calcium Deficiency
34:32 Chemistry (Blood first, vascular & Lymphatic walls)
40:35 Low Blood Pressure & Adrenals
43:33 Nervous system (awareness)
44:29 6-year Chronic Anxiety (adrenals are down;nervous system)
47:38 Neurotoxicity (cause anxiety)
48:50 Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C; small component of Flavonoids)
49:40 Flactuating the Blood PH
51:52 If th cell gets damage beyond repair, where it goes? (Lymph Nodes)
57:30 Process of Biological Transmutation
01:01:25 Skin (Third Kidney; largest eliminating organ)
01:01:48 Acid waste (cause pimples, acne, skin rashes)
01:03:38 Detoxification (get from the body)
01:04:35 Chronic Lymph Problem (Candida)
01:05:45 Alkaline Chemistry into the body (neutralized acid chemistry)
01:05:59 Bacteria is not an inflammation.
01:08:40 Candida (not metabolizing simple sugars)
01:09:01 Toxemia (acidosis) is always the problem
01:14:59 Chemistry (Calcium/ Magnesium [twin sisters], Phosphorus & sulfur)
01:18:34 Adrenal Glands control the Lymphatic System (through the Kidney)
01:25:43 Parathyroid (local calcium utilization)
01:28:56 "Do you have any suggestion for the cause of people who have recently quit smoking to recover their lung health?"
01:37:39 Hypothyroid Diagnosis (with adrenal gland formula)
01:38:59 Acne (due no filtering from the kidney)
01:41:50 Glaucomic Pressure (Lymph Pressure of the Eye)
01:42:29 Losing of Hair (hypothyroidism)
01:44:48 Fruits & Sugar Metabolism (break the propaganda)
01:48:21 High Protein Diet (acidosis in the body)
Eye Review – Saer, Geraldine, Nilkan, Anna, Anne, Rosanna
00:00 Iris Chart (illutration of iridology)
01:34 Iris Chart (illutration of iridology)
06:20 Comparison of the two eyes (via iridology)
06:55 Autonomic Nervous System (lose eye rings)
08:35 Fibers around the eyes (are expressed with straight markings)
13:46 Pancreatic Right Testicles
21:24 Sulfur problem (should be detoxed)
22:53 Malabsorption of Nutrients (thick wall around the iris)
23:22 Parathyroid problem (throat)
25:46 Congestion in the hip (eye review)
25:52 Pancreatic Weaknesses
26:15 Sigmoid problem (Rectal Flexture)
26:25 Hemmorhoids (anal canal)
27:58 Relationship of the eye from the brain
31:49 Kidney in the adrenal glands
33:43 Eliminating Organs (GI Tract, Kidneys & Adrenals)
39:25 High blood Pressure (endocrine glands)
40:28 Genetic Heart Weakness
42:56 Stomach problem with protein, migraine, ovarian cyst
43:06 Constipation (lymphatic system)
43:35 Skin Breakouts (arms & legs); fix the kidneys by filtration
44:41 Cerebellum (back of the head); Neurolymphatic in the spine (kidneys filtering)
47:35 Iris (flower; center of the hub)
52:29 Genetic Pasteuria
01:04:12 Effect of the liver took the place of th kidneys
01:07:13 Heavy Lymph (Thyroid Glands)
01:09:09 Bronchiole Trunk (Bronchitis)
01:25:01 High Blood Pressure & Low Blood Sugar
01:25:59 Sugar Metabolism Problems
01:26:52 Restricted Blood Flow (calcification)
01:35:43 Breast and its Problem
01:37:10 GI Tract Chronic & other diseases
01:37:37 Chronic Bowels (Impacted Proteins)
01:39:01 Gland Tonic (with powerful gland herbs)
01:40:22 Toxicity (acidosis)
01:40:39 Chronic Lymph problem (left testicle)
01:43:59 40-day great fasting program
01:44:43 Detoxification (serious business)
Q & A 241 High Blood Pressure, Circulation
00:00 Bradycardia is a slow heart beat, tachycardia faster beat
01:09 Bradycardia is a slow heart beat, tachycardia faster beat
02:00 Autonomic Nervous System (control the adrenal glands)
02:47 High Blood Pressure (associated with bradycardia)
06:19 When dealing in a plants with high lipids you can overdose
10:00 Oils are anti-acids which is anti-inflammatory
10:48 Ginger and pepper (very stimulating to mucosa)
11:43 Little pepper will stimulate blood flow (capillaries ,too much pepper causes mucus)
27:38 Even acid chaimber like stomach can become cancer.
29:38 Carbohydrates (Gastromatic pancreatic problem)
30:06 Vegetable matter is almost consider protein.
