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Q & A 228
00:00 How much the Lympathic System is an issue here?
02:36 How much the Lympathic System is an issue here?
02:50 Gigantic Immune System/Great Lymphatic System
03:29 Cells in the system can be damaged or weakened by the acids
07:24 Skin as the largest eliminator (the 3rd Kidney)
13:19 Mind & Emotions are the creating forces of the experience.
14:43 Complete Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
15:35 ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy), done with depression disorder
17:25 Can the brain regenerate after depression and anxiety?
17:45 Difference between Emotional & Mental Components against anxiety and depression
22:38 Huge reduction of muscle spasticity & nerve pain
23:42 Parathyroid (calcium utilization)
26:00 Kidney (right kidney has a harder time than the left. What can I do to sooth burning kidneys?)
28:50 Importance of the filtration of the Kidney
39:12 How the vascular System dilated?
39:50 Arthritis (Losing calcium)
40:04 Stroke (Clogging of blood vessels)
44:01 Mid back Pain (connected to lungs or kidneys)
44:53 Calcium Utilization
51:03 Vaccines (as neurotoxins) for the human body.
52:08 Chemotherapy damages cells
59:18 What fruits can heal poor adrenals? (Berries)
01:00:20 Acidosis/ inflammation/ estrogen is a stimulant
01:22:00 Wonders of herbs for surgeries
Q & A 236 Vaccines, Baby Formula, Oxygen Therapy, Tetraplegic
00:00 "You have to learn the rules of the road so you can protect yourself from your own mind"
09:44 "You have to learn the rules of the road so you can protect yourself from your own mind"
11:01 Neurotoxins literally shut down the body
17:58 Water Fasting (in distillation)
19:38 Obstruction of the flow of energy (mucus,acids,neurotoxins); Neurotoxins obstruction of the nerve energy
24:30 The most mucus forming foods are dairy products (can cause lymphatic problems leading to cancer)
24:46 Dairy products definitely take you down the road towards cancer
35:47 Congestion of mucus; high fat, high protein formula
36:18 The bigger herbivores (much concentrated milk,more aminos,more calcium)
41:29 Vegetables are hard to generate tissue
46:35 with 97 % of oxygenation, it must work on for yourself (cleaning the lungs out)
46:54 Pure oxygen may burn you right up/Pure oxygen is hot.
49:41 Insulin is a hormone.
52:00 Neurological type (:some) there is nothing to do with the pancreas, it’s the nervous system that feeds the pancreas (aut
55:00 Stand aid device never generate tissue,they never cure
55:35 Fruits,berries and melons( for regeneration)
01:02:33 Your body can generate big trauma
01:03:30 Hot is acidic ,cold is alkaline
01:03:42 Always acids needs alkaline to neutralize
01:15:20 Pituitary produces TSH(tyroid stimulating hormone) treats tyroid to produce teeth-teeth pores
01:20:18 Acids destroys the body,make your body hard as a rock
01:20:37 Acids come from the cells as they eat and consume their nutrition from the blood, they discharge their waste into the se
01:20:55 The lymphatic system (immune system)
01:21:11 The kidney and skin is attached to the lymph system.
01:29:59 With the lymph, we move obstruction (obstruction of the blood flow, of the nerve flow and the lymph flow itself.
