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Q & A 198
00:00 spirituality
01:32 spirituality
02:45 introductory message to newcomers
03:58 gene therapy (stem cell)
06:52 only seeing strands in urine following consumption of junk foods/tips for those having difficulty achieving kidney filtr
09:25 lessening of sediment following prolonged consumption of fruit (grapes)
12:37 the end goal of detoxification
17:04 removal of metal plates necessary? (metal rods, broken arm)/acid metals vs. alkaline metals
19:47 tips for when you reach a plateau (detoxification)
20:27 will teeth implants cause long-term health problems? (dental, tooth)
22:18 discussing fruits and detoxification (acid fruits, sub-acid fruits)
24:33 gene therapy for achromatopsia/[if] you really want to turn on the dead, you gotta get into the living”/spiritual insig
30:57 poverty consciousness
33:50 gemstones/Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians (book)
35:10 letting go
36:25 gardia/culturing mediums (parasites, toxemia)
39:15 be free in your creation/The Tiger’s Fang (book), Paul Twitchell (spiritual insights)
43:22 Levothyroxin and thyroid problems
49:17 severe joint inflammation
50:30 avoid getting too fanatical
52:42 removed tonsils (brief)
53:33 stubborn acne and baldness (balding)
54:47 can you regrow tonsils?
57:05 how much Heal-All Tea to drink per day?
Candida Albicans (Fungus) Issues
00:00 “we blame the little creatures of Nature, for everything”/”Man blames everybody but himself”
01:53 “we blame the little creatures of Nature, for everything”/”Man blames everybody but himself”
03:09 akashic records (causal world, duality)/the cycle of life
05:14 fermentation (complex sugars, sucrose, maltose, dextrose)
06:55 sugar metabolism (cortisol)
10:37 sulfur (methylsulfonylmethan, MSM)
12:55 “if we are to learn anything in college, it should be the ways of Nature; not the ways of some pseudo theories”/”gettin
17:08 pulling out of focused attention to see the whole
18:07 sulfur (cruciferous vegetables)
19:55 the fermentation experiment
21:12 pressure in the head (brief)/glaucoma (also view from 22:22)
23:47 difficulty sleeping
23:57 difficult speaking and hearing, red eyes 50% of the time
24:10 low urine pressure
24:31 slight depression (brief)
26:26 lip sores
29:47 is it possible to regrow tonsils?
Q & A 199
00:00 the common denominator in incidences of mass shootings/journey to self-realization
01:00 the common denominator in incidences of mass shootings/journey to self-realization
04:38 scoliosis (kinesiology, acidosis)
06:35 “because man has been doing something for years doesn’t mean that it’s right”
08:10 treatment-based thinking
12:47 the body’s three main antacids (calcium, cholesterol, water)
16:28 being polarized to cooked foods
19:13 “always think [w]holistic”
23:00 detachment (Deepak Chopra)/”desire that which improves your beingness”
26:32 “we’re always alone within ourselves”
29:12 develop your ability to communicate your subject matter
34:44 “any desire is somewhat toxic to you because you’re locked to that desire”
35:45 kidney deterioration as a result of the Atkin’s diet
36:50 foods building negative thoughts
37:40 Grave’s disease, lymph node cancer
41:50 fat loss (weight loss)
48:10 not filtering after 4 months of grape fasting and taking herbs (filtration, sediment)
49:54 menses ceasing following fruit fast (menstruation)
51:57 transverse colon connection to the pituitary gland
53:49 slowing down when healing crises get too intense
54:27 resistance to the flow of energy (brief)
58:37 dark circles under eyes/kidney stones
01:01:27 rheumatoid arthritis (also view from 1:08:02) (charcoal, bentonite clay, systemic acidosis)
01:06:00 depression from pain
01:06:40 cravings (fungi, fungal, fungus)
01:09:25 dog with blindness and arthritis
01:10:30 alternatives to root canals (dental, teeth, tooth)
01:12:29 negative feedback on stem cell therapy
01:13:00 cardiac neurosis (Circulation Lower)
01:14:26 “the heart is attached to the descending colon in the embryonic trunk tissue”
01:15:05 Dr. Morse’s view on hypnotherapy/”true spiritual guides will not let you use them as a vehicle”
01:18:08 “be very cautious about opening yourself up to another entity or another being”
Q & A 185
00:00 food combinations and timing (food combining, protein and starch, digestion)
00:34 food combinations and timing (food combining, protein and starch, digestion)
05:07 advice for those considering becoming dieticians
08:30 kefir/observing instead of thinking
10:50 discussion on DNA and genetics (inherent weaknesses)
13:50 type 2 diabetes, kidneys issues (obesity, conflict over use of disease names)/bleeding toes
21:23 stuffed ears (ear candling, ear candles, antibiotics, bacteria)
25:27 Turkey awakening
27:56 are vegetables more alkaline than fruits?