30:07 Amino acids not quite is compact what we called protein
38:02 Stop acids (basic chemistry fruit)
00:00 Selenium is very dangerous (considered toxic metal)
46:38 The stomach is the seat of the autonomic
46:42 Acidic ( can have neurogical problem)
Q & A 220
00:00 Vitiligo (is a condition that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsi
02:04 Vitiligo (is a condition that causes depigmentation of parts of the skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsi
02:13 Treatment of Vitiligo (starts at the kidneys, endocrine, adrenals, the lymph system, GI Tract)
04:05 Chemotherapy & Radiation
05:41 Digestive System
05:49 High Protein & High Fat Formulas (not suitable for children)
06:28 High Acid Environment (can cause cancer)
06:58 Cells (as a medium of acid)
09:14 Methanol (with detox system in the body)
10:48 Liver/Gall Bladder Formulas (raw food diet; acid metal of the body)
16:06 Severe Detox Symptoms (reaction on moving lymphs, hard to breathe)
21:06 Face rashes & swelling eyes (adrenal glands)
23:39 Thyroid Dumping Syndrome (body rash)
24:37 What defines normal size breast? (Gland problem)
25:23 Prostate Cancer Treatment
25:33 Gynecomastia (growing breast in men)
26:20 Sexual Intercourse Problem
30:02 Stem Cells (stimulation of the bone marrow)
35:07 Liver & Bone Cancer (to avoid: living things should be nourished and cleaned)
36:06 Seawater injection (cure acidosis & scoliosis)
39:31 Do you know ways to protect yourself from radiations? (Be in the alkaline side, since acids hold radiation)
41:00 Holding Radiation is a factor ( Intracellular Acidosis)
45:54 Psoriasis (skin problem)
48:52 Eczema (skin problem)
50:13 Liver Enzymes (liver breaking down)
Rapping with Dr. Morse
00:00 Journey of Awakening & Wellness
03:25 Journey of Awakening & Wellness
08:40 Acid & Base Chemistry
14:20 Creation: Importance of feeding awareness , consciousness, & love through yourself (proactive)
17:57 Atheist Perception (just looking of how life just put together)
20:35 Surrender means "letting go of the mind"
23:19 Cosmic Consciuosness (Extreme reducer of the experience)
31:53 Herb (rebuilds specific tissue)
35:44 Alkalosis vs acidosis
40:00 Blood (Acidic)
40:44 Lymphoma (inflammations)
41:13 Endocrine Glands (thyroids & adrenals)
43:08 Effects of Botox Treatment
45:25 Aliphatic Healthcare (good precautions & emergencies)
46:02 How to have an alkaline precaution from an acid event; lymph system formula; pop up the adrenals
47:31 Herbal products vs pharmaceutical products
57:04 Side effects of having antibiotic habits
58:33 Anti-inflammatory/Anti-spasmatic (for kidney formulas)
01:01:40 Regeneration (Rebuilding of Tissue); scar tissue
01:03:58 Systemic Acidosis Trauma
01:10:20 Lymph System/interstitial system (acne & pimple breakout); use colon to eliminate and kidneys in the skin
01:13:10 Trigger of oxidation/detoxification (is alkaline); stress
01:16:27 Toxemia (acidosis)
01:19:05 How to control acidosis? /Suppressive Steroids & its effect
01:19:35 Skin pigmentation (pituitary problem)
01:22:02 Gigantic Sewer System in the body
Q & A 242 Vegan Diet, Cystic Acne, Diabetic Neuropathy
00:00 Pineal gland is a gland of rest, when it is chronic, after feed sleep is extremely difficult.
04:12 Pineal gland is a gland of rest, when it is chronic, after feed sleep is extremely difficult.
04:39 Neurons are always irritated & agitated because acids can do both (shut down , decay or kill; irritate, accelerate or hy
04:56 Detoxification is the key (for those people who cannot sleep)
07:10 Roots always hunt for nutrition (They grow down to look for their food)
08:45 High flavonoids; Greens are not highly nutrious(Fruits)
09:07 Chemistry is created through Physics, consciousness of God, so energy is the creator of all life
09:20 Physicist point of view: everything is frequencies of electrical magnetic energy which creates chemistry and everything
09:32 One creates the form (conscious,creative,creator that creates)
12:03 Nutrition is so simple (no need nutitional classes)
13:05 Tree, plant-bearing fruit is always the superior way.
15:07 Detoxification is generally a water fasting experience.
15:11 High vibrational chemical fruit to detoxify the body
15:46 Process of implanting the food of the gut (Digestion, Absorption, Utilization, Elimination)
16:41 Adrenals produces 24-25 steroids that involves in mineral utilization
18:03 Cystic Acne (Kidneys & adrenals up, lymph system get filtered)
19:07 Suppressive nature of antibiotics
21:48 Plant-based Diet (for acne problem)
24:13 Neuropathy is a diabetic problem (kidneys and Adrenals are down)
28:07 Acidosis (losing calcium, calcification, losing stability or weakening of muscles)
29:34 Systemic acidosis (e.g: Scoliosis,Arthritis)
32:59 No thyroid, no hormones