01:34:38 When the body adrenals are down,steroids are down you gonna see cholesterol in calcium being used,from there you have ob
Introduction to Iridology and Eye Reviews
00:00 American iridology and German iridology (nervous systems, parasympathetic, sympathetic, neurotransmitters)
01:44 American iridology and German iridology (nervous systems, parasympathetic, sympathetic, neurotransmitters)
04:24 different levels of frequencies
08:08 “the eyes are just a monitor of the hard drive”
08:48 iridology chart/the four stages of disease (acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative)
11:10 side by side comparison of lymphatic congestion (strong constitution, weak constitution, genetics)
15:23 pupil malabsorption ring
16:25 cholesterol plauqing (iridology)
20:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #122 (Kedra) (iridology)
24:56 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #123 (Nick) (iridology)
29:40 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #124 (?) (iridology)
33:30 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #125 (?) (iridology)
36:55 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #126 (Kevin) (iridology)
39:58 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #127 (Maylynn) (iridology)/”the heavier the darkness [in a brown eye], the heavier th
43:57 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #128 (Lana) (iridology)
47:25 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #129 (Josh) (iridology)
52:20 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #130 (Brian) (iridology)
58:44 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #131 (Jeff) (iridology)
01:04:14 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #132 (Sharon) (iridology)
01:09:05 coffee enemas
01:13:48 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #133 (Josh) (iridology)/cancer/before and after pictures (sulfur)
01:23:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #134 (Lina) (iridology)
01:31:26 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #135 (Benjamin) (iridology)
01:35:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #136 (Mike) (iridology)
01:40:40 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #137 (Emily) (iridology)
Q & A 212
00:00 vitiligo
05:35 vitiligo
14:10 “if you want to take a supplement, go to a superfood blend” (alfalfa, royal jelly, kelp)
15:35 signs of pituitary weakness (brief)
19:33 you’re the key/”you guys are the key; and you have to spend time alone and enjoy yourself as the key”
21:45 osteoarthritis in cervical area
24:27 “always address the WHY first”
28:16 love yourself
32:15 body temperature regulation (shifting between feeling cold and warm)/acidosis burn while feeling cold
36:38 irregular menses
41:22 bad skin
42:32 extremely dry skin since birth
43:29 effects of hyperparathyroidism
46:00 disc problems in lower back, varicose veins, heart irregularities
48:57 can you mix the tinctures into one bottle and take it?/GI Broom
50:08 formulas vs. single herbs
50:37 ankylosing spondylitis/”it’s never the answer to remove body parts”
53:27 goiter getting smaller, but noticing new lipomas appearing/low blood pressure
59:29 “when you’re facing tumors and things like this, I like to put the pedal to the metal”
01:02:38 a case #134: Alzheimer’s, liver cirrhosis, right kidney removed, grinding teeth, muscle agitation, severe skin rash with
01:12:17 lung cancer
Q & A 213
00:00 bad kidney infections (UTI, U.T.I., Cipro)/severe postpartum depression
00:48 bad kidney infections (UTI, U.T.I., Cipro)/severe postpartum depression
15:27 are there any dangers to masturbation?
17:55 a case #135: acid reflux, extreme gas, bloating, vision problems, bad memory, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, joi
23:50 paralyzed from the waist down post-surgery
25:45 constant mucus at the back of throat (deviated septum)
29:41 how does a person with kidney failure get off of dialysis?/”you can’t get off of dialysis unless you start self-urinatin
31:30 does unhappiness, stress and anger create acidity within the body?
33:40 vaccines and animals
36:40 chronic asthma (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, C.O.P.D.)
39:15 difficulty breathing from consumption of fatty foods (nervous system)
Q & A 214
00:00 simplicity vs. intellectualism (theories, the mind, awareness)
03:20 simplicity vs. intellectualism (theories, the mind, awareness)
11:04 neurological conditions
16:30 the endocrine glands
20:34 breast cancer (fibrocystic breasts)
25:10 the four processes to wellbeing (digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination) (#6)
32:36 “don’t freak out with the word, ‘cancer’”/genetic weaknesses
34:38 ginseng
40:22 type 2 diabetes
42:04 “our field has talked against high protein [diets] since the early 1800s”
44:14 the different types of sugars (mono saccharides, galactose, glucose, fructose, starches, disaccharides, polysaccharides)
51:44 multiple sclerosis (cerebellum, adrenal glands, MS, M.S.)
