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Q & A 170
00:00 reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD, R.S.D., complex regional pain syndrome, Sudeck’s atrophy) (also view from 8:48)
02:14 reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD, R.S.D., complex regional pain syndrome, Sudeck’s atrophy) (also view from 8:48)
03:25 piecing the puzzle together/adapting theories to what works
05:20 the importance of keeping an open mind
05:40 the concept and focus of minerals/utilization and understanding causative factors
09:39 mental and emotional detoxification/being detached/don’t hold onto, let go (living in the moment, ego)/don’t get caught
18:10 don’t get spiritually unbalanced (be the kundalini)/that alone exists
19:15 hypothyroidism, irregular periods
23:40 glandulars (brief)
24:20 plants have awareness (everything is here for a reason)
26:10 hemorrhoids (also view from 28:10)/can emotions create diseases?/adrenal glands and relaxation
29:40 herbs: capsules vs. tinctures (which is more powerful?)
34:24 [slightly] short stature (height), Candida albicans
37:03 bruising easy
38:34 signs of pituitary weakness (brief)
41:44 oneness, God realization through self-realization (spiritual insights)
42:52 adrenal glands and skin pigmentation (connection?)
45:40 balance/get out of your mind
47:13 Dr. Morse’s veggie sandwich (diet, cheats, tortilla chips)
51:25 why does it take so long to regenerate the adrenal glands? (vs. healing cancer)
56:35 how long can you take the Eye Wash formula?
57:17 white spots on nails (is it because of zinc?)
58:19 cause of nutritional deficiencies (brief)
59:39 low B12 and vitamin D levels
01:00:55 fatal reactions from medications (Cipro, anti-inflammatories)/adaptation
01:04:41 is porridge good for the body?
01:09:05 8-year-old child with autism (children)
01:12:36 quinoa, millet, buckwheat (generally not recommended) (brief)
01:17:33 eye pressure during detoxification
01:23:01 when teeth should be removed and replaced with implants/receding gums
01:24:30 the kidney and lymphatic system connection (how lymph fluid filters)
01:32:37 allergies/”whenever you see allergies, go lymph”
01:35:18 fibromyalgia
01:36:35 message to medical doctors
01:39:56 water fasting
01:44:22 best water to drink
01:45:27 yoghurt
01:47:06 lipomas
01:48:57 8 cm lump on right side of throat
01:53:02 low cortisol levels (prednisone)
Q & A 144
00:00 we must bond/naturopathy is being insulted
01:20 we must bond/naturopathy is being insulted
04:03 “your belief systems should be separate than who you are” (spiritual insights)
05:04 herbs for hyperthyroidism (hyperactive tissues, hyperactivity of tissues, hypoactivity)/goiters (brief)
09:14 systemic lymph stagnation and only feeling pain in selective locations (why does pain travel?) #2
08:38 fish oil (brief)
12:24 lymphatic formulas from other companies/making your own herbal formulas
13:58 healing crisis, emergency rooms
16:15 severe kidney infection during detoxification
20:07 fibromyalgia (systemic acidosis)
24:07 everyone should attempt higher levels of detoxification/”wear the robe and then we’ll talk”
26:18 Candida, fungus, sulfur (brief)
26:52 pituitary tumor/pulling tumors despite kidney filtration (black salve)/Hering’s Law of Cure
30:43 [for those battling cancer] focusing on the thymus gland
31:15 discussing a court case/[processed] baby formulas
35:02 discussing a surgeon admitting tumor caused by radiation (brief)
36:27 discussing juices (beet juice, parsley, dandelion)/preparing herbal teas
40:08 drinking too much water
40:53 elevated cholesterol (high cholesterol)
41:38 elevated potassium levels
42:58 creatinine
43:37 [removal procedure] amalgam fillings
46:44 adrenal gland formula (vegetarian alternative)
48:24 pterygium (unwanted growths, toxemia)
51:10 schizophrenia (bipolar)
53:41 sore breasts/emotional instability
54:04 Fox Mountain flower essences (brief)/Moonshine Yarrow
Q & A 157
00:00 health and truth/”truth always sets you free”/”stay with truth”
01:00 health and truth/”truth always sets you free”/”stay with truth”
02:26 healthcare/”health should only be in the hands of naturopathists”
05:00 the challenge ahead (chronic weaknesses, adrenal glands, kidneys, understanding our health issues)/the lymphatic system
07:40 the mental and emotional components (endocrine glands, chakras)
08:35 waking up and growth of awareness/”play higher games”
10:27 nose bleeds (nose bleeding)/”the problem is always where the action is; not in chambers”
12:14 “any obstruction to elimination creates disease”
14:20 Circulation (Upper) and Brain & Nervous II formulas to buffer trauma from boxing
14:49 gynaecomastia (stilbestrol) (#2)
16:40 enlarged adenoids and tonsils (Down’s syndrome, swollen lymph nodes)
18:10 crystal healing
20:06 breathing difficulty
22:28 we can’t keep compromising the young children due to fear/”they [the medical profession] don’t have a clue about health
24:04 ignorance/”there is no remedy with Allopathic thinking”
25:15 collapsed lung (brief)
25:33 parents should take responsibility for their kids
27:35 systemic Candida (yeast, moles, fungus, fermentation, grains), hypothyroidism, weak adrenal glands
