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Q & A 152
00:00 important that we grow/learning who we are (spiritual insights)
02:55 important that we grow/learning who we are (spiritual insights)
06:06 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #64 (Mizpah) (iridology)/sulfur
12:35 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #65 (Mark) (iridology)
19:31 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #66 (Lotus) (iridology)
21:22 radii solaris
25:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #67 (?) (iridology)/rheumatoid arthritis, cautious with citrus fruits
32:34 vaccines, polio (vaccinations, inoculations)
34:45 a case #111: lower back pain, night sweats, muscle pain, muscle twitching, bone loss, hot flashes, body aches, muscle a
40:42 coffee enemas (not recommended) (brief)
41:39 the first two-week protocols (basic protocol, deworming, parasites)
46:36 when people can’t tolerate fruits
48:15 tightness from eating fruits
49:25 problems following massage/naturopathy (treatment based thinking vs. curative thinking, the different modalities)
54:48 when massages are useful (brief)/therapeutic modalities/questioning the cause of health issues
56:15 “living on this planet is a toxic experience, period”
57:33 one kidney can filter more than the other (brief)
59:40 infusing sodium bicarbonate into tumors (brief)
01:01:54 discussion on sleep
01:05:40 being the cause vs. being the effect (spiritual insights)
01:09:15 dental fillings (mercury)
01:12:34 herpes (culturing mediums)
01:13:52 the serious problem we’re facing (deterioration of health)
01:15:47 what if living in the now is too painful?/”if you hold pain in, there is only one person that suffers; and that’s you”
01:21:30 naturopathic medicine schools (medical influence)/naturopathy
Q & A 167
00:00 finding balance (brief)
00:48 finding balance (brief)
02:18 the simplicity of detoxification/”at any given time, the masses are always walking down the wrong road”
04:43 1-year-old having a healing crisis (eczema, children, babies, baby)
11:13 can you take baking soda regularly? (injecting baking soda, tumors)/it takes time to alkalize the body
13:30 advanced cases must utilize emergency rooms whenever necessary (ER, E.R.)
17:28 chaste tree berry/importance of the endocrine glands (vitex, pituitary gland)
20:07 should men avoid chaste tree berries? (vitex)
20:34 testicular atrophy
22:51 how to keep sexual organs healthy (brief)
23:45 a case #116: adrenal fatigue, depression, gastritis, skin issues
25:50 swollen and petrified lymph nodes
27:19 the body must be addressed holistically
28:11 experiencing foggy mind, knee weakness, dizziness, short temper and sense of low blood sugar unless eating frequently
28:41 exercise making symptoms worse/”there is a time to exercise, and then there is a time to rest”
29:47 importance of sugar metabolism/recommended blood sugar ranges
32:27 using aloe vera to soothe stomach pain (slippery elm, marshmallow, Three Lung Tea, Heal All Tea)
34:32 today’s protocols/remedies to soothe acidosís
37:13 be in the now
39:57 the fruit categories (less detoxifying fruits)
41:40 Dupuytren’s contracture (Dupuytren’s disease)
49:56 dialysis
55:22 the protein myth/returning to simplicity
56:13 standing up with love, strength and power
59:00 Portugal
59:42 persistent urinary tract infections (UTI, U.T.I.)/nephritis/using Heal All Tea and Three Lung Tea to heal kidneys
01:01:47 inflammation of vaginal area
01:09:24 mucus secretion during crying spells
01:11:35 sneezing
01:12:19 eating vs. juicing fruits
01:13:44 a case #117: pituitary adenoma (pituitary tumor), no menstrual cycle, prolapsed bladder, sluggish colon
01:15:07 hazel eyes (iridology)
01:15:49 Stomach & Bowels formula instead of enemas
01:18:18 cavities (teeth problems) (brief)
01:21:00 bags under eyes, dark circles under eyes and hollow eyes
01:22:20 cell salts (tissue salts)/ganglion cyst
01:24:03 prolapsed nasal septum
01:24:40 the primary focus in detoxification
01:26:28 briefly defining detoxification
01:27:09 hyperactive glands/stimulation and enervation from acids
01:29:17 strengthening the thyroid gland/nerve reflexes from the bowels
01:31:15 how to increase testosterone
01:32:59 abdominal aortic aneurysm
01:34:10 seborrheic dermatitis
Q & A 153
00:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #68 (Tris) (iridology)
00:55 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #68 (Tris) (iridology)
08:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #69 (Jess) (iridology)
12:10 briefly explaining iridology, Ignatz Von Peczely’s iris chart, Dr. Bernard Jensen’s iris chart, simple iris chart
18:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #70 (?) (iridology)
25:55 observing and correlating (iridology)
27:30 academics and the medical curriculum (brief)
29:05 myasthenia gravis
30:22 “the more you turn on the mind, the more you turn on the ego”/spiritual insights, live in the moment
34:14 bioavailable elements (mumigo fossil deposits, inorganic elements)
37:22 if you can’t handle fruits (work your wait up slowly)/if you don’t like fruits (brief)
