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Q & A 150
00:00 petrified lymph nodes, cancer markers increasing (hard lymph nodes) (also view from 45:19)
02:58 petrified lymph nodes, cancer markers increasing (hard lymph nodes) (also view from 45:19)
11:45 “the more you know, the stupider you get”
14:38 skin pustules
17:48 burning sensations (brief)
19:49 tongue changing color
20:55 diarrhea on fruits (brief)
22:20 no menstruation on raw foods and herbs (pituitary gland)
26:02 male pattern baldness
27:10 depression (brief)
29:45 the basic protocols
35:30 a case #108: extreme brain fog, blurry vision, extreme fatigue, inability to concentrate properly or think straight, fe
38:14 exercise exacerbating symptoms (methyl acetate)/meningitis (brief)
45:25 radiation, chemotherapy (brief)
46:25 Civil Rights Attorneys (brief)
47:14 discussing the role of the kidneys/”you should never fear inferior” (lymphatic system, lymph nodes, sewer system)/Germa
51:07 message to those that are suffering greatly/“get in touch with who you are”/”let your body be external to you”
52:24 the idea that the liver is a detoxifying organ (kidneys, adrenal glands)/disease, obstruction to the flow of energy
54:24 detoxifying with one kidney (herbal dosages)
56:34 fibromyalgia (systemic acidosis)
59:55 sensitive to pain
01:00:25 spinal meningitis
Submitted Eye Pictures
00:00 good source of black salve?/lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, F.D.A.)
01:58 good source of black salve?/lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, F.D.A.)
05:25 “love and truth always works”
08:36 iridology before and afters
12:45 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #78 (Baby) (iridology)
15:15 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #79 (Vitor) (iridology)
16:25 describing iridology as a science
21:38 deviating eye colors, different shades of blue and brown eyes (iridology)
22:17 iris fibers susceptible to appearing wavy due to parathyroid weakness (iridology)
23:04 use of probiotics (not recommended), digestive enzymes (not recommended)
25:06 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #80 (Chad) (iridology)
32:39 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #81 (Jason) (iridology)
38:27 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #82 (Kristina) (iridology)/knee swelling, sore and stiff hips, severe constipation,
46:25 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #83 (Amber) (iridology)
49:32 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #84 (Kevin) (iridology)
56:20 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #85 (Chris) (iridology)/hoarseness, coughing, shortness of breath, itchy throat, sor
01:00:41 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #86 (Sandy) (iridology)
01:04:35 keep it simple and go after health
Q & A 164
00:00 keeping yourself in balance/realizing that everything is possible
00:54 keeping yourself in balance/realizing that everything is possible
09:49 deteriorating health on a vegan diet? (dead tissue is not healthy)
11:36 maintaining a fruit level diet is difficult/”your eating [habits] is directly related to your state of consciousness”
15:47 “the outside world judges, when they don’t even have a clue as to what they’re judging”
19:15 how long does it take to get rid of skin conditions? (acne, pimples)
23:50 royal jelly
24:42 calcifications
27:13 ear infections
33:09 you are the one (spiritual insights)
35:51 discussing dialysis/you can always regenerate [kidney] tissues
46:18 priority of macronutrients (simple sugars, fatty acids, amino acids)/the four processes to wellbeing (digestion, absorp
55:02 breastfeeding during detoxification
58:16 swollen lymph nodes (three lung tea recommended)
Q & A 165
00:00 having someone to share the experience with/living in the present moment
02:00 having someone to share the experience with/living in the present moment
03:00 limitation vs. consciousness (separation vs. oneness) (spiritual insights)
04:56 pancreatic pain from watermelon and red grapes (aggressive nature of red fruits)/pain caused by acidosis
12:55 in the health field: what are you allowed to say? (legally)
27:30 weak immune system, herpes simplex virus (HSV, H.S.V.), scarring post-hysterectomy
29:25 the importance of addressing causative factors post-surgery (scar tissues, adhesions)
31:58 dogs and proteins
Q & A 151
00:00 a case #109: osteoporosis, hypercoagulation, fatigue, chronic pains (also review Q & A 152
01:00 a case #109: osteoporosis, hypercoagulation, fatigue, chronic pains (also review Q & A 152
01:52 toxicity
03:38 sulfur (MSM) (brief)/fungal meningitis and methyl acetate (fermentation)
07:29 Dr. Morse’s advice on the Master Cleanse, salt water flushes
10:20 simply apply the laws of nature/preceding medical doctors and other individuals who tore it apart
12:26 Whole Foods and genetically modified organisms (GMO) (brief)
15:54 why some people might be having problems with fruits (diet)/the monster we have created
19:35 pulmonary fibrosis
22:19 the suppression of vital information (brief)
23:45 dandruff
27:24 how to move the lymphatic lymph
29:50 Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV, E.B.V), psoriasis
32:35 understanding balance in academics, judgment
37:35 the realm of theories
39:54 a case #110: Addison’s disease, Hashimoto’s, extreme fatigue
42:47 kidney problems
44:42 Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP, H.S.P.)
