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Breakfast the most important meal of the day?
00:00 The effect of exercise first before eating (lose micro lecture current)
02:41 The effect of exercise first before eating (lose micro lecture current)
03:17 Head-based Idea (Wants to eat for the moment)
03:51 8-12 supply of calories; glycogen converted into sugar
04:44 Humans need fuel first (eating) before having an exercise
05:49 The body expense more energy processing food than anything else
07:19 Stimulate appetite by being physically active
08:04 Children have higher metabolism than adults
09:28 Detoxifying: Cleansing the body (faster at night)
09:49 Break Fast : Means breaking fasting or breaking for not eating. Sleeping is one way of fasting
11:46 If the body is functioning well, it detoxifies well
Dr Robert Cassar Pt 8 Terrain Modification Feb 2011
00:00 Demineralization & regeneration
00:38 Demineralization & regeneration
01:39 Body Electric (electrical value)
02:23 Cells (electrical body; blue print)
03:24 Terrain Modification
05:47 Alkaline Battery (Copper & Zinc; Alkaline Acid together makes energy)
09:09 Fractualized System (Healthy: Exercise)
09:37 Electromagnetic Field (get parasites)
09:46 Oxygen (supply the body up)
10:14 Lymph System [blood system] to clean up
10:56 Toxicology System
12:24 Sulfuric Acid [toxic](Battery acids)
12:42 Dehydration (brain sand, kidney and gall stones, muscle hurts)
13:38 Electrocardiogram (ECG) [check the brain waves]
Shilajit- The Destroyer of Weakness
00:00 Definition of (Shilajit) [decomposed plant material that loses of the Himalayan mountains]; rock excrement
00:04 Definition of (Shilajit) [decomposed plant material that loses of the Himalayan mountains]; rock excrement
01:09 Ionic Minerals (positive in tissues and arteies)
01:38 Formic Acid (permeable; dumped [toxins] and taken nutrients); remineralized body
01:41 Humic Acid (destroyer of weakness)
03:07 Mineral Deficiency (hypoalimentation of dietary minerals)
03:33 Demineralized Food (pulls minerals from the body)
05:20 Conventional Diet (toxic attachments)
Diabetes: Insulin Dependence and Insulin Resistance
00:00 Type II Diabetics (90% of people who have diabetes)
00:12 Type II Diabetics (90% of people who have diabetes)
00:25 Obesity: Correlated to diabetes! To eliminate it, simply lose weight
01:10 Diabetes simply happens when a very toxic overwhelmed and usually dehydrated body without processing garbage
01:33 Type I Diabetes: Inability to produce insulin (insulin dependent diabetes)
02:37 Insulin dependent diabetes (having trouble in producing enough insulin given a toxic; start giving an insulin)
02:50 Pancreas (will lose the ability to produce all the insulin needs to)
04:05 Protecting the body against diabetes and obesity without fasting
04:58 Type II Diabetics (not an insulin insufficiency; but the body becomes resistant to their own insulin; they take medicati
05:50 Type I diabetes is also called Juvenile diabetes; Type II Diabetes is called adult-onset
06:01 50% of Type II Diabetics are children (due to overweight & obesity)
07:10 Type I diabetes (juvenile diabetes); congenital or inheritance
07:35 Causes of Diabetes (Poor diet and toxicity)
Dr Robert Cassar Pt 9 Terrain Modification Feb 2011
00:00 Leaky Gut Syndrome (50% of the people); gut problems
00:38 Leaky Gut Syndrome (50% of the people); gut problems
01:18 Demineralized Diet (whole intestinal track is poor)
02:57 Alkalinity (battery loses acidity); rehydration
03:31 Kombucha (fermented drink)
04:46 Potential Hydrogen (PH) [power of 10 scale]
05:36 Alkaline High Density Diet (Hydrational Solutions)
06:41 Sodium Bicarbonate Aluminum Free Solutions
06:48 Alkaline Solution (can kill cancer)
08:45 Cells (changing tune; electrical profile, by changing the minerals)
10:44 Brain (Speed Limit: 0 cycle per minute to forthy)
Michael Klaper, MD – Practical Nutritional Medicine
00:00 Obesity: Hypertension (artery disease)
04:55 Obesity: Hypertension (artery disease)
05:16 Obesity: Type II Diabetes
05:26 Inflammation: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
05:38 Inflammation: Autoimmune Disease
05:40 Inflammation: Rheumatoid Arthrities, lupus, psoriasis & asthma
06:58 Metabolic Syndrome (epitome of Obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance)
07:21 Q & A: What is the cause of Metabolic Syndrome? (Medicine: Etiology Unknown!); absolutely the FOOD!