29:14 “why don’t we just get it over with? why don’t we just have our big war, get it over with, [if] anybody [is] left stand
30:45 are humans living longer? (also view from 32:53)/”none of the news media give a damn about truth”/federal government as
32:53 obituary (obituaries, cardiac and oncology wards in the 90’s)
34:44 current level of longevity due to better sanitation? (microbes, biological immunity)
36:00 antidepressants (depression)/controlling circumstances with chemicals
40:27 there is a time and place for using the mind/”use academics when needed”
Q & A 171
00:00 update on Roger Liephart
01:27 update on Roger Liephart
07:00 KNOW you will be well
08:32 don’t force the door open if it doesn’t want to open (spiritual insights)
09:38 spirochetes and bio-film (lymes)
10:40 “the obstruction to the flow of energy equals dis-ease”/divine love (the mind) (spiritual insights)
12:58 miracle mineral supplement and chlorine dioxide (MMS)
13:27 clays (clay baths)/energy/minerals
15:22 Ashton Kutcher experience with a fruit diet/cellular blueprint
18:23 stage 2 prolapsed uterus (acidosis, pH’s)
20:57 “this is idea that we have to pack nutrition into the human body and somehow that’s going to cure us of all our ills is
21:48 tennis elbow, sciatica
24:12 losing too much weight during detoxification (excessive thinness, malabsorption)
26:24 medicals must understand detoxification/homeopathy
28:15 abdominal cramps from salads (after long term fruit diet)
30:42 numbness of lips and tip of tongue
31:42 discussing the lady with t-cell lymphoma/hair went from grey-black to black and then blond
33:02 is the female body much different from the male body?
35:30 how you avoid creating karma during motional detoxification
37:46 [how to] avoid surgical removal of wisdom teeth
46:39 ideal diet for longevity (also view from 50:54), natural hygiene/everyone is at different levels
54:32 “you’re better off if you don’t have any opinions whatsoever, and you just watch and observe what’s going on”/mainstrea
56:35 “forget the information; forget what you’re being taught; experiment on yourself”/when Dr. Morse used to use raw eggs i
58:38 are non-organic oranges, watermelons and grapes okay [despite pesticides]?
59:15 raw plant foods vs. pesticides (brief)
01:00:06 “if you fill your body full of mucus from dairy products and stuff, don’t bitch when it has to come out”
01:00:27 profuse sweating (arm pits, skin, third kidney)
01:02:06 chronic fatigue (needing to sleep up to 16 hours a day)
01:04:06 recommended tea for detoxification (Heal All Tea)
01:04:47 creatine monohydrate supplements
01:05:08 out of body experiences (OBE’s, O.B.E.’s)
01:08:45 Dr. Morse’s opinion on blood type diets (brief)
01:08:58 upper back feeling numb during stressful situations
01:10:53 nausea (helicobacter pylori infection, blaming microbes for everything)/stomach pain and tingling sensations throughout
01:17:16 “[if] you fight the bacteria, you’ll never get well, and you will never be well, and you’ll be [in a] nightmare from he
01:17:48 frequent constipation
01:18:47 why are herbs outlawed by Natural Hygienic principles? (Feeling Fit For Life Ph.D. course)
Q & A 145
00:00 the problem with believing (belief systems) (brief)
05:24 the problem with believing (belief systems) (brief)
07:00 “it’s time that Allopathy be put in its rightful place, and that’s not in front of the line”/creation, simplicity (brie
08:30 discussing the 4-year-old with tumor behind the eye/the degeneration of man/Ensure
10:39 “we need to come off of this concept of high protein and high fat”
11:26 interstitial cystitis/healing herbs vs. astringent fruits during severe inflammation (tannins)/arthritis (brief)
17:58 weaknesses and karma (brief)/materiality
23:34 seaweed salads (kelp, dulse, nori)
24:10 mucus, congestion
24:55 should nuts be germinated? (brief)
25:46 how should urine look? (sediment, filtering, filtration)
26:48 Bastyr University, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (naturopathic medicine)
27:54 “the average naturopath on this planet can’t cure crap any more than medical doctor can”/being academically smart
30:54 discussion on allergies (allergy, allergic reactions)
32:46 environmental chemicals (brief)
34:41 isolated chemistry (magnesium, bipolar, schizophrenia)
39:38 a case #101: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, pimples (water fasting)
44:14 leukemia (elevated white blood cells vs. low white blood cells, The Gerson Therapy, coffee enemas)
47:56 sunspots (skin spots, skin discoloration)
50:18 people with organ transplants
54:12 the body’s ability to adapt (adaptation)
57:03 skin problem (reptilian-like skin)
01:00:07 dynamic energy/digestion, absorption, utilization (deficiency, deficiencies)
01:02:05 swollen angles
01:03:15 long term effects of Adderall
01:04:48 “I’m sure the primates are looking over to the Homo sapiens going: ‘look at those guys, man, they’re all sick… they can
01:08:19 eating disorders, eroded stomach and esophagus (interstitial lymphatic constipation, the Gi-tract, the three flows of e
01:11:37 briefly discussing gastroparesis
01:25:57 raw vegan getting gallbladder inflammation on diet of nuts/how can a raw vegan have this problem?