46:31 Vitargo (supplement)/obstructions to the flow of energy
50:14 scurvy
52:15 fecal body odor, trimethylaminuria (TMAU, T.M.A.U)
58:03 Serge’s case
Q & A 166
00:00 why fruits are the best foods for mankind/nutrition
01:36 why fruits are the best foods for mankind/nutrition
03:15 eating simpler (mono dieting, combining various levels of consciousness, keeping it simple)
05:21 dehydration of the mouth on herbal formulas (astringents)
06:35 sodium fluoride accumulating in the bones (hexafluorosilicic acid)
10:28 avascular necrosis
14:37 detoxifying 4-year-old (children)/limited urination, minor constipation
17:05 the value of fevers (brief)
20:32 heart attacks, high blood pressure
23:38 psoriasis from chemical medications
24:58 Candida, sugar metabolism (brief)
26:10 don’t set goals too high (work in the now)
28:55 adrenal glands, prostate and testosterone (steroid hormones, low testosterone/prostatitis, prostate cancer
34:57 keep yourself balanced and well/adjusting to balances
Q & A 152
00:00 important that we grow/learning who we are (spiritual insights)
02:55 important that we grow/learning who we are (spiritual insights)
06:06 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #64 (Mizpah) (iridology)/sulfur
12:35 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #65 (Mark) (iridology)
19:31 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #66 (Lotus) (iridology)
21:22 radii solaris
25:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #67 (?) (iridology)/rheumatoid arthritis, cautious with citrus fruits
32:34 vaccines, polio (vaccinations, inoculations)
34:45 a case #111: lower back pain, night sweats, muscle pain, muscle twitching, bone loss, hot flashes, body aches, muscle a
40:42 coffee enemas (not recommended) (brief)
41:39 the first two-week protocols (basic protocol, deworming, parasites)
46:36 when people can’t tolerate fruits
48:15 tightness from eating fruits
49:25 problems following massage/naturopathy (treatment based thinking vs. curative thinking, the different modalities)
54:48 when massages are useful (brief)/therapeutic modalities/questioning the cause of health issues
56:15 “living on this planet is a toxic experience, period”
57:33 one kidney can filter more than the other (brief)
59:40 infusing sodium bicarbonate into tumors (brief)
01:01:54 discussion on sleep
01:05:40 being the cause vs. being the effect (spiritual insights)
01:09:15 dental fillings (mercury)
01:12:34 herpes (culturing mediums)
01:13:52 the serious problem we’re facing (deterioration of health)
01:15:47 what if living in the now is too painful?/”if you hold pain in, there is only one person that suffers; and that’s you”
01:21:30 naturopathic medicine schools (medical influence)/naturopathy
Q & A 167
00:00 finding balance (brief)
00:48 finding balance (brief)
02:18 the simplicity of detoxification/”at any given time, the masses are always walking down the wrong road”
04:43 1-year-old having a healing crisis (eczema, children, babies, baby)
11:13 can you take baking soda regularly? (injecting baking soda, tumors)/it takes time to alkalize the body
13:30 advanced cases must utilize emergency rooms whenever necessary (ER, E.R.)
17:28 chaste tree berry/importance of the endocrine glands (vitex, pituitary gland)
20:07 should men avoid chaste tree berries? (vitex)
20:34 testicular atrophy
22:51 how to keep sexual organs healthy (brief)
23:45 a case #116: adrenal fatigue, depression, gastritis, skin issues
25:50 swollen and petrified lymph nodes
27:19 the body must be addressed holistically
28:11 experiencing foggy mind, knee weakness, dizziness, short temper and sense of low blood sugar unless eating frequently
28:41 exercise making symptoms worse/”there is a time to exercise, and then there is a time to rest”
29:47 importance of sugar metabolism/recommended blood sugar ranges
32:27 using aloe vera to soothe stomach pain (slippery elm, marshmallow, Three Lung Tea, Heal All Tea)
34:32 today’s protocols/remedies to soothe acidosís
37:13 be in the now
39:57 the fruit categories (less detoxifying fruits)
41:40 Dupuytren’s contracture (Dupuytren’s disease)
49:56 dialysis
55:22 the protein myth/returning to simplicity
56:13 standing up with love, strength and power
59:00 Portugal
59:42 persistent urinary tract infections (UTI, U.T.I.)/nephritis/using Heal All Tea and Three Lung Tea to heal kidneys
01:01:47 inflammation of vaginal area
01:09:24 mucus secretion during crying spells
01:11:35 sneezing
01:12:19 eating vs. juicing fruits
01:13:44 a case #117: pituitary adenoma (pituitary tumor), no menstrual cycle, prolapsed bladder, sluggish colon
01:15:07 hazel eyes (iridology)
01:15:49 Stomach & Bowels formula instead of enemas
01:18:18 cavities (teeth problems) (brief)
01:21:00 bags under eyes, dark circles under eyes and hollow eyes
01:22:20 cell salts (tissue salts)/ganglion cyst
01:24:03 prolapsed nasal septum
01:24:40 the primary focus in detoxification
01:26:28 briefly defining detoxification
01:27:09 hyperactive glands/stimulation and enervation from acids
01:29:17 strengthening the thyroid gland/nerve reflexes from the bowels
01:31:15 how to increase testosterone
01:32:59 abdominal aortic aneurysm
01:34:10 seborrheic dermatitis