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Article Commentary: Why your Detox is making you sick
00:00 Why detoxification is the golden key?
02:24 Why detoxification is the golden key?
04:16 State of consciousness; define God as the Creator
07:35 Why your detox is making you sick?
07:38 Dangers of aggressive detox
09:08 Detoxification (not nutritional issue); raw food diet
09:32 Cooked food (destroyed food)
15:29 Liver dumps toxins in the small intestine
15:38 How detox really works?; Liver filters toxins out
16:05 Liver has nothing to do with detoxification
17:00 The spleen detoxifies the blood, not the liver
18:32 Get acid all over the body ( through the Lymphatic System)
19:54 Severe Kidney Damage; Neuro & Kidney Toxins)
26:47 Aggressive Detox Supplement and its side effects
27:16 Toxic from acidosis and its effect to the body
31:11 Nobody died in detoxification
31:53 Diarrhea is never a sign of good health? Fact or not
32:52 Understanding "Lymphatic System"
35:12 Detox Sinners; the fasting cleaners of the natural hygiene
Q & A 258
00:00 vitiligo (also view from 12:44 and from 18:45) /connection between the colon and the head region
06:45 vitiligo (also view from 12:44 and from 18:45) /connection between the colon and the head region
13:40 the importance of focusing on the kidneys
26:28 liver flush (salt water, Andreas Moritz)
28:52 keratoconus
36:30 Chinese medicine (brief)
41:21 nephrotic syndrome, autoimmune diseases/”nothing attacks nothing for no reason”
54:10 chaga mushroom and maca root
01:00:19 multiple sclerosis (MS, M.S.) and kidney pain (kidney stones, vitamin B6 dosage, magnesium dosage)
01:06:30 chronic diarrhea
01:17:54 what detoxification symptoms can one expect?/letting go of anger (angry, pissed off, thyroid, parathyroid, fungi, hu, om
01:25:15 how do you tell when it’s time to slow down from a healing crisis?/when is it dangerous? (quadriplegic, paraplegic, chro
01:29:37 how should we approach detoxification?
01:35:33 premature ventricular contractions (PVC, P.V.C.)
01:39:54 Parkinson’s (Sinemet)
Q & A 226 Toxins, Digestion, GI Health, Kidney Regeneration
00:00 Raw Vegan Diet (done water fasting with correct refeeding)and ended up worse off in that went from having adrenal fatigu
01:30 Raw Vegan Diet (done water fasting with correct refeeding)and ended up worse off in that went from having adrenal fatigu
11:32 How exactly does protein (or amino acids) affect the kidneys? And how much protein in grams would you consider to be too
13:27 Dead Tissue (Dying Cells in stagnant blood)
15:10 Endocrine Glands (different levels of absorption, utilization, and digestion)
16:30 What are your thoughts on leaky gut?
19:27 If fruits are harvested when they are not ripe, do they become acidic?
19:56 Can you get eye damage from sun exposure ? Yes!
21:35 Would sleeping at night with my window open, allowing the room to become very cold, cause my body to undergo a detox? Is
22:57 If I eat only fruits and take vegan PEA protein powder, and lymph cleansing herbs, would I be able to clean the lymph a
23:25 Do you think that the vegetable PEA would not allow it to happen?
23:39 Amino Acids ingestion (increasing acids)
25:06 Why fruits go through me so quickly? (hard to digest); energetic source
41:06 Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation (Malabsorption of the Lymph System)
42:19 "Be careful not to be impacted with the Psyllium"
43:50 Beauty of eating fruits and vegetables
44:53 Difference between Bentonite & Chracoal (absorbers of Toxins)
54:58 Top 6 kidney Herbs for regeneration: couch grass, corn silk, gravel root, magnesium, B6, calcium oxalate
Q & A 234 Keeping Up with The Diet and Case Study
00:00 Nanocolloidal (extremely low microns; beyond electromicroscope)
02:23 Nanocolloidal (extremely low microns; beyond electromicroscope)
03:43 chelation therapy / blood works ( The body doesn’t absorb fundamentals easily)
12:41 Fungus are craver for men and foods (cheese,breads, grains,pastas)
17:36 Eggs are extremely constipating (raw none filter egg for muscle builder)
19:37 High vibrational frequency diet; (whites are not good like bread and baked potato)
25:37 Dairy products are the most congestive to the upper respiratory (sinus, throat)
29:30 The more acidic you get, the more dehydrated you get, the more endemic you will get
30:08 The three methods that the body uses to protect itself from acidosis(cholestra,calcium,edema)
30:29 Not the blood that get endemic in alkaline mix particularly between 7-9 ph,this is not alkalosis, this is extreme acido
32:40 Potential isolate of radiation is dangerous
33:08 The lymph system flows to the wall of stomach,intestines,liver,heart,brain because they are made of cells
37:34 Lymphoma; Acids suppressed everything
44:28 When glands are down (have proper measurement)
48:58 Polarization of food
47:21 "We must learn to eat to live and not to live to eat"
54:08 Kidney diuretics & its functions
01:03:28 Kidney Diuretic is moving ,when the edema is moving around; moves up and down is a good side
01:04:14 Breathing; check your blood vessels; edema can fill your lungs up
Q & A 227 Cardiac Neurosis, Mucus, Carey Reams, Stress
00:00 What herbs can heal Cardiac Neurosis?
