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Eye Photos
00:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #19 (Claire) (iridology)
01:46 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #19 (Claire) (iridology)
04:14 mentioning colon and brain connection (brief) (iridology)
07:29 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #20 (Tracy) (iridology)
12:35 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #21 (Matthew) (iridology)
23:11 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #22 (Shelby) (iridology)
30:57 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #23 (Norma) (iridology)
32:07 radii solaris (iridology)
38:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #24 (?) (iridology)
46:10 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #25 (Erin) (iridology)
53:42 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #26 (BB) (iridology)
58:27 frozen shoulder syndrome/castor oil packs
01:02:38 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #27 (Heather) (iridology)
01:08:54 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #28 (Parker) (iridology)
Q & A 129 Part 2
00:00 a case #90: radiating elbow pain, hypothyroidism, endometriosis
01:49 a case #90: radiating elbow pain, hypothyroidism, endometriosis
04:38 what determines who you are?/the process of experience, duality (spiritual insights)
09:20 ergot poisoning (LSD, fungus)
12:39 swelling from breaking fast (Bernarr Macfadden, breaking fasts wrong, shocking the body)
Q & A 135
00:00 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #29 (iridology)
00:40 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #29 (iridology)
07:15 “you don’t have to give up everything” (detoxification, food)
07:38 the supreme court/”Obama, pack, run, go”
09:10 6-year-old experiencing seizures
13:03 fevers (brief)
15:24 how long does it take to reverse Alzheimer’s?
17:51 vitiligo/transverse colon and pituitary connection/”whenever you think ‘head’ think GI
19:34 homemade sauerkraut and fermented vegetables (fermented foods)
22:27 a case #93: dyslexia, constipation, back pain, tonsils removed, ovarian failure, thyroid issues, gaining fat, skin brea
22:50 constipating foods (constipation, dairy products, white flour, meat)
25:00 “health is so much simpler than the medical profession has made it out to be”
27:40 allergic to astragalus (allergy, allergies)
28:28 a case #94: systemic neuropathy, extremely underweight, short height (excessive thinness, malabsorption)
29:46 why lymphatic problems are expressed more in some areas than others (genetic weaknesses, genetically compromised tissue
32:56 estrogen creams/ovarian cyst, post-menopausal
34:19 vaginal dryness (brief)/black cohosh
35:13 low pulse rate
35:46 pulse meridian
36:10 atenolol (brief)
39:00 colonex (parasites)
41:35 laziness, lack of self self-motivation (self-love, love yourself)
43:40 wild blueberry fast
45:49 low hydrochloric acid (low HCL)/bronchitis issues (brief)
Q & A 136
00:00 why kidneys stop filtering on 100% fruit diet (sediment)
01:30 why kidneys stop filtering on 100% fruit diet (sediment)
03:57 “the world of healing is a very interesting world”/balance
06:28 osteoporosis, water retention (edema)
09:01 eczema from taking the herbal formulas
11:19 “we can’t wait; we’ve got a world in serious trouble”
12:24 the journey and adventure in creation/”don’t get too serious about something that’s not real”
15:10 normal height range for men and women (pituitary gland and height)
16:35 signs of pituitary weakness (pituitary gland)
18:49 broken capillaries (weak capillary walls), tonsils removed
23:52 bodybuilding, alfalfa, God’s Garden Superfood Blend (brief)
24:24 Hashimoto’s/cravings for staches (fungus, complex sugars, simple sugars, malabsorption)
27:50 a case #95: muscle spasms, Tourette’s syndrome, red moles, anxiety panic attacks, fatigue, weight gain (tremors, spasti
30:47 fermentation (fermented foods)/”is dying food healthy?”