01:29:56 a case #102: Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy (MD, M.D.), high blood pressure, anemic (anemia), only one kidney, schizop
01:47:35 chicken skin
01:49:14 deep breathing
01:51:56 hyperthyroidism, connective tissue problems
01:53:34 [post antibiotic use] fever, itching and swollen throat from fruits (Candida, fungus, yeast)
01:56:36 “the problem is that we’ve considered our eating habits a form of play and enjoyment, because everything else sucks”
01:57:57 helicobacter pylori/stomach pain
02:02:44 nutrition and breastfeeding, mother’s milk
Q & A 158
00:00 opinions vs. actuality (brief)/drinking too much water
00:55 opinions vs. actuality (brief)/drinking too much water
03:30 magnesium toxicity (mineral toxicity)
05:43 reality of the medical profession
11:34 the Walgreens commercial (suggesting drugs over whole foods)
15:57 arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, RA, R.A.)
19:47 raw foods testimonial/don’t short sell yourself
21:13 “we create things, but we also ‘uncreate’ things”/observing life
25:30 “as life breaths, it plays music”/”you should always listen to the inner music”
26:49 irregular menstruation
29:38 “a blood test is a fraction of truth”
30:27 sugar metabolism and fermentation
39:46 ear infection/ possible nerve damage from amalgam fillings (mercury)
42:27 “be the knower”/”no matter who you are, you’re an expression of God”
44:36 ketosis during fasting (alcohol tinctures)
45:37 durian fruit
47:38 getting sensitive to various foods/the higher levels/Dr. Morse’s orange mono diet (brief)/more is better concept (brief
51:11 diet for a 4-month old child (children, coconut milk)
53:21 detoxifying horses (eye infection, swelling of hoof, stiffness of hind legs, animals)
55:19 “whenever you see the word ‘infection’, think sewage”
58:02 white stools (liver, gallbladder)
01:02:50 developing a sense of balance
01:05:45 cirrhosis of the liver
01:07:42 the concept of incurable diseases (brief)
01:10:07 “it’s time we learn just how much more we are”
01:13:43 severe gas, ulcerative colitis
01:16:04 sulfur-based enemas
01:20:10 low hydrochloric acid (brief), increasing peristalsis
01:21:36 [too] frequent bowel movements
Q & A 172
00:00 [chronic] hemorrhoids
02:25 [chronic] hemorrhoids
05:37 dizziness, headaches and passing out from standing (lightheadedness, cerebellum)
11:33 using Stomach & Bowel formulas during fasts
15:12 when you’re obstructed in one area, you’re obstructed in all the areas”
15:43 compromised blood and lymphatic flow compromises cell functional ability
16:20 “we all live by the blood, and I think now, we should all live by the lymph”
18:14 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, I.B.S., aloe vera)
19:14 the nature of menses (menstrual cycles, menstruation, estrogen, progesterone)
22:44 pear juice fasting
23:25 the difference between fruits and vegetables, speaking from experience
24:39 is cholesterol and calcium needed for a proper immune system? (duality, creation)
25:17 “for life to survive, you have to be predominantly base chemistry”
25:34 cholesterol as the body’s main antacid
27:01 calcium as an antacid
28:32 should we eat food for cholesterol? (brief)
28:54 the liver is not a detoxifying organ
29:40 biological transmutations
30:07 the fallacy of statins
33:55 sensitive teeth on high fruit diet (tooth, teeth)
38:25 poke root, blood root (chaparral)/herb ratios/advice on making herbal formulas
43:56 Dr. Morse’s opinion on glucose tablets (hypoglycemia)
45:20 emotional detoxification, emotions suppressing adrenal glands
46:27 can you cure cancer with fruit juice fasting? (cancer is not a disease)
50:20 bowel movements during juice fasts without enemas/self discipline
52:55 cascara sagrada
54:40 are frozen fruits okay when you can’t get fresh fruits?