11:02 Total [Meat, cheese,oil & fat, flour &cereal, beverage] Consumption Evolution (statistical data)
12:09 To make the diagnosis and deduce the most likely cause…question: On an average day, what do you it?
13:23 "take me through your typical eating day, from the first thing you put in your mouth to the last…."
13:50 Standard American Diet (Instant & Fast Foods)
14:38 Blood Illustration between eating vegetables (with clear serum) vs eating instant foods ( with lipemic serum)
15:14 Lipemia (fat in the blood)
16:59 Fats- blood viscosity-Highblood Pressure
17:16 [Viscous blood] requires higher blood pressures to force it through tiny capillaries
17:37 Fats- blood viscosity-Highblood Pressure- increase body fat-obesity
17:48 Intra-abdominal Fat (skin & abdomen fat)
18:36 Type II Insulin Resistance (intramyocellular lipids & mitochondria)
19:20 [Intramyocellular Lipid] clogs insulin receptors from inside the cell
20:00 [Inflammatory Cytokines] which produces inflammation (artery walls & insulin receptors) all over the body
21:02 [Abdominal Fat] is involved in many (disease: asthma, prostate, gallstones, cancer, kindney failure, etc)
21:52 [Sodium]retains fluid & Stiffen artery Walls can cause [High Blood Pressure]
22:23 [Sugar] Advanced Glycation End (AGE) Products damage the (eyes, skin, blood vessel, etc)
22:44 [Meat] SPECIFIC TOXINS- Trimethylamine N -oxide (TMAO) from carnitine; a product of the oxidation of trimethylamine and
24:31 [Meat] SPECIFIC TOXINS- Endotoxins form basteria/death
24:44 [Endotoxin] are the lipid portions of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) that are part of the outer membrane of a bacteria; libe
26:13 [Meat] SPECIFIC TOXINS- Neu5Gc (sialic acid molecule)
26:19 [N-Glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)] from animal flesh and secretions that can set off aggressive inflammatory reaction,
26:48 [Oxidized Muscle Protein] ; [Bioconcetrated Pesticides, herbicides, & heavy metals] & [hormones & antibiotics)
27:38 Food Chemicals (falvorings, colorings, etc)
30:57 2 Ways to Activate/Silence Genes (Methylation & Histones)
34:18 River of Life [Blood]- free of contaminants & full of nutrients
37:01 EAT FOOD! (not edible, food like substances out of brightly colored packages & boxes- by Michael Pollan)
37:29 "Eat Food As Grown"
37:41 Whole, Plant-based Diet (salad, steamed greens, vegetables steamers, crock pot soup,etc)
40:41 "Let food be your medicine, right fuel for our metabolic engine"
42:18 "American Standard Diet is too oily a fuel of our human body engine"
50:21 [Obesity], the progressive inflammatory state resulting from increased obesity that promotes insulin resistance….
52:57 [Dairy Products]are contributors to: Breast lumps (mammograms & mastectomies)
53:16 [Dairy Products]are contributors to: Uterine Fibroid (heavy bleeding, anemia & hysterectomies)
53:26 [Dairy Products]are contributors to: "Man Boobs" in males
53:36 [Dairy Products]are contributors to: Obesity (Type II Diabetes)
54:11 Cheese (field with cholesterol, salt, & growth hormones)
57:40 [Type II Diabetes] problem: Cytokins inflame insulin receptors from outside
58:10 [Type II Diabetes] solutions: Weight Loss, Physical Activity Daily, Supplements (chromium, magnesium, cinnamon, bitter l
58:32 Why are the arteries so inflamed and clogged?
58:36 What may in the blood that could be injuring the artery walls?
01:00:31 How high is you cholesterol?/ How healthy are your arteries?