05:03 What herbs can heal Cardiac Neurosis?
07:24 Central Nervous System: hard drive & autonomic nervous system(parasympathetic & sympathetic)
08:00 What glands control the autonomic nervous system? And responsible for emotional issues? (adrenal glands on top of the ki
09:07 Highy Inflammed Stomach; Interstitial Lymphatic Constipation
16:02 Bronchitis & Pneumonia
17:56 What happens if kidneys are not filtering?
22:10 Carey reams includes blood & hair analysis
24:00 Law of Homeostasis (Ionization)
37:06 Life-long Chronic Asthma & Eczema (daily albuterol inhalers and used steroids cream daily)
41:50 Raw Food Diet / High-fruit Diet /Detox in Adrenal Glands
47:10 Dehydrated Organic Foods
51:17 Depression & Anxiety (deals with Parathyroid)
53:07 Detoxification (clean out stress)
58:05 Adrenal Parathyroidism
Q & A 235 Organic Sulfur, Kefir water, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
00:00 Mind has no self awareness,mind doesn’t have consciousness
00:56 Mind has no self awareness,mind doesn’t have consciousness
02:11 The minds is totally separate instrument than you.
02:27 The emotional buddy is separate again(power house of thought)
09:09 Cancer is just a word for damage cells
16:36 Thought block intuitiveness
33:06 Parathyroid weakness (low calcium)
37:35 Acidosis destroys nerves, tissues everything else
Q & A 228
00:00 How much the Lympathic System is an issue here?
02:36 How much the Lympathic System is an issue here?
02:50 Gigantic Immune System/Great Lymphatic System
03:29 Cells in the system can be damaged or weakened by the acids
07:24 Skin as the largest eliminator (the 3rd Kidney)
13:19 Mind & Emotions are the creating forces of the experience.
14:43 Complete Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
15:35 ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy), done with depression disorder
17:25 Can the brain regenerate after depression and anxiety?
17:45 Difference between Emotional & Mental Components against anxiety and depression
22:38 Huge reduction of muscle spasticity & nerve pain
23:42 Parathyroid (calcium utilization)
26:00 Kidney (right kidney has a harder time than the left. What can I do to sooth burning kidneys?)
28:50 Importance of the filtration of the Kidney
39:12 How the vascular System dilated?
39:50 Arthritis (Losing calcium)
40:04 Stroke (Clogging of blood vessels)
44:01 Mid back Pain (connected to lungs or kidneys)
44:53 Calcium Utilization
51:03 Vaccines (as neurotoxins) for the human body.
52:08 Chemotherapy damages cells
59:18 What fruits can heal poor adrenals? (Berries)
01:00:20 Acidosis/ inflammation/ estrogen is a stimulant
01:22:00 Wonders of herbs for surgeries
Q & A 236 Vaccines, Baby Formula, Oxygen Therapy, Tetraplegic
00:00 "You have to learn the rules of the road so you can protect yourself from your own mind"
09:44 "You have to learn the rules of the road so you can protect yourself from your own mind"
11:01 Neurotoxins literally shut down the body
17:58 Water Fasting (in distillation)
19:38 Obstruction of the flow of energy (mucus,acids,neurotoxins); Neurotoxins obstruction of the nerve energy
24:30 The most mucus forming foods are dairy products (can cause lymphatic problems leading to cancer)
24:46 Dairy products definitely take you down the road towards cancer
35:47 Congestion of mucus; high fat, high protein formula
36:18 The bigger herbivores (much concentrated milk,more aminos,more calcium)
41:29 Vegetables are hard to generate tissue
46:35 with 97 % of oxygenation, it must work on for yourself (cleaning the lungs out)
46:54 Pure oxygen may burn you right up/Pure oxygen is hot.
49:41 Insulin is a hormone.
52:00 Neurological type (:some) there is nothing to do with the pancreas, it’s the nervous system that feeds the pancreas (aut
55:00 Stand aid device never generate tissue,they never cure
55:35 Fruits,berries and melons( for regeneration)
01:02:33 Your body can generate big trauma
01:03:30 Hot is acidic ,cold is alkaline
01:03:42 Always acids needs alkaline to neutralize
01:15:20 Pituitary produces TSH(tyroid stimulating hormone) treats tyroid to produce teeth-teeth pores
01:20:18 Acids destroys the body,make your body hard as a rock
01:20:37 Acids come from the cells as they eat and consume their nutrition from the blood, they discharge their waste into the se
01:20:55 The lymphatic system (immune system)
01:21:11 The kidney and skin is attached to the lymph system.