38:08 malabsorption (excessive thinness)/”there is no reason to be thin on fruits and vegetables”
40:45 hypercoagulation
42:38 how to tell if endocrine glands have been repaired/tissue always repairs itself
45:31 protocol for lump in breast
48:14 radiation
50:07 getting full spectrum lighting (don’t use sunglasses, sun exposure, sunlight)
53:45 the practitioner’s manual (#2)
57:30 diffusion (homeostasis, balance)
01:00:14 adrenal surges
01:02:45 taking proper iris pictures (eye pictures)
01:05:02 high uric acid levels/diarrhea during juice fasting
01:09:00 iodine and the thyroid/oral application of iodine
01:09:50 cerebral interstitial lymphatic constipation (brief)
01:11:40 can you foresee a healing crisis from the iris?/healing lines (iridology)
01:16:58 Nerium face cream
Health Talk
00:00 how to start with detoxifying with fruits/sourcing fruits
04:33 how to start with detoxifying with fruits/sourcing fruits
10:21 discussing sugars (diabetes)/children and genetics (brief)
15:15 don’t be fearful of feeding babies raw foods (children)/superfoods
25:38 confusion regarding the pathways of lymphatic system/”if you ignore the kidney filtration of the lymph, you’re going to
36:38 differences between pus and mucus/infections (brief)
39:42 foam in stool (Master Cleanse)
41:34 sulfur (orange in the eyes) (iridology)
42:30 douching with the Heal All Tea (also view from
44:56 deep hollow eyes
47:50 fibroids
53:45 foot drop from multiple sclerosis (MS, M.S.)
57:27 breast tumors and biopsies/”the less medical intervention, the better, and the more chances you’re likely to get well”
01:00:23 mammograms (thermography)
Q & A 154
00:00 the need to grow spiritually (develop yourself spiritually)
00:45 the need to grow spiritually (develop yourself spiritually)
02:48 karma (the law of cause and effect, you reap what you sow)
06:13 “the trap is the intellectual”
07:56 the two sides of chemistry (acid, alkaline, base)
13:34 Tom’s case
18:19 shingles/artificial immunity, viruses, virals
21:45 cold and flu healing crisis
24:49 kidney failure (brief)
31:39 diverticulums (brief)
34:45 intracellular acidosis vs. extracellular acidosis (brief)
36:18 returning to integrity and honesty
39:57 carrot juice detoxification
44:20 acne/cellular wastes
48:51 acne breakouts from eating fruits
53:07 juvenile macular degeneration
56:37 the reality of things (brief)
01:05:43 “you’ve got to change your awareness”
01:07:35 radii solaris (iridology)
01:10:04 non-sweet fruits in detoxification
01:12:17 working ourselves towards remedy
01:14:25 the lymphatic system and magnetism/the astral body/the mind: causal, mental, etheric/akashic records
01:18:50 mid-back pain and heart arrhythmia after eating fruit
01:20:06 if people can’t handle an all raw diet (slowing down detoxification, transitioning)
01:24:52 forget calories, and focus on health
01:27:15 a case #112: chronic migraines, cyclic vomiting syndrome, tonsils removed, adrenal exhaustion, iron deficiency, jaundic
01:30:34 Best’s disease (macular degeneration)
01:34:12 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, C.O.P.D.), chronic allergic asthma (brief)
01:40:26 the Budwig diet
01:42:38 hydrogen peroxide therapy
01:45:17 training courses in the use of glandulars
01:47:20 book: “Meat-Eating - A Cause of Disease”/immaculate conceptions
Q & A 168
00:00 nothing wrong with standing up for truth
01:55 nothing wrong with standing up for truth
02:26 cold and flu epidemics (brief)
03:44 the case against detoxification
06:50 you reap what you sow/for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction
08:34 menopause, hormonal problems, aches and pains, mood swings, migraines
09:42 postpartum depression (postnatal depression)
10:10 signs of pituitary gland weakness
13:30 the body’s three main antacids (cholesterol, calcium, edema) (brief)
15:00 the Lou Gehrig’s case drowned by medical doctor
17:00 probiotics/culturing mediums
18:55 intracellular acidosis (DNA damage) (brief)
19:58 hives, expectoration (allergies)
21:30 “what you suppress today is your nightmare from hell tomorrow”
22:00 using glandulars to promote weight gain (muscles)/malabsorption/chaste tree berries
24:49 overuse of glandulars (using with balance)
27:13 10-month-old baby with allergies, rashes, loose stools (children)
33:00 no buyer’s remorse down the allopathic road
35:23 the importance of rest
40:55 proper food combining/fermentation and blood alcohol
45:00 astringents in vegetables vs. fruits
47:09 proteins in foods, simple constituents/treatment based enzymes
53:07 healing burns (John Keim’s burn salve)/pain management
01:02:58 bee pollen, royal jelly
01:04:22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, N.D.A.A)
01:07:14 a case #118: lymes disease (lupus, fibromyalgia)/dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, bad memory, loss of vocabulary, acne, s
01:11:21 Hepatitis C (Hep C)/fatty liver/kidney infection
01:20:22 ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
01:23:50 cancer and the lymphatic system/the strong survive, the weak are consumed/intracellular acidosis, DNA damage
01:27:24 how long does it take to reestablish bacteria after antibiotic use?