01:01:12 [Meat-eating Bacteria] creates stream in TMAO into the bloodstream
01:01:37 Atherosclerosis Timeline (In childhood, atherosclerosis begins)
01:02:23 Causes of [Inflammatory Bowel Disease], pathogenic bacteria & abnormal, aggravated, immune response
01:04:17 Other [inflammatory diseases]Rheumatoid arthritis, Asthma, Psoriasis
01:04:20 [Dysbiosis] Dys (bad) biosis (life) / disease-causing bacteria & yeasts
01:04:25 Intestinal Candidiasis (yeast infection)
01:05:22 Leaky Gut Syndrome (intestinal hyperpermeability)
01:05:37 Foreign Proteins Leaking into Bloodstream (autoimmune diseases & allergic responses)
01:05:41 How to check candida in the stool?
01:06:26 Repair Gut Integrity (Remove ongoing injury, reduce yeast, reduce allergic foods & repair barrier functions)
01:07:19 Baseline Safety Diet (test food every 72 hours & observe any sign of inflammation)
01:08:24 Further Nutritional consideration in [RA]Rheumatoid Arthritis (anti-inflammatory oils, avoid nightshades during re-feed
01:09:03 What about those who say they "need animal protein?" No one needs to eat animal flesh 3x a day
01:14:14 "Changing the Foodstream changes everything" (nutrients will be easier to absorb)
01:15:52 [Genes] can be permanently silenced with genetic imprinting using [micro-RNA]
01:18:04 "Meat craving" & " failure-to-thrive syndrome"
01:20:02 "If you fell that the [Body] must have some animal protein; consider it medicinal"/ very expensive medicine/toxic
01:21:35 [MTHFR]Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency (an essential enzyme detoxifying homocysteine & methylation of gen
Dr Robert Cassar Pt 10 Terrain Modification Feb 2011
00:00 Brain Waves (electricity; 60 cycles)
01:41 Brain Waves (electricity; 60 cycles)
04:08 Number 1 Toxicity (Silver)
06:59 Regenerate [Fat]
08:05 Crystals (Dimensional Gems)
08:43 Energy; disease of negativity
09:09 Demineralization & Dehydration
09:29 Water (hydrate the body)
09:49 Lodestone (magnet; miniature earth
11:31 Sodium Chloride & Water (Minerals)
14:02 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Michael Klaper MD – From Operating Table to Dining Room Table
00:00 Ulcers (Caused by Acid & Stress)
10:06 Ulcers (Caused by Acid & Stress)
10:16 Atherosclerosis (relentlessly progressive, irreversible disease)
10:25 High Blood Pressure (take pills the rest of their lives)
10:36 Diabetes (once on insulin, always on insulin)
11:56 Home Birth Delivery (sacred & beautiful baby coming out)
12:10 Leboyer Delivery (with warm water)
12:48 [Anti-smoking] campaign
13:33 Total Hip Replacement
13:47 Opthalmology (Cataract Surgery)
14:03 Cardiopulmonary Bypass Pump
14:16 Birth Control Pill (sexual revolution)
14:27 Mechanics of Conception (Test Tube Babies)
14:58 Smallpox (eradicated in 1979)
15:12 Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)
15:30 Hospice (palliation of a terminally ill )
15:56 Medical Specialties: Internal Medicine, Surgery)
17:11 Anesthetics (is a drug that causes anesthesia —reversible loss of sensation)
17:49 CT Scan (amaging technology; examines soft tissues) & Xray (examines the bones)
18:25 Synergy Technology
18:29 Laparascopic Surgery Synergy Technology)
18:49 Emergency Medicine
21:04 Different Kinds Of Prohibited Medicines (Vioxx [increased heart attack risk], Avandia [heart attacks & sudden death], Pr
21:51 Not to advertise (Plastic Surgery; Dermatology)
25:12 Cardiovascular Anesthesia (open arteries)
25:58 Lipemic Syrup (Fat in the Blood); obesity
29:17 Adapted Vegan Diet (evolution)
31:57 Veganism (clinical findings, & investigations); low cholesterol level & treatment of bronchial asthma
32:14 Plasma Lipids & Lipoproteins (in vegetarians & controls)
32:24 Blood Pressure (vascular catastrophe)