30:18 how does the lymphatic system drain in the kidneys? (from an established anatomy and physiology aspect)/eliminative pat
31:51 losing muscle mass and weight on a high fruit diet (malabsorption, excessive thinness, shift your focus away from your
36:15 dry fruits vs. salads and avocado for dinner (or night meal)
38:01 most important herbs (or herbal formulas) if on a tight budget
39:31 pain following intake of fruit (stomach pain, watermelon, red color)
40:43 bananas, raisins, dates and figs for detoxification?
41:43 do you consider cucumbers and bell peppers as fruits?
42:45 fruits, vegetables and rebuilding of nervous system (brief)
43:33 osteoporosis
46:06 tips for rebuilding bones
48:44 lack of awareness (thinking there is no hope/remedy)/naturopathic physicians
51:32 working your way through your healing journey (balance)
53:19 dental problems (teeth, tooth, dentistry) (brief)
55:09 the mind vs. simplicity (awareness vs. thought processes)
57:05 tinnitus (strong head pressure and noise)/neuro-lymphatic points
58:55 a case #127: numbing of toes, cysts, cellulitis, abdominal fat, trouble sleeping, low blood pressure
01:02:09 “why get so complicated about things, [that] we can’t understand it” (simplicity)
01:03:47 insanity of hospital diet
01:09:04 contact lenses
01:10:18 food grade hydrogen peroxide
01:14:13 why is asthma worse at early morning and bed time?
01:17:02 how can asthma be absent for a period of time, then come back?
01:20:24 lung spasms and cortisol
01:21:57 food allergies
01:22:31 interstitial cystitis (bladder)
01:25:51 can you regrow a gallbladder?
Q & A 200
00:00 “for every one of us, the road to WellVille can be difficult at times”
02:40 “for every one of us, the road to WellVille can be difficult at times”
03:45 message to those in severe pain (acid fruits, green juices)
05:00 “if anybody ever said detoxification is simple and easy, I beg to differ”
05:24 genetic weaknesses and various conditions one can go through (healing crisis)
06:21 the weaknesses facing today’s children (chemotherapy)
12:55 type 1 diabetes and fruit sugar (carbohydrates)
15:47 can I exercise during detoxification? (filtering, filtration, sediment)/importance of rest
16:20 “if you call it a ‘disease’ and you’re fighting [this] ‘disease’, you lose”
19:13 contractions during pregnancy/psoriasis (thyroid)/”remember the skin is your 3rd kidney”
24:00 type 2 diabetes and sugars (brief)/type 1 diabetes and the inability to control blood sugars with fruit (brief)
25:34 how to detoxify a young child (children, neuro-lymphatic points)/natural immunity vs. vaccinated immunity
30:52 the Yale study comparing athletes on various diets (including fruitarians)
35:08 congenital heart malformation/genetic memory of cells (pacemaker, low heart rate)
45:54 iridology (brief)
46:44 depression
47:08 coffee enemas
52:19 diabetes and the fruit diet (insulin, the body’s energy requirements)
55:42 urine therapy
57:50 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, C.O.P.D.)
01:01:44 sinus polyps getting bigger during detoxification (horseradish root, Mucinex, ear candling)/moving lymph too fast vs. no
01:05:00 Dr. Morse’s experiences with water fasting (staying slightly hungry on detoxification)
01:09:56 kidney failure/kidney transplants
01:13:57 feces impacted on the intestinal walls
01:16:07 loose stools from fruit consumption (pancreas and liver)
01:18:57 the Fix It Diet (brief)
01:19:51 inguinal hernia
01:21:42 type 1 diabetes went through healing a crisis
01:25:12 sun gazing and brain damage (gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, skullcap, schizandra, bilberry)
01:30:05 prostate problems (prostatitis)
01:34:09 throat abscess/anxiety/allergies (brief)
Q & A 186
00:00 lyme disease (lupus, fibromyalgia) (brief)
02:23 lyme disease (lupus, fibromyalgia) (brief)
03:46 the genes approach (medically)
05:56 our primary tools for regeneration/grains
07:08 why vegetables are not necessarily ideal for humans
13:41 80-year-old with post-polio/vaccines, natural immunity (brief)
16:46 it’s never too late
18:11 a case #128: urinary tract infections, epilepsy (epileptic), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, C.O.P.D.), ov
22:19 “I don’t care who you are, what mother you are, what grandfather you are, you’re never too old to change your diet”
28:10 cyst above anus
29:19 breaking out during juice fast
35:13 vitamin D (sunlight)
36:02 stone stuck in gallbladder duct (Phosfood, magnesium, vitamin B6)
41:00 baby with eczema (children)
47:18 appearing healthy externally
48:19 postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome/modalities in the health field
53:47 licorice root (anti-inflammatory qualities)
56:49 difficulty maintaining detoxification diet
59:19 type 2 diabetes
01:01:35 dealing with cravings and boredom
01:03:44 claims of healing with raw animal products, etc.
01:06:19 should you always see sediment in your urine?