01:31:08 iridology on brown eyes (brief)
01:31:35 undigested food in stool
01:33:13 the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO Act)
01:33:51 you can be godly with action (spiritual insights)/stand for truth and love
01:36:07 what is the best way to overcome asthma?
Q & A 155
00:00 Down’s syndrome (sepsis, septicemia)/Hashimoto’s disease
04:00 Down’s syndrome (sepsis, septicemia)/Hashimoto’s disease
09:27 returning tissue to health (brief)/chelation therapy (brief)
11:30 varicose veins
12:36 body break itself down due to lack of protein? (nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, Li Ching-Yuen, Atkin’s diet)
17:43 the concept of drinking lots of water (H2O, edema)
22:37 fatty deposits
24:53 albidoism
26:06 the pathways of elimination
28:16 maintenance diets
30:00 grains and Candida
30:31 vitamin D through the winter
31:01 dietary confusion (grains, complex chemistry, wheat, beans, rice)
Q & A 169
00:00 medical doctor touting sulfur
02:27 medical doctor touting sulfur
08:30 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #87 (?) (iridology)
11:20 lacunas (crypts, lesions)/radii solaris
12:47 German iridology (brief)/hazel eyes (iridology)
13:29 scurf rim (iridology)
18:46 New Zealand iridology chart
19:48 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #88 (?) (iridology)
23:22 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #89 (?) (iridology)
26:14 parathyroid glands and loose iris fibers (iridology)
28:55 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #90 (Mark) (iridology)
37:04 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #91 (?) (iridology)
37:45 Male Reproductive formula and prostate
44:00 allopathic medicine must come to an end/ego (spiritual insights)
47:02 become the observer (stepping back) (brief)/theories (brief)/duality in creation (spiritual insights)
52:16 top kidney herbs (couch grass, juniper berries, corn silk, dandelions, parsley, golden rod, nettles)
54:39 increasing testosterone with testicular glandulars/prostate glandulars
55:14 deep breathing (abdominal breathing instead of thoracic breathing)
57:02 hyperbaric chambers (carbon, oxygen)
57:40 sugar confusion
58:45 unable to tolerate most herbs and fruits (muscle testing)
01:00:00 culturing mediums (inner terrain) (brief)
01:03:38 “don’t look to the light, be the light”/developing your spirituality
01:04:37 feeling weak on herbs and fruits
01:07:27 “I find the word ‘cancer’ an interesting choice, for whoever created that name for cells that are being damaged”
01:07:48 lungs and compromised oxygenation (O2 saturation)
01:08:54 people with breast cancer should avoid antiperspirant/”you don’t put any chemicals near lymph nodes)
01:09:47 “if you stink, you’re just getting rid of proteins” (disagreeable body odor)
01:10:37 dark circles under the eyes (also view from 1:15:14)
01:12:39 you can rebuild any tissue/medical science
01:15:14 detoxification is a process
01:17:08 fruits vs. vegetables (electromagnetic energy)/cellular genetic thinking
01:19:16 can dark circles get worse before improving?
01:19:58 coffee
01:20:54 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, I.B.S.)