34:16 poor memory (long-term memory), lower back problems, sore hip, unable to handle stress
36:08 hot flashes, no periods for 6 months (absence of periods, amenorrhea)
39:27 tachycardia reaction from glandulars, dilated pupils
42:31 how Dr. Morse uses glandulars
44:19 digestive distress from adrenal cortex glandular
45:56 chronic fatigue syndrome (for 13 years)
46:55 blaming herbs and raw foods for negative symptoms/blood clots from antibiotics, Cipro
48:44 strong reaction from epinephrine
51:19 ear surgery (ear infections)
55:32 iron splinter in iris, scar tissue
57:24 how soon can we expect to see changes in the iris? (iris changes) (iridology)
59:50 anxiety panic attacks/Moonshine Yarrow
01:02:13 a case #96: hypoglycemia, poor memory, hair loss, oily scalp, dandruff, severe shyness, social anxiety, fear, worry, en
01:06:55 thinness (malabsorption) (brief)/Dr. Willard’s Water (brief)
01:07:20 toned skin, toned body, putting on muscle
01:10:36 oil in salads? (brief)/connective tissue problems
01:11:48 salt, pepper, spices (condiments, celtic sea salt, Himalayan rock salt)
01:14:15 setting yourself up as a practitioner (herbal degrees, anatomy & physiology, botany, nutritional classes)
01:16:58 red bumps on skin
01:20:26 colorblindness
01:22:34 taking care of one kidney (most kidney transplants are unnecessary)
01:25:34 the simplicity of spirituality (bottom line to spirituality)
Q & A 129 Part 4
00:00 genital warts/dark circles under eyes (brief)/culturing mediums
00:24 genital warts/dark circles under eyes (brief)/culturing mediums
03:07 hyperpigmentation, cracking and drying around corners of mouth (metal braces)
07:14 irritable bowel syndrome (brief)/viral meningitis
10:00 consequences of removing tonsils/”when you remove lymph nodes, you always have to keep your body healthy”
12:20 “if we can rebuild everything else in the body, I can’t imagine why we can’t rebuild lymph nodes”
13:20 observing what the AMA has done to people (American Medical Association)/”we’ve always cleaned up the medical doctors’
Eye Pictures
00:00 “don’t give up”/”the biggest thing people do is that they give up too quick”
00:17 “don’t give up”/”the biggest thing people do is that they give up too quick”
00:35 proteins (brief)
03:07 why do we use botanicals? (why we use herbs)
05:27 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #30 (Bryan) (iridology)
06:30 strong constitution eye (iris) (iridology)
09:35 lymphatic rosary (swollen lymph nodes) (iridology)
14:32 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #31 (Gina) (iridology)
19:33 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #32 (?) (iridology)
24:45 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #33 (Jack) (protocol for young children) (iridology)
31:17 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #34 (?) (iridology)
35:44 lazy eye (brief)
37:58 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #35 (starting
39:48 pneumonia, broken rib, concussion, nerve compressions, bump in neck, bloated, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, Parkinson
43:34 radii solaris in the iris (brief)
46:40 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #36 (Carla) (iridology)
50:42 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #37 (Zoe) (iridology)
56:13 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #38 (Rodney) (iridology)
01:03:07 [testimonial] growing back hair (balding, hair loss)
01:04:29 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #39 (Bob) (iridology)
01:09:40 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #40 (Chris) (iridology)
01:11:48 open lacunas vs. closed lacunas (iridology)
01:13:40 depth differences of acute, sub-acute, chronic, degenerative (iridology)
Q & A 129 Part 5
00:00 damaged DNA, leukemia (antigens, macrophages, viral loads, blueprint)
01:03 damaged DNA, leukemia (antigens, macrophages, viral loads, blueprint)
02:55 “medical doctors can’t cure anything”/”medical doctors aren’t in the field to cure”
05:12 salt (celtic sea salt, Himalayan rock salt)/salt cravings (craving salt)
06:39 nutritional yeast
07:20 anything a plant or tree bears can be considered fruit (cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, avocado)
08:09 second best diet to raw foods (alternative to raw)
13:01 purists are unbalanced (puritans)
13:57 apple cider vinegar for washing produce
Q & A 137
00:00 vegetables and glucose (simple sugars, fructose)
01:00 vegetables and glucose (simple sugars, fructose)
02:58 discussion on protein (why is meat bad for you?)
04:42 discussion on sugars (starches, polysaccharides, disaccharides)/”the body cannot handle complex chemistry of any sort”
07:44 calcium in foods (digestion, absorption, utilization)
09:10 Composition and Facts About Foods (book) (Ford Heritage)
10:29 intellectualism in nutrition (playing the intellectual game)/American Dietetic Association
13:30 arcus senilis (iridology)/allergies, sinus issues
18:00 the bottom line to health and wellbeing (brief)
18:48 man can’t let go of the protein consciousness/we’re a product of what we did/”
19:42 “those that treat diseases will never find their cure”
20:54 burning eyes
25:33 realizing the process of addressing your health
29:00 bacterial endocarditis
29:23 heart condition known as “drum roll” (double outlet right ventricular, pulmonary stenosis, calcifications)
31:51 fevers (brief)
34:20 dark circles under eyes, low blood pressure (brief)
38:00 what’s the problem with consuming meat?/wild organic meats
39:35 what to use for detoxifying sulfur?
42:50 Cipro, anthrax
46:34 torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL tear, torn ACL)/exercising in respect to damaged knees (exercise, cycling)