54:08 infrared hair dryer (infrared saunas, radiation)
59:45 “everything is repairable; remember that”
01:01:50 constant headaches on fruits and herbs (ear candling, cold applications)
01:11:17 multiple sclerosis
01:13:17 brown stains on base of teeth (tooth, dental)
01:15:38 meat, protein (Arnold Ehret, Health Research Books)
01:18:30 stroke (progesterone)
01:24:44 feeling pain when not eating and feeling pain from eating fruits
01:29:40 feeling tired after diet change (adrenal glands)
01:32:37 oil pulling vs. astringents
01:35:17 the concept of diseases/”if you live with the concept of diseases you are wasting your time in a process that never work
01:37:00 “disease will disempower you”
01:37:55 medical doctor concerned about patient’s low BUN/creatinine
00:34 Two studies/Two groups of people by Gabriel Cousen (no fruit diet)
05:17 Glycemic Index (how quickly a substance gives up its carbohydrates)
06:14 Glycemic Load Chart (1-9 is considered low; 10-19 medium; 19 and above high)
06:46 Watermelon has 4 (low) glycemic load due to (has mostly water & has plenty soluble fiber)
10:32 Disadvantage of eating different fruits in 1 meal (3-4 hours to digest; problems occur)
12:36 Hunter-gatherers (fruits); sharing DNA or genetic material to get their fruits
13:23 Keep the body clean and efficient as possible (fruit-based diet)
14:35 Primates (fruit-eaters)
Q & A 201
00:00 eliminating through the skin following detoxification/consumption and elimination
03:03 eliminating through the skin following detoxification/consumption and elimination
06:00 why we get mucus
07:10 what’s the perfect diet to live on? (meat, beans)
09:50 “we need to raise the consciousness of the constipated”
10:44 grains, beans, sweet potato
11:44 can you raise children on fruits and vegetables? (kids)
13:21 vitamin B12 (brief)/seaweed/”life isn’t all about nutrition”
14:26 a case #130: hypothyroidism, sinus issues, wakes during the night, fatigue, bowel movement once a day, low platelet cou
21:58 low iron levels (parsley, dandelion greens, spinach, yellow dock root, burdock root, Oregon grape root
23:18 changing our viewpoint on health
25:40 ObamaCare
27:11 severe head pain during sex or climax
32:55 coping with a partner that is on a cooked food diet (spiritual insights)
36:07 does cooking food improve its nutritional value? (energy, angstroms)
39:07 “get away from the desires of materiality; always wanting things. These are [just] things, they come and they go - and
39:44 very itchy skin (itchiness)/15 lumps around the body, dry flakey skin (staphylococcus infection)/mild depression
46:06 chronic bad breath (halitosis)
48:10 going blind in both eyes and type 2 diabetes
51:04 alopecia (also view from 52:55)
55:30 yellow fever vaccination
57:57 “malaria and all things are real [BUT] in a TOXIC environment” (culturing medium)
59:17 recommended toothpaste
01:01:16 the self-assessment health questionnaire
01:03:25 anxiety
01:04:32 low systolic and diastolic blood pressure (88/40)/depression (brief)/migraines
01:07:03 spinal weakness or mild scoliosis
01:10:08 detoxification is a process/titrating off of antipsychotic medications
01:14:42 don’t assign labels to yourself (disease conditions)
01:19:47 babaesia and bartonella (parasites)
01:21:24 Dr. Morse’s opinion on Omega-3 fatty acid (liver and gallbladder, fish oil, primrose oil, flax seed oil)
01:23:20 digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination
01:25:25 fixing the four processes necessary for health and vitality, before considering nutritional deficiency (deficiencies)
Q & A 202
00:00 opening a detox center (naturopathy, meat-eating)
01:34 opening a detox center (naturopathy, meat-eating)
04:11 cravings and eating smaller meals more often/starches, fungi (complex carbohydrates)
06:16 liver flushes, coffee enemas/”the liver isn’t a detoxifying organ, it’s a chemical manufacturing plant”
06:40 discussion on nutrition/isolates
10:29 2-year-old with grapefruit sized cyst in bile duct (tumors) (kids, children)
15:05 what are the roles of the liver and spleen in detoxification? (biological transmutations)
21:37 “get away from modern physiology thinking and add this higher understanding of the kidneys in place”
22:13 ”every hole you have, can become an eliminative waste channel”
25:31 “let’s a revolution against this whole concept of disease”/“this concept of disease is illusionary”
27:00 inflamed gums
29:44 “if I’m doing something that’s hurting somebody, please [will] someone make me aware of that because I don’t want the l
30:52 what suppresses cellular functioning?
32:31 Osgood-schlatter disease, fragile toenails, losing hair, pericarditis, heart murmur, cold extremities, eye floaters
38:14 not seeing changes after 5 months on grapes
57:28 genetically modified organisms (GMO labelling)
01:07:10 cholesterol ring in eyes and brain fog (iridology)
01:13:18 iodine/”isolates are not the real key”
01:20:17 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis/keep things simple (simplicity)
01:23:20 the four processes necessary for health (digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination) (#5)
01:24:22 isolates vs. whole food complex
01:26:48 career paths (naturopathy, herbology, Obamacare)/keep it simple
01:32:17 can water fasting remove heavy metals?