01:25:35 fungal meningitis and methyl acetate
01:27:34 anal fistula
01:30:10 using black salve without addressing the cause
01:34:15 depression (brief)
01:37:41 Dr. Morse’s opinion on grapefruits (pomelos, oranges)
01:39:15 congestion in an acidic environment
01:42:08 chronic sinusitis (rhinosinusitis)
01:43:45 the incompetency of the medical community
01:48:50 undigested fruits in stool (brief)
01:51:39 a case #119: allergies, tonsils removed, migraines, inflamed uterus and cervix, eczema, depression, infertility, blocke
01:54:50 swinging blood pressure
01:58:09 “there is nothing more rewarding than to help people”
01:59:10 [some of] Dr. Morse’s favorite herbs (comfrey, goldenseal, gotu kola, skullcap, Siberian ginseng, parsley)
02:01:10 herbs for emergency kits (cinnamon, cayenne pepper, comfrey, etc.)
02:02:18 being in the God presence (spiritual insights)/know your subject matter
02:06:04 observing from the higher planes (creation, the silver cord, Paul Twitchell)
02:09:16 a raw food diet alone is not enough (detoxification is necessary)
02:12:35 earthing and grounding (touch the earth)
02:24:13 could we use opium instead of morphine?
00:00 the realm of knowingness vs. the realm of theories (intellectualism, the mind) (brief)/”the mind isn’t your realm to fi
01:42 the realm of knowingness vs. the realm of theories (intellectualism, the mind) (brief)/”the mind isn’t your realm to fi
03:34 discussion regarding central heterochromia (orange around the pupil, sulfur, what causes orange in the eyes?)
06:13 [what would cause?] chronic stomach ailment
09:50 keep things simple, iridology, don’t apply iridology to disease thinking (treatment based thinking)
11:18 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #46 (Clementine) (iridology)
17:51 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #47 (Beverly) (iridology)
23:21 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #48 (Dee Dee) (iridology)/[severe] kidney infection during detoxification
25:38 orange in eyes (sulfur)
31:09 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #49 (?) (iridology)/schizophrenia, anxiety, panic attacks, ear infections, hay fever
37:07 when tissue doesn’t heal well
38:23 sinus and transverse bowel connection
43:50 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #50 (Wendy & Rick) (iridology)
Q & A 156
00:00 blood work during detoxification (blood tests, elevated liver enzymes) (brief)/detoxification exposes weaknesses
02:10 blood work during detoxification (blood tests, elevated liver enzymes) (brief)/detoxification exposes weaknesses
02:49 discussion on unwillingness to face reality, imbalance, government (spiritual insights)
08:27 you don’t need a medical degree to help people be healthy/treatment based thinking
12:30 bipolar disorder (genetic weaknesses) (also view from 23:37)
16:18 bovine colostrum (not recommended)/immune cells (immune system)
19:30 blind trust vs. self-experience
19:49 shark cartilage and tumors
22:02 alkaline urine in the beginning of raw food diet
24:28 the sense of self (spirituality) (spiritual insights)
25:40 frequent urination (dry skin, dry eyes)
27:27 [thoughts on] acupuncture
29:04 Prostate-specific antigen level, creatinine level (brief)
30:02 Antoine Béchamp (biological terrain vs. germ theory) (culturing medium)
31:06 lesions on kidneys
34:32 “by the time you become aware of something [a symptom], it’s generally chronic”/acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative
36:28 elevated cholesterol (High-density lipoprotein, HDL, Low-density lipoprotein, LDL)
38:50 don’t ask medical doctors about health
39:36 fatty liver/the body’s protection against acids (cholesterol, calcium, edema)
43:30 suppression of public’s awareness of Naturopathy (medical doctors)
45:11 massive sinus polyp
45:58 deviated septum (brief)/detoxification while expecting birth
46:55 the body rejecting weakened fetuses during detoxification
49:10 to mother’s: try to take time, before conceiving, to get yourself healthy
50:34 eczema (brief)
52:11 getting rid of thyroid and sinus congestion
52:57 protein damages colon and kidneys (brief)
55:10 people with cancer and closed hearts
56:43 mucus congestion in the lungs
57:32 are bananas bad for the thyroid? (broccoli)
58:15 goiter
01:00:00 emphasizing simplicity over intellectualism (theories vs. clinical experience)
01:02:47 symptoms of hyperthyroidism (Michael John Kells “Mick” Fleetwood)/symptoms of hypothyroidism (calcitonin, parathormone)
01:06:16 a case #113: low energy, depression, heavy perspiration (sweating profusely), menopause, hot flashes, grainy skin/synth
01:12:14 purging of the body (cleansing, antibiotics)
01:16:11 “keep it simple and you will have the keys to the heavens, keep it complex and you will have the door that locks you in
01:16:36 detoxifying the liver (brief)
01:18:19 out of body experience (OBE, O.B.E., meditation)