32:40 Brochial Asthma Cortisone medication; with vegan diet)
33:05 Rheumatoid Arthritis (controlled trial of fasting & one-year vegetarian diet)
37:36 Treatment of Ulcers (one cup of cream, every 4 hours, as needed)
37:38 Fearsome Disease (Etiology uncertain)
38:26 Helicobacter Pylori (bacteria on stomach lining)
39:37 Atherosclerosis & artery [brief]
40:18 Ischaemic Heart Disease (effects of stress management training & dietary changes)
40:28 Coronary Heart Disease (lifestyle Heart Trial)
42:06 Ornish Lifestyle Modification Program (produce impressive outcomes for CHD)
42:50 Hyperstension (High Blood Pressure)
43:12 Vegetarian Diet (Blood pressure lowering effect)
44:11 Type II Insulin Resistance (Diabetes)
45:10 Intramyocellular Lipid (content and insulin sensitivity )
45:30 Low-Vegan Diet [chart]
46:24 Casein (199 amino acids long)
46:31 Beta-lactoglobulin (324 amino acids long)
46:39 Anti-gliadin Antibodies (coeliac disease)
47:14 [Rheumatoid Arthritis] is an autoimmune disease on the unknown origin
47:29 Conventional Teachings (Proteins)
48:53 Intestinal Villi (increase the absorption area of the small intestine)
49:24 Goblet Cells (secrete mucus)
50:07 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes (organisms)
50:27 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Bifidobacteria Longrum [cleft into two parts]
50:39 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Lactobacillus Salivarius [lacto] create lactic acid; [bacillus] rod-shaped bacteria
51:03 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Staphylococci [like a bunch of grapes]
51:52 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Streptococci [twisted into chains]
51:36 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Lactobacillus Acidophilus [saliva]
51:51 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Lactobacillus Casei [cheese]
53:35 Miraculous Mellifluous Microbes: Saccharomyces Boulardii [diarrhea]
53:42 Friendly "Microbe" Functions (yeast)
54:03 Friendly "Microbe" Functions: Ferment Fiber [short-chain fatty acids for energy]
54:05 Friendly "Microbe" Functions: Produce Vitamin K & Biotin [stop bleeding]
54:14 Friendly "Microbe" Functions: [prevent] Pathogenic Growth
54:22 [Bacterial Balance] is important (friendly & unfriendly)
54:54 Intestinal Garden (refresh by eating fresh garden; drinking from steam & wells)
55:16 [Modern Life] is an assault on our friendly [intestinal bacteria] (chlorinated drinking water; soft drinks with phosphor
59:00 Sugar (eating & drinking it) PROBLEM
01:00:37 Intestinal Candidiasis (intestinal tract)
01:00:41 Dysbiosis [bad life] disease-causing bacteria & yeast
01:01:45 Leaky Gut Syndrome (intestinal hyperpermeability)
01:02:00 Leaky Gut: Inflammatory Arthritis
01:02:02 Leaky Gut: Rheumatoid Arthritis
01:02:05 Leaky Gut: Ankylosing Spondylitis (big molecules getting into the bloodstreams)
01:02:07 Leaky Gut: Lupus
01:02:10 Leaky Gut: Fever
01:02:13 Leaky Gut: Asthma
01:02:16 Leaky Gut: Hives (urticaria)
01:02:24 Ulcerative Colitis & Polyarthritis (presentation of 3 cases including one right regional colitis; ACTH therapy)
01:02:47 Rheumatoid diseases (abnormal bowel permeability in ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis)
01:03:10 Ankylosing Spondylitis (the role of intestinal permeability in the pathogenesis)
01:03:17 Type 1 Diabetes (tight junction,intestinal permeability, and autoimmunity; celiac disease and type 1 Diabetes paradigm)
01:03:24 Allergy (The epithelial gatekeeper against food allergy)
01:03:34 Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Intestinal Permeability Test)
01:04:23 Lactulose & Mannitol Recovery (in the urine)
01:05:07 Repair Gut Integrity (Remove ongoing injury, reduce yeast, reduce allergic foods & repair barrier functions)