01:33:58 baking soda as replacement for shampoo
01:35:45 stage 2 colon cancer, goiters
Q & A 203
00:00 yellow blobs in semen (sperm)
01:17 yellow blobs in semen (sperm)
02:57 acupuncture/”whenever you have ‘dis-ease’ or you have pain, there is always obstruction in the course of the flow of ene
06:08 how does one know when you’re completely detoxed? (healed, finished) (also view from 7:57)
06:23 what type of cooked food does Dr. Morse eat? (diet)
11:24 4-year-old with body misalignment
14:20 growing pains
15:32 “never say never, and don’t stop”
16:50 can we survive indefinitely on grass juice?/”the body doesn’t burn protein for energy”
19:55 karma
23:44 are greens mandatory for building tissue, after detoxification? (vegetables)
24:28 alopecia (hair loss, balding)
26:50 rate of healing on different diets (Arnold Ehret’s bloodletting experiment)
28:57 hormonal acne, no appetite, hair loss
32:12 isn’t grain alcohol bad for the bad?
36:41 interstitial cystitis
40:12 antibiotics/“bacteria helps to break these acids down; they don’t cause it”
41:28 exercise when not filtering/dark and cloudy urine
44:35 “it isn’t a theory, it’s obvious” (theories, the mind)
47:44 naturopathic doctors recommending lots of supplements (supplementation)/isolates (iodine), colloidal silver
59:12 “if you worry about poor quality foods, then use superfood blends” (top soil)
01:02:13 “we can’t get to WellVille with the concept of deficiency [or] with the concept of treatment”
01:08:33 feeling outside of oneself (balancing out)
01:12:32 how much fruit would an adult of small stature need to eat?/spirituality
01:14:14 “it’s a lot more fun to move by thought than it is to move the physical body around”
01:14:47 general advice to a 19-year-old with potential neurological weaknesses
01:20:30 “keep it simple, [be]cause complexity is the mind [and] the mind will lose you into the world of illusion”
01:20:45 “health is what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think, what you feel - but also - more of what you a
01:21:04 distilled water (Kangen water, pH)
01:23:03 it is nonsense to say that humans should not eat animals/meat
01:26:36 ADHD, allergies, vaccines, ear infections (neurotoxins, ear candling)
01:36:35 “stay strong, stay ego-free, stay loving, stay Godly and go and heal up the world”
01:36:49 “there’s always going to be the ‘woo-woos’ out there, [so] stay
Q & A 204
00:00 “no one person has all the answers, but if you looked at nature as your barometer, and asked yourself how nature does th
00:43 “no one person has all the answers, but if you looked at nature as your barometer, and asked yourself how nature does th
05:56 dialysis/blood pressure (systolic, cardiac punch, diastolic)/swinging blood pressure (brief)
08:05 avoid moving lymph too aggressively if not filtering through kidneys/”tumors are holding pockets; they’re storage bins f
08:40 biopsies (biopsy) (not recommended)
09:37 “in the end analysis karma is karma, and no money on the planet is worth it”/”losing one’s freedom is not worth any mone
12:26 “we teach each other by experience”
13:06 breast cancer
14:56 “a balanced individual is a great healer”
16:24 “all high blood pressure cases are low blood pressure cases”
17:58 a case #131: fatigue, cold extremities, foggy memory, acne, bad body odor, , wrinkles under eyes, dizziness, insomnia
25:20 top 5 male enhancement herbs (damiana, yohimbi, ginseng, fo-ti)/Gland Tonic, Circulation Lower, Male Reproductive/buglew
30:45 overdose of poke root herb/peruvian bark (Jesuit’s bark)
34:07 “lymphatic herbs are the strongest herbs of nature”
34:24 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and fatal events (herbs, pharmaceutical medications)
36:00 learn about herbs
38:46 internal bleeding (hemorrhoids)/restoring health of the bowels (gastrointestinal endoscopy, colon hydrotherapy)
45:55 starting out slowly with the herbal protocol (Shania Twain)
48:54 really low blood pressure
50:24 “if a 100-year-old man can go on raw and do herbs, so can every other 100-year old men; it’s all about attitude”
51:26 detoxification is your time to relax
52:57 bone loss (calcium)
55:20 high blood pressure (diastolic)
01:03:22 moles and liver spots (brief)
01:04:58 using Heal-All Tea to heal gums
01:06:31 are you still a vegan if you eat honey?
01:08:00 candida albicans (cravings, starches)
01:10:37 black salve and the body using a newly created hole as a drainage port
01:21:25 salt baths (salt water)/bentonite clay
01:22:37 cholesterol ring (iridology)
01:24:32 20-year-old female with thyroid nodules (cancer)