55:10 the lack of spirituality and love on earth (creation) (spiritual insights)
58:06 we have to change our educational system (medical schools, naturopathic schools)/”
59:16 “do I want to learn something I’m not gonna use and waste my time? No”/”now is the time to grow in the area that you’re
59:55 physical, emotional and ego detoxification, letting go of “ME”
01:01:57 how to reach a state of pure consciousness? (religions)/”let’s have a party with fruits”
01:03:57 does all of Dr. Morse’s cures involve his herbal formulas?/belief systems (brief)
01:05:12 supplements/”notice when you use supplements, you will always need them”/minerals, dynamic cell performance
01:07:34 Hashimoto’s disease, low T3, low T4 (normal TSH)
01:11:45 5-year-old with thalassemia (sickle cell anemia, bone marrow)
01:13:54 vitamin B17 (laetrile, apricot kernels) (keep in mind what cancer is)
01:15:14 “get rid of those words ‘treat’, and get of those words ‘cure’ and ‘disease’”
01:16:52 reduced thyroid functional ability (reduced cellular functioning)
01:19:23 stabbing pains in the hands, feet, joints and muscles
01:20:15 “there is nothing wrong with admitting you don’t know something”
01:21:54 you don’t have to be a brainer/”be a simple healer” (academics)
01:23:53 the GI Broom/malabsorption
01:24:38 what’s the difference between the Lymphatic System formulas?/Lymphatic System formulas vs. Lymph Nodes formulas
01:26:45 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, F.D.A.)/pharmaceutical medications
01:28:11 natural pain relief (California poppy, valerian root, skullcap, etc.)
01:29:55 martial arts (proteins, speed, quickness, balance)/sore muscles
01:34:40 hypogonadism, fatty liver, low adrenal gland functioning/lipids are anti-inflammatories/sinus headaches
Q & A 133
00:00 the simplicity of moving lymph/astringents (also watch from 14:18)
00:34 the simplicity of moving lymph/astringents (also watch from 14:18)
02:47 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #18 (iridology)
14:36 the fab four, fab five
16:20 do avocados slow down detoxification?/non-sweet fruits/sweet fruits
18:29 cystic fibrosis
21:33 respiratory drugs being eliminated during detoxification
24:20 waking up with puffy eyes from high water fruits (edema)
26:07 hepatitis B (Hep B)/liver enzymes
32:48 SPECT-scans (nuclear medicine)
Q & A 134
00:00 fish oil (omega fatty acids)
02:05 fish oil (omega fatty acids)
07:11 constipation for 14 years
10:54 systemic lymph stagnation and only feeling pain in selective locations #1
14:34 neuropathy (diabetes, acidosis)/underweight (excessive thinness)/”it’s not [lack of] weight that kills you”
24:19 people fear change/”stop caring so much, stop desiring so much, let go”
26:47 bell peppers and cucumbers during detoxification?/organic dried fruits
32:28 acupuncture (naturopathy, homeopathy)/”naturopathy is the only curative system”
36:00 “this is about obstructions to the flow of energy”/the bottom line of disease (the three flows of energy)/mucus (protei
40:21 stopping an immune response via homeopathy
45:15 bone spurs
49:30 kidney infection/inflammation
55:29 mixing melons with other fruits (food combinations)
57:32 conditions that can be improved but not healed? (autism, cerebral palsy)/dropping the concept of diseases
01:00:01 can cells be too damaged or mutated [to recover]?/”how far can we take this?”/discussing a quadriplegic case
01:05:52 vitiligo
Eye Photos
00:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #19 (Claire) (iridology)
01:46 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #19 (Claire) (iridology)
04:14 mentioning colon and brain connection (brief) (iridology)
07:29 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #20 (Tracy) (iridology)
12:35 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #21 (Matthew) (iridology)
23:11 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #22 (Shelby) (iridology)
30:57 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #23 (Norma) (iridology)
32:07 radii solaris (iridology)
38:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #24 (?) (iridology)
46:10 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #25 (Erin) (iridology)
53:42 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #26 (BB) (iridology)
58:27 frozen shoulder syndrome/castor oil packs
01:02:38 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #27 (Heather) (iridology)
01:08:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #28 (Parker) (iridology)