01:06:00 Probiotics (for life); beneficial bacteria & yeast (nutrients & cofactors for growth)
01:06:31 Lactobacillus Acidophilus (GI support; prevent pathogen growth, decrease URI in children, reduce UTI in women, irritable
01:07:21 Lactobacillus Plantaris (for inflammatory Bowel Disease)
01:07:31 Lactobacillus Rhamnosis (enhances immune function)[anti-cancer; improves general immune health)
01:08:08 Is Probiotic Alive? (Curdle milk)
01:10:22 Effects of Olive Oil (Fat; junk food)
01:10:58 Omega 3 (?-Linolenic acid) vs Omega 6 (Linolenic acid)
01:12:20 Trans Fat (hydrogenated Oil)
01:14:58 Calories ( 1ml of sodium) Ideal Salt Content
01:15:35 "Know your Cholesterol Level"
01:15:46 Medical Tourism; Herbal Medicine
01:17:34 Vitamins (Beta-carotine increases risk of heart failure & cardiac death); (folic acid increases the risk of breast cance
01:18:34 Power of Fasting (reduce the risk of High Blood Pressure, diabetes II, Auto-immune diseases, coronary artery diseases &
01:19:22 Telemedicine, robotic Surgery & Body part replacement (Modern medical care)
Dr Robert Cassar Pt 11 Terrain Modification Feb 2011
00:00 Incomplete Food Diet (holographic System)
00:40 Incomplete Food Diet (holographic System)
01:00 Microbes (from the toxic foods)
01:48 Oxalate Poisoning (Calcified)
02:03 DNA Transformation (not denatured & demineralized)
03:24 Physiological Depression (Physical breakdown)
07:02 Blood System & Lymph System
07:10 Lymph System (master filter)
07:21 Ethylenediamine (binds two things trying to get out of the body; clotting)
08:38 Cancer; (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) melt the stuck in the mouth
09:51 Toxicity (detoxification diet)
11:09 Bisphenol A ( Polycarbonate)
12:21 Heart (pump the blood)
13:36 Inversion Swing (Anti-gravity)
The Starch Solution – John McDougall MD
00:00 Relapsing Polychondritis (autoimmune disease)
00:11 Relapsing Polychondritis (autoimmune disease)
03:32 Starch Solution (fighting against diabetes, heart disease & stroke)
04:43 get [Energy] (main reason of eating; 3 sources of energy: fat, carbohydrates & proteins)
06:29 Starch-based Diet (Supports Spontaneous Healing); Chains of sugar
07:54 Amylose (simple sugar); Amylopectin
08:30 Amyloplasts (Starch Grains/granules); starch molecules (long branch of chains of sugar)
10:10 Organs for Storing Starch Granules (seet potates, legumes, grains & beans)
13:33 Why say starch? Carbohydrate addict? [seekers of starch/ carbohydrates; tastebuds of starch/sweets]
15:10 Starch Is Clean Fuel (low in fat); no cholesterol; do not store poisonous chemicals like DTT & methyl mercury
17:59 Starch Is Complete Nutrition (lots of protein); vitamins & minerals; fiber & high enrgy carbohydrates; energy ("comfort
19:09 All Potato Diet (has nitrogen protein)
22:31 The most convincing Evidence (All large populations of trim, healthy people, throughout verifiable human history, have o
23:09 Caloric Starch Civilization ( Barley, corn [Aztec & Mayas-people of the corn], rice, wheat, potatoes [freeze dries potat
29:42 Archaeologists get confused (Borns survived eons of time)
38:09 Carb-loaders (Starch-eaters)
40:21 Amylase (protein producing genes)
43:20 Storage Organs ( A new calorie source)
43:58 Human Brain (burns glucose)
45:30 High-Carbohydrates, Low-fat Diet
45:57 Less-Carbs, More Proteins Diet
50:48 Rheumatoid Arthritis (unable to walk)
55:08 No Angina, No medication (subtle inferior wall perfusion defect)
55:17 The Starch Solution Environmental Benefits (need more food, eat more animals & processed foods, use more fuels)
56:59 Locavore (one day without meat & dairy)
58:57 Milk & Meat are behind environmental damage (deforestation, erosion, etc)