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Q & A 194
00:00 thyroid nodule (benign vs. cancerous)
01:39 thyroid nodule (benign vs. cancerous)
09:15 Eat Right For your Blood Type Diet (alkaline, acids, hydration)
12:39 electro sensitivity (electromagnetic hypersensitivity)
19:35 titrating off of synthroid/”it never hurts to come off slowly”
22:55 never be afraid of admitting that you don’t know
25:05 x linked ichthyosis
Q & A 183
00:00 Parkinson’s (neurological problems, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system)
01:24 Parkinson’s (neurological problems, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system)
05:23 statins
07:02 severe dry eyes
07:50 sleep apnea (brief)/psoriasis of neck and face (brief)
08:11 dandruff (brief)
08:42 depression
11:31 why avoid acid category fruits in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, etc.?
14:20 methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) (brief)
16:43 hepatitis B (Hep B, removed gallbladder)/”if your gallbladder is in trouble, your liver is [also] in trouble”
21:00 water retention (brief)/problems urinating properly
23:25 “I hate huge needles. Ew.”
31:56 which capsules are recommended
32:41 kidney stones (brief)
36:00 “there’s higher things than diet”
38:21 prioritize working on yourself
39:35 discussion on post detoxification (reversal and return of diseases, etc.)/always detoxify beyond absence of symptoms
43:54 a case #126: large uterine fibroid (9 centimeters), adrenal fatigue, severe anemia, hair loss, gum problems, heavy blee
46:55 “we’ve gotta get in and get this fear out of people”
56:05 mesothelioma (asbestos)
01:11:47 weak heart (heart palpitations)
Q & A 195
00:00 Homo sapiens and northern climates
04:57 Homo sapiens and northern climates
10:32 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #118 (iridology)
16:14 testosterone gel (steroids)
24:31 “if you live in the world of diseases, you’re trapped in a prison”
25:46 parasites (Paragon)
27:00 nasal polyps and asthma
32:30 James Sloane’s position on glandulars
38:12 natural toothpaste and soap
42:30 “all toothpaste should be alkaline”
44:11 stroke
49:47 high blood pressure
51:00 type 2 diabetes
52:17 depression (brief)
Q & A 184
00:00 letting go (spiritual insights)
00:34 letting go (spiritual insights)
05:03 corruption/the health club/”disease” and “nutrition”
14:10 pleurisy and celiac disease
15:13 lipomas
16:12 does fruit have too much sugar?
19:12 ulcers
24:53 dental fluorosis (brittle skeletal structure)/receding hairlines
26:52 what is an infection really?
29:27 what fruits and vegetables for building bones?
31:02 anxiety and neural toxins
32:53 dealing with excessive thinness
37:46 lymphatic system formulas
40:10 your job as a healer
Q & A 196
00:00 importance of sunlight (chromotherapy; color therapy)/the mind
01:29 importance of sunlight (chromotherapy; color therapy)/the mind
03:40 karma (spiritual insights)
05:50 acids are important at different levels (sunlight)
09:12 thyroid glandulars
10:00 cellular memory (genetics, genes)
12:04 if you cannot afford organic produce (poverty)
17:34 duality and karma
24:35 Seborrheic Dermatitis
30:26 moringa fruit, manuka honey
31:28 why stones form (oxalates, binding of chemistry, acidic environment)
33:00 alkaline urine pH (brief)
36:02 theories (the germ theory)
37:32 Abilify®
40:55 the Essene Gospel of Peace
42:24 “understand that getting well is a process, it isn’t a pill”
High blood pressure
00:00 issue a change of attitude; release and let go
01:40 issue a change of attitude; release and let go
03:30 discussion on high blood pressure and low blood pressure (nervous systems, solar plexus)/neurotransmitters (dopamine, ac
07:08 “nothing can just sit and be static in creation”/blue-green algae (spirulina, chlorella, nutritional yeast, fungus)
08:07 textbook systolic blood pressure (120, adrenal glands)
09:58 diatolic blood pressure (kidneys, creatinine)
14:34 swinging blood pressure (cerebellum, parasympathetic nervous system)
16:30 biopsies (implanting foreign objects) (brief)
19:17 what to do when you have high blood pressure (brief)
Q & A 197
00:00 tips for dealing with severe head pressure and swelling (ear candling, hot and cold compress, neuro-lymphatic point, Muc
01:55 tips for dealing with severe head pressure and swelling (ear candling, hot and cold compress, neuro-lymphatic point, Muc
05:14 terminating cooperation with non-compliant clients
11:22 what to take for low thyroid function (hypothyroidism)/understanding the human body
13:45 “you never want to stop expectoration”
15:55 acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative/genetics (cellular memory patterns)
21:14 common sense and awareness vs. thought and academics (brief)
21:57 sunspots
23:08 “being a raw foodist does not mean that you’re detoxified, and it does not mean that you’re going to be detoxified”
26:32 ride the ups and downs of detoxification
27:30 fructose intolerance/astringents/slowing down aggressive detoxification
29:56 “I’d put you guys against 10-year med[ical] students any day of the week, against any [health] problem out there]”
32:29 transitioning into lemon juice fasting and water fasting
