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Q & A 173
00:00 the spiritual element, thought (the mind)/”the more academically inclined you are, the stupider you can be”
01:31 the spiritual element, thought (the mind)/”the more academically inclined you are, the stupider you can be”
05:34 impeded utilization from ingesting multiple glandulars?
07:18 starting slowly with glandulars (more sensitive people)
08:08 “the older people’s job is to pass their knowledge and their wisdom on to the younger people, so they [the younger peop
09:56 low blood pressure
11:08 the wrong way of detoxifying
11:37 no changes in acne after prolonged detoxification (chronic skin congestion)
13:46 dog with anal tumor (Canax, animals)
16:07 dialysis, lupus (chemotherapy)
21:08 brief discussion on proteins
23:06 epilepsy symptoms improved from eliminating proteins
24:41 seizures (neurological weaknesses and fruits)
26:25 stay strong in your decision to NOT vaccinate
27:12 turmeric for pain relief?
28:08 if you want to become a naturopathic doctor/licensing
29:48 exploded rashes
33:15 sometimes science doesn’t have the answers
34:43 low iron levels (liver, spleen, kelp, alfalfa)/low white blood cell count (brief)
37:28 unicorns/Eckankar
38:44 spring water is immature water?/distilled water (alkalosis)
40:41 deficiencies from distilled water?
44:26 eye problems (nearsightedness, stigmatism, etc.)
46:33 always remember the Upper Circulation and Brain & Nervous System formulas when working on the head area
46:57 science vs. clinical work (theories vs. actualities)
48:46 man and meat/nature offers all the answers
52:06 difficulty maintaining an all-fruit diet
53:08 vitiligo, pituitary gland and tranverse colon
55:55 fruit detoxification, water fasting and dry fasting
57:37 iridology (Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book: Iridology Simplified)
58:44 become healthy having children
01:00:20 will the herbs work on a standard diet?
01:01:05 the problems we face as healers
01:02:55 dietary tips
01:04:35 debilitating ear infections (ear candling sinus congestion)/can you regenerate removed tonsils and adenoids?
01:08:46 we have to learn how to interact with clients
01:10:20 man, fruits and herbs
01:11:50 have fun without fear/out of body experiences (OBE, O.B.E.’s) (spiritual insights)
01:15:39 motorcycle ACCIDENT: spinal stenosis, broken bones, road rash, tingling sensations
01:21:25 what appears healthy may not be healthy (your body is a self-healing organism)
01:24:17 the attempt at slandering iridology
01:28:57 prostatitis/pelvic discomfort
01:33:26 therapeutic touch (brief)
01:43:57 gemstones (Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians (book))
01:45:44 hair gel
01:46:40 difficulty finding history of primitive vegan cultures, the present moment
01:50:16 can we survive without animal products?
01:54:27 vaginitis/discussing infections
02:00:55 panic attacks following divorce
02:03:54 fibroid tumors, irregular menses (menstruation, benign tumors)
02:07:49 rheumatoid arthritis (R.A.)
02:09:57 amalgam fillings (root canals)
02:12:38 stop reading others consciousness
02:14:36 why aren’t we more nutritionally deficient?/digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination
02:16:36 minerals (brief)/the fixation on vitamins and (m)inerals
02:19:21 coconut oil pulling
Q & A 147
00:00 discussing international orders (shipping, God’s Herbs, Codex Alimentarius)/studying the use of herbs
01:34 discussing international orders (shipping, God’s Herbs, Codex Alimentarius)/studying the use of herbs
05:46 neurofibromatosis/there is nothing incurable
08:27 “it’s hard when you carry a certain level of thinking, and suddenly you realize you’ve spent years of your life and it
09:22 the mind is a conditioned instrument
10:45 gaining strength and conquering emotional and mental weaknesses
11:45 detoxifying thoroughly [until symptoms don’t resurface when you eat bad]
15:20 the decline of the health of cells (brief)
17:30 applying salts on skin (eczema, sodium of bicarbonate, sodium chloride)
18:21 inherent genetic weaknesses, cells (brief)
19:27 PN Immune Support
21:32 type 1 diabetes/bedwetting
30:20 congestion, infections
32:54 “let’s throw our differences aside and let’s body up and change the planet”
37:19 polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS, P.C.O.S.)/infertility (inability to conceive)
48:08 colostomy
50:07 opening a clinic, healing center/”don’t you think it’s time we show the world you don’t have to have academics stacked
55:21 “sometimes, the more education you have, the more stupid you get”
57:08 loose teeth, receding gums, bacteria around the gum
01:03:24 septicemia
01:08:00 be the light
01:10:03 hypothyroidism
01:11:03 “what do we really know?” (theories) (brief)
01:12:50 [what are] glandulars (brief)
01:17:35 facial nerve damage, not healing well (starting 1:20:00)
01:18:00 Food and Drug Administration wanting to ban anti-cancer herbs (alkaloids)
01:23:32 neurotoxicity (anesthesia) (brief)/”we know too much right now to make the medical profession get away with this, and T
01:25:52 discussing skin lotions (brief)
01:27:15 insomnia/vitiligo (vertigo)
01:28:49 post surgical teeth issues, horseradish root
01:30:49 aplastic anemia (low red blood cells, low iron)
01:35:38 are grapes detrimental or beneficial to the kidneys? (brief)
01:37:13 appendicitis
01:40:21 interstitial cystitis
01:44:15 cleaning acids out of the body can be painful, Inflammation/Joints formula (brief)
01:45:21 seborrhoeic dermatitis
01:47:58 dandruff (dry skin) (brief)
01:49:00 trying to understand health through intellectualism (brief)
01:51:25 muscular dystrophy (MD, M.D.)