01:07:49 proteins
01:10:56 balding
01:13:13 glaucoma, dry eyes
01:16:02 dehydration (dehydrated)
Q & A 175
00:00 David Icke
03:46 David Icke
06:06 ketogenic diet
07:44 seizures (heat, strokes, neurological weakness)
11:43 each one of us is a healer
13:04 response to Poorskull
13:34 the mind is the creating force of creation
16:26 academics (educational system)/the mind is not intelligence
20:13 meditation/”intelligence has nothing to do with knowledge”
22:51 the EGO
25:49 you’re part of the all
30:38 electromagnetic energy (angstromgs)
31:43 cooking increases acidity in tomatoes?
33:15 alkalosis
36:18 “you didn’t go to Jesus and expect a chemistry lesson”
38:38 ketogenic diet
40:22 American Cancer Society raw food chart 1986 (#6)
41:56 what is cancer? (brief)/starving cancer cells of sugar
Q & A 187
00:00 spiritual insights (moving from the thinker to the watcher)/turmoil of the mind/illuminati
00:44 spiritual insights (moving from the thinker to the watcher)/turmoil of the mind/illuminati
05:35 “self-discipline requires you to break from the mind”
06:57 adult acne #1
07:09 macrobiotic diet
09:20 Accutane (isotretinoin)
10:46 “the answers are always within you; not outside of you”
12:11 Dr. Morse’s experience falling off of a telephone pole (body’s attempt at eliminating wastes)
14:22 “when you have a lymphatic problem, you have a systemic problem”
16:38 wrinkles
18:40 aneurysms (why are you losing calcium?)
19:25 similarity between the human body and how a city works
21:30 living in the mind
24:49 spider veins, varicose veins, brittle fingernails, bruising easy (brief)
27:15 biting fingernails
27:41 testosterone and hair loss/balding
29:27 dandruff (brief)
31:55 the core focus when dealing with the human body
33:20 we have to work for our health (earn it) (brief)
34:55 when can you begin exercising again? (fitness)
36:30 calories/resistance (three flows of energy: blood, nerve and lymph)
38:17 dried fruits (dates, figs, mulberries, etc.)
39:34 persistent chronic fatigue (adrenal glands, karma)/stop thinking
43:36 deep vein thrombosis leading to pulmonary embolism
49:34 cholesterol (progesterone)
51:27 lymes disease (viruses)/arthritis
53:07 the mind can distract you
54:16 Bell’s palsy
54:53 popping and cracking knees (brief)
56:31 adult acne #2
57:59 scarring (scar tissue)
59:07 negative aspects of meat consumption
01:03:42 regenerating bone tissue (rebuilding bones)
01:08:29 you are the one that matters
Q & A 150
00:00 petrified lymph nodes, cancer markers increasing (hard lymph nodes) (also view from 45:19)
02:58 petrified lymph nodes, cancer markers increasing (hard lymph nodes) (also view from 45:19)
11:45 “the more you know, the stupider you get”
14:38 skin pustules
17:48 burning sensations (brief)
19:49 tongue changing color
20:55 diarrhea on fruits (brief)
22:20 no menstruation on raw foods and herbs (pituitary gland)
26:02 male pattern baldness
27:10 depression (brief)
29:45 the basic protocols
35:30 a case #108: extreme brain fog, blurry vision, extreme fatigue, inability to concentrate properly or think straight, fe
38:14 exercise exacerbating symptoms (methyl acetate)/meningitis (brief)
45:25 radiation, chemotherapy (brief)
46:25 Civil Rights Attorneys (brief)
47:14 discussing the role of the kidneys/”you should never fear inferior” (lymphatic system, lymph nodes, sewer system)/Germa
51:07 message to those that are suffering greatly/“get in touch with who you are”/”let your body be external to you”
52:24 the idea that the liver is a detoxifying organ (kidneys, adrenal glands)/disease, obstruction to the flow of energy
54:24 detoxifying with one kidney (herbal dosages)
56:34 fibromyalgia (systemic acidosis)
59:55 sensitive to pain
01:00:25 spinal meningitis
Submitted Eye Pictures
00:00 good source of black salve?/lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, F.D.A.)
01:58 good source of black salve?/lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, F.D.A.)
05:25 “love and truth always works”
08:36 iridology before and afters
12:45 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #78 (Baby) (iridology)
15:15 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #79 (Vitor) (iridology)
16:25 describing iridology as a science
21:38 deviating eye colors, different shades of blue and brown eyes (iridology)
22:17 iris fibers susceptible to appearing wavy due to parathyroid weakness (iridology)
23:04 use of probiotics (not recommended), digestive enzymes (not recommended)
25:06 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #80 (Chad) (iridology)
32:39 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #81 (Jason) (iridology)
38:27 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #82 (Kristina) (iridology)/knee swelling, sore and stiff hips, severe constipation,
46:25 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #83 (Amber) (iridology)
49:32 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #84 (Kevin) (iridology)
56:20 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #85 (Chris) (iridology)/hoarseness, coughing, shortness of breath, itchy throat, sor
01:00:41 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #86 (Sandy) (iridology)
01:04:35 keep it simple and go after health