01:29:59 With the lymph, we move obstruction (obstruction of the blood flow, of the nerve flow and the lymph flow itself.
01:34:38 When the body adrenals are down,steroids are down you gonna see cholesterol in calcium being used,from there you have ob
Q & A 229
00:00 Chronic fatigue (adrenal glands)
01:09 Chronic fatigue (adrenal glands)
01:47 King of Anti-oxidants (fruits & berries)
02:58 Difference between the Mind and the Consciousness
04:29 What the Body Builder should do if he/she decides to have children? (human growth hormone and insulin); combined with h
12:53 "Further dehydration is cell destruction"
14:32 Down sides in using 2 grandulars in the same time (GI Tract Deterioration; Chronic bowel)
23:26 Heart Attack in an early age of 20s (due to inflammation around the paracardio sac of the heart)
23:53 Inflammation as immune response to (acidosis)
29:35 Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)
34:10 Hypertrophy (enlargement of tissues or cells)
38:46 Wonder healing of walking (it moves the lymphs)
45:15 " What do you think about prisons and justice, the economic system, politics, education?"
01:08:43 Sewage (cellular wastes)
01:10:53 Antispasmatic (formula for spasms, seizures, convulsions)
01:16:05 Different colors of mucus/muci with corresponding diseases
01:18:18 Short Bowel Syndrome (malabsorption disorder)
01:37:40 White Blood Cells (bone marrow to the spleen)
01:39:42 "What about aloe vera for inside the vagina to heal, cool and even as a sexual lubricant?"
01:42:00 "Could you explain why joints like elbows becoming sticky the lock (no full extension) in conditions such as RA? Could y
Q & A 237 Sulfur, Epilepsy, Abscess, Mono Diet
00:00 Built up sulfur that gut from a long term in antibiotic views,you can lose connective tissue function in the wall of the
01:31 Built up sulfur that gut from a long term in antibiotic views,you can lose connective tissue function in the wall of the
02:12 Difference between pharmaceutical & herbal antibiotics
06:48 Anti-spasmatic/great formula (4 drops every 3 hours) to regulate for epilepsy seizure
07:22 Calcium utilization (seizures & depressions); deficiency (lack of metabolism)
07:51 Autonomic Nervous System (kick the adrenals up)
08:36 Acidosis rubs chemistry,dehydrates,controls person into neurogical spasm, seizure,combustion
08:53 (Patient) You gonna clean ,hydrate the mucus, acid out of the head that creating spasm
09:17 (Patient) Deworming is at the same time deworming your moving blood aggressively up in the head,feeding the nervous,stre
09:43 Instigators; (balanced to chemistry) by digestion, absorption, and utilization; parathyroid that utilized calcium
10:11 Anti-acid, anti-inflammatory, anti-seizure & anti-spasmatic (fruits & berries)
15:46 Fruitarian Monomeal Diet; Totally Raw Diet; Salad Dessing Diet
16:59 GI Tracts (in herbivores, carnivores, frugivore,)
18:22 Meat-eaters (have to have a way to eliminate proteins with minimal absorption)
19:50 Pacreatic Formula (carbohydrate digestion)
20:41 How much fat is too much? (gall bladder liver)
26:28 High sulfur in the body (presence of fungus)
27:21 Psoriasis (loaded lymphatically); Neurolymphatics to the kidneys
27:53 Lymph System (that suppresses nerve our blood flowed down the herbs)
30:52 Chronic Fatigue (not filtering; kidneys & adrenals down)
31:52 Pituitary problem (grandulars & all the functions of your cells up)
32:27 Systemic Acidosis (burns your electrolytes)
33:13 Kidney cleaning & Prostate (testosterone); adrenal up
34:29 Extreme acidosis & heavy lyphatic system
36:51 Lymphatic Capsule; cleaning & healing the GI Tract
38:10 Stimulation & Intervention (constipation always follows)
39:10 Colon is the least absorption (between the small & the large bowel dominates in absorption)
41:03 What brings tissue down?
42:00 What breaks down cells?; What suppresses the functions of the cells?
42:10 Mucus comes from dairy products or protein corrosive to the mucosa (overstimulation of the mucosa)
45:32 Proteins destroy the GI Tract & the Kidneys
49:26 Kidney Filtration; Adrenal gland issue in alkaline chemistry
53:04 Sinuses clean up the bowels; kidneys filtering
54:59 Thyroid & Parathyroid with their functions
56:45 Calcium utilization (seizures & depressions); deficiency (lack of metabolism)
01:00:51 Congestive Heart Failure ( kidney adrenal failures)