01:57:38 “there is nothing incurable”
01:59:08 discussing the current state of man/how long it takes to get better (Natural Hygiene and fasting until the tongue turne
02:03:51 discussion on higher levels of thinking, religions, God (spiritual insights)
02:06:31 I think, therefore I am vs. I am, therefore I think (#1)
02:09:08 Paul Twitchell’s: ‘The Tiger’s Fang’ (brief)
02:10:51 “as soon as you engage your mind, you’re engaging creation”
02:14:48 arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, lymes disease (brief)/pain stiffness, tightness
02:17:23 nausea from ingesting any food (multiple sclerosis, cerebellum connection)
02:18:43 creatinine levels/prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
02:22:32 Osteomyelitis (brief)
02:25:57 where do we start?/“most modalities, right now, are suffering - because none of them focused and truth and reality”
02:29:19 inflammation and bacteria
02:35:45 lymph nodes swelling (swollen lymph nodes)
02:38:40 “man has this distinct immature mind that says ‘if I don’t understand the role [of something] it must be bad’”
02:39:51 insulin
02:41:20 Dr. Richard Schulze’s superfood blend
02:43:30 aggressive liver flush
02:45:57 [be careful with] using supplements to treat problems/digestive enzymes
02:46:51 [Dr. Morse’s opinion on] colonic irrigation for cleansing (colonics)
02:47:39 sugars and type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes
02:54:19 blood sugar rising overnight
02:56:25 eye floaters
02:57:45 aching neck and shoulders (neck pain, shoulder pain)
02:58:39 numb hands (numb limbs)
02:59:48 plugged ears (brief)
03:02:00 chemical arguments (brief)
03:03:14 hyperthyroidism and gaining weight (hyperactivity of tissues)
03:05:15 constant yawning, feeling tired (fatigue)
03:05:55 echinacea, chaste tree berry, nettle root, oregon grape root, milk thistle, gotu kola, skullcap
03:08:18 cold hands (cold extremities)
Q & A 161
00:00 adaptation to all foods
01:16 adaptation to all foods
07:35 discussing a former quadriplegic case
11:03 celiac disease/the lymphatic system, therapeutic modalities (brief)
14:09 calcium channel blockers and calcium beta blockers
19:03 seizures (calcium & magnesium balance)/transient ischemic attack (TIA, T.I.A.)
24:47 hernia (brief)
26:00 adrenal fatigue
26:56 discussing aortic aneurysm
31:58 don’t be afraid of healing crises
35:23 kidney pain (brief)
37:58 detoxification should be empowering
44:31 become the observer of life
Q & A 174
00:00 dry eyes and digestive problems (onions and horse radish to promote tears)
01:37 dry eyes and digestive problems (onions and horse radish to promote tears)
05:53 severe back problems
06:44 fall in love with herbs/Paul Twitchell’s: “Herbs: The Magic Healers”
07:54 chronic eye problems (eyes), optic nerve damage/regarding surgery (surgeries, anesthesia)
10:52 autoimmune diseases (brief)
13:25 scar tissues (brief)
14:41 the human body is bilateral
15:42 glaucoma (brief)
21:44 vitiligo/Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #92 (Krysta) (iridology)
28:22 1 month mono fruit diet vs. 1 month fruit and green juices vs. 1 month exclusive fruit juices/water fasting, dry fastin
31:36 self experiment during detoxification (green juices vs. fruits, etc.)