35:24 extreme psoriasis
39:55 systemic acidosis/genetically compromised cells deteriorate first (intracellular acidosis)
41:20 the four processes to wellbeing (digestion, absorption, utilization, elimination)
42:15 basal body temperature
43:26 psoriatic arthritis
45:11 swollen esophagus (unable to swallow food)
50:33 aortic deformity (deformities)
53:25 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #119 (iridology) (hazel eyes)
56:45 food combining (blood sugar crashes)
57:25 Hulda Clark liver cleanse (liver/gallbladder flush)/Phosfood Liquid
58:53 the Gland Tonic
01:01:18 the New Zealand pure glandulars
01:02:26 “I’ll give my life to help another, anytime”
01:02:37 chemical buffers/keep it simple
01:06:45 selfishness and ego (spiritual insights)
01:14:21 severe nut allergy (allergies)/legumes/starches
01:25:29 osteoporosis post-menopause (estrogen, progesterone)
01:29:25 “the ego always crashes in on itself”
01:31:24 seizures, epilepsy/neurotoxins (endocrine gland weaknesses, compromised nervous system)
01:35:36 Dr. Morse’s emergency number
01:37:19 letting go
01:39:22 trouble sleeping
01:40:10 action without action (spiritual insights)
01:43:09 ruptured tendon
01:44:45 Standard Process glandulars (brief)
01:46:12 hidden sinus and lung congestion
01:51:42 how to tell when the kidneys are filtering (sediment)
01:52:33 “in the end of the day, the future of this planet is far from pharmaceuticals”
01:53:37 individual herbs and herbal formulas/tips for combining herbs well
01:55:17 getting healthy before procreating (procreation)
01:56:44 not seeing sediment after 6 months (filtration)
01:58:40 “you can’t create a one world order out of greed and money”
01:59:31 lump on dog’s neck (animals, black salve)
02:04:52 “all life responds to the right foods”
02:05:24 what is the appendix for?
02:06:51 vasectomy/celibacy
02:09:07 anti-spasmodic response from glycerin vs. alcohol formulas
02:12:47 damage from sun gazing/far infrared saunas (brief)
02:18:47 malabsorption
02:21:04 polycystic ovarian syndrome/”we have disrespected the female principle on this planet”/”you wouldn’t want to go to a pla
02:22:28 discussion on blood pressure (120/80 vs. 120/60)
Lung conditions
00:00 asthma and inhalers (Albuterol)
01:35 asthma and inhalers (Albuterol)
03:52 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, C.O.P.D.)
06:50 neurotoxins
10:24 mucus (mucosa, proteins)
13:16 possible thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism, pituitary connection) (brief)
15:26 the beauty of herbs versus pharmaceutical medications (brief)
19:20 milks (brief)
23:25 tips for dealing with C.O.P.D (castor oil packs, hot and cold treatments, sternum neuro-lymphatic points)
25:34 pneumonia (brief)
29:24 the simplicity of the human body (brief)
30:16 lung cancer (brief)
35:10 don’t over intellectualize that which is simple/”I’ve trained a lot of healers in my life, and I will say that some [of
Q & A 198
00:00 spirituality
01:32 spirituality
02:45 introductory message to newcomers
03:58 gene therapy (stem cell)
06:52 only seeing strands in urine following consumption of junk foods/tips for those having difficulty achieving kidney filtr
09:25 lessening of sediment following prolonged consumption of fruit (grapes)
12:37 the end goal of detoxification
17:04 removal of metal plates necessary? (metal rods, broken arm)/acid metals vs. alkaline metals
19:47 tips for when you reach a plateau (detoxification)
20:27 will teeth implants cause long-term health problems? (dental, tooth)
22:18 discussing fruits and detoxification (acid fruits, sub-acid fruits)
24:33 gene therapy for achromatopsia/[if] you really want to turn on the dead, you gotta get into the living”/spiritual insig
30:57 poverty consciousness
33:50 gemstones/Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians (book)
35:10 letting go
36:25 gardia/culturing mediums (parasites, toxemia)
39:15 be free in your creation/The Tiger’s Fang (book), Paul Twitchell (spiritual insights)
43:22 Levothyroxin and thyroid problems
49:17 severe joint inflammation
50:30 avoid getting too fanatical
52:42 removed tonsils (brief)
53:33 stubborn acne and baldness (balding)
54:47 can you regrow tonsils?
57:05 how much Heal-All Tea to drink per day?
Candida Albicans (Fungus) Issues
00:00 “we blame the little creatures of Nature, for everything”/”Man blames everybody but himself”
01:53 “we blame the little creatures of Nature, for everything”/”Man blames everybody but himself”
03:09 akashic records (causal world, duality)/the cycle of life
05:14 fermentation (complex sugars, sucrose, maltose, dextrose)
06:55 sugar metabolism (cortisol)
10:37 sulfur (methylsulfonylmethan, MSM)
12:55 “if we are to learn anything in college, it should be the ways of Nature; not the ways of some pseudo theories”/”gettin
17:08 pulling out of focused attention to see the whole
18:07 sulfur (cruciferous vegetables)
19:55 the fermentation experiment
21:12 pressure in the head (brief)/glaucoma (also view from 22:22)
23:47 difficulty sleeping
23:57 difficult speaking and hearing, red eyes 50% of the time
24:10 low urine pressure
24:31 slight depression (brief)
26:26 lip sores
29:47 is it possible to regrow tonsils?