Q & A 148
00:00 be strong/”there are a lot of things that are going to test you”
00:24 be strong/”there are a lot of things that are going to test you”
01:22 the mind is out of control/living in the present moment (the alone state) (spiritual insights)
02:56 “it’s time we stand up all of us, and we talk our truth”
04:09 electrolytes blamed for health issues (brief)
06:16 blood tests
08:24 pain in the adrenal glands
09:05 severe deep throbbing pain (lower back pain, stress induced pain)
11:02 type 1 diabetes
13:35 raw food vs. cooked food, vegetables (brief)
15:42 we must work for our health nowadays (no quick fixes)
17:19 anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), ADHD (also view from 22:27)
17:28 is wheatgrass okay? (also view from 20:55)
18:20 magnetic angstroms/mind and emotions
19:28 be yourself
22:27 discussing a case experiencing seizures post vaccination (vaccines)/Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
23:21 why some people experience no symptoms post inoculation (vaccines, vaccination)
28:14 Baby’s 400th day of juice fasting (juice feasting)/discussing her progress
31:23 feeling cold (cold extremities, cold knees)/creatinine levels
37:37 discussing the safety of poke root, blood root, chaparral/harm from pharmaceutical medications (Food and Drug Administr
43:47 Dr. Robert Young’s: The pH Miracle/fermentation of fruits
48:41 sugars are essential (carbon)/constituents of fruits (brief)
50:30 Candida and fungal problems getting worse on a fruit diet (fungus, sugar metabolism)
55:03 a case #103: Candida, cracking and popping joints, extreme fatigue, hair falling out in clumps during detoxification, L
01:00:40 hair loss during detoxification
01:05:05 loose bowel movements (brief)
01:05:28 copper intrauterine device (IUD)
01:05:49 lightheadedness, dizziness (dizzy)
01:07:49 a case #104: adrenal fatigue, eye floaters, thin hair, ringing ears, teeth problems
01:09:30 a case #105: chronic neck and shoulder pain, dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, nerve pain, burning sensations, sensitivi
01:14:50 thyroid goiter
01:16:08 a case #106: extreme brain fog, head pressure, can’t think clearly, fatigue, difficulty driving, symptoms worsen post e
01:18:47 pictures of healthy irises (iridology)
01:19:40 attempting to balance out steroids with steroids (bioidentical hormone therapy)
01:22:10 hemorrhoids, insomnia
01:24:19 prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain, malabsorption, severe migraines, elevated bilirubin
01:32:06 what to use for addressing the parathyroid glands (#2) (brief)
01:33:01 eczema, broken arm
Q & A 162
00:00 talk on spirituality and creation
00:54 talk on spirituality and creation
02:43 the basics of restoring health/spiritual insights
10:25 keep health simple/pH variables, estrogen (acids)/biological transmutations
16:28 when you start becoming free (letting go)/materialism (materiality)
19:42 advice for alcoholics (alcoholism, idea of quitting alcohol and smoking cigarettes)
30:06 the profession of healing (true healers)
34:24 the hurricane events (Sandy, Katrina, Charley)/the loss of the individual (spiritual insights)
40:25 elevated liver enzymes (also while taking herbs)/alkaline phosphatase
42:54 a case #115: psoriasis, arthritis, fungal infection, joint pains, lower back pain, hip and knee pain, Candida, tonsilli
50:45 discussing a coma case
53:54 carrots (carrot juice) (good or not?)/Li Ching Yuen (256-year-old Chinese man)
57:20 detoxify beyond absence of symptoms
58:56 herpes (unripe fruits)
01:01:48 continuous menstrual bleeding (polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, P.C.O.S.)
01:04:57 proper saliva pH and urine pH/detoxification starts closest to the kidneys vs. Hering’s Law of Cure (brief)
01:09:14 creatinine levels (should be 0.3-0.6)/blood urea, nitrogen, bun level/low white blood cell count/alkaline urine (losing
01:11:36 cholesterol and triglycerides/”blood serum cholesterol can be perfect, and tomorrow you can [still] die of a stroke or
00:00 nature is dualistic (duality), God/different frequencies
02:25 nature is dualistic (duality), God/different frequencies
03:37 the alone state and the illusion of differences/magnetism
06:20 the two sides of chemistry (teeth demineralization, hydrogen)
13:00 acidity of various substances, complex constituents into simple constituents
14:47 what happens when food is cooked (cooking)/energy
16:40 cooked tomatoes
17:18 utilization of nutrition (adrenal glands)
18:22 mankind is a tropical species, the degeneration of mankind
19:13 acid digestive ashes affecting pH levels (meat, grains, beans, nuts)
21:10 chemotherapy (the law of homeostasis)
22:18 proteins, the colon and kidneys (Atkin’s diet)
23:18 the body using calcium to buffer acids and effects thereof
25:33 the importance of produce grown properly and picked ripe
27:17 “meat is what nutrition created; it isn’t nutrition [itself]”
28:00 we’re frugivores, not omnivores
29:23 mankind’s consumption of dairy (mucus)
31:00 when acids predominate (why mankind suffers)/inability to filter lymphatic wastes
31:55 when we lose our ability to filter lymphatic wastes (demineralization)
32:58 the power of fruits (brief)
34:10 hair loss during detoxification (also view from 37:28)/blaming detoxification
38:58 raw meat/the neurotransmitter content of meat
41:09 let’s move forward
43:16 problems digesting fruits (indigestion)/diarrhea during detoxification
45:13 simple sugars (monosaccharides)
47:45 “most of the time you can understand [that] if society does something, you can understand that it [what society is doin
49:33 fermented foods (fermentation)
58:54 high intake of calcium
01:00:36 we want to become a superior species
Q & A 149
00:00 blood pH (pH factors)/balance is essential
01:20 blood pH (pH factors)/balance is essential
03:59 “people have to get rid of this idea of proteins”
05:04 “you be the boss of your world “
06:38 digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination (deficiencies)
08:14 mouth cancer and large tumor/black salve
14:15 surgical removal of facial cancer vs. black salve
16:03 a case #107: chronic fatigue, chronic eczema, chronic stomach pain, depression, anxiety, psoriasis
21:19 inability to breathe and neurotransmitters
28:28 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #61 (iridology)/drug deposits
31:40 blood vessels in sclera (sclerology) (brief)
36:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #62 (iridology)/parathyroid and wavy fibers
43:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #63 (iridology)
43:45 acute, sub-acute, chronic and degenerative
50:44 the awakening of the sleeping consciousness (brief)
Q & A 163
00:00 discussion health and appearance of raw foodists (Arnold Ehret, Viktoras Kulvinskas, Douglas Graham)
00:46 discussion health and appearance of raw foodists (Arnold Ehret, Viktoras Kulvinskas, Douglas Graham)
11:23 Dr. Morse’s journey in the earlier years/cosmic consciousness/balance (spiritual insights)
20:13 discussing the annual healer’s symposiums in Lisbon/macrobiotic diets
22:04 breatharianism (brief)
23:48 raw food chart from American Cancer Society 1986 (#5)
24:08 iridology, Bernard Jensen and Norman W. Walker (brief)
26:15 bedwetting
28:45 craving sweets (in the afternoon), craving salt (in the evening)
30:26 moles (fungi, Candida, yeast)/”the use of antibiotics always sets you up for the cancers”
33:35 “those that treat diseases never win, always fail, and die early”
34:48 what adrenal glandulars are recommended?
35:30 basic protocol for thorough detoxification
38:15 lower back pain, night sweats, muscle pain, muscle twitching, bone loss, hot flashes, body aches, fatigue, brain fog, u
41:29 coffee enemas (brief)
44:13 spinal tapping
46:42 parathyroid glandular while having thyroid goiter
52:37 I think, therefore I am vs. I am, therefore I think (#2) (brief)
56:38 “I think man is so sick [that] he takes the world down with him”
56:53 hair loss during detoxification
58:29 asparagus root
59:11 when you’ve reached plateaus
01:00:28 life in plants/focusing too much, seeing the whole
01:04:31 dogs cannot handle high protein diets
01:05:50 discussion on what can be considered ‘extreme’
01:10:34 depression, vertigo, liver cysts
01:15:18 the need to stay away from proteins (brief)
01:23:30 lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
01:25:07 broken hip, muscular dystrophy
Q & A 150
00:00 petrified lymph nodes, cancer markers increasing (hard lymph nodes) (also view from 45:19)
02:58 petrified lymph nodes, cancer markers increasing (hard lymph nodes) (also view from 45:19)
11:45 “the more you know, the stupider you get”
14:38 skin pustules
17:48 burning sensations (brief)
19:49 tongue changing color
20:55 diarrhea on fruits (brief)
22:20 no menstruation on raw foods and herbs (pituitary gland)
26:02 male pattern baldness
27:10 depression (brief)
29:45 the basic protocols
35:30 a case #108: extreme brain fog, blurry vision, extreme fatigue, inability to concentrate properly or think straight, fe
38:14 exercise exacerbating symptoms (methyl acetate)/meningitis (brief)
45:25 radiation, chemotherapy (brief)
46:25 Civil Rights Attorneys (brief)
47:14 discussing the role of the kidneys/”you should never fear inferior” (lymphatic system, lymph nodes, sewer system)/Germa
51:07 message to those that are suffering greatly/“get in touch with who you are”/”let your body be external to you”
52:24 the idea that the liver is a detoxifying organ (kidneys, adrenal glands)/disease, obstruction to the flow of energy
54:24 detoxifying with one kidney (herbal dosages)
56:34 fibromyalgia (systemic acidosis)
59:55 sensitive to pain
01:00:25 spinal meningitis