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00:00 Acids in the lymphatic system; what happens with the inflammatory process
01:12 Acids in the lymphatic system; what happens with the inflammatory process
01:26 Interstitial cystitis (a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder)
05:34 High-sulfur (gut problem)
06:33 Parathyroid Issues (can cause depression)
07:08 After vaccination (cause serious neurological problem like convulsion)
08:01 Removal of Tonsils (lymphatic problem)
09:53 Symptoms of Bowel Sydrome (wakening up with low back pain & having IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
10:24 Chiropractic Medicine (alternative medicine of musculoskeletal system)
10:39 Lymph System (the eliminated organs of the kidneys with the adrenals on top controlling that)
11:18 Adrenal steroids (what the body uses to fight acidosis)
11:25 Cortical Steroids (highly based in cholesterol)
11:52 Remember: bad effect of losing calcium
12:37 Neurological component to congestion of the lungs (asthma)
13:50 Spasticity (throat is contracting)
14:40 Lymph Toxicity (higher acidosis to the body)
15:10 B-Cells (bone marrow cells); T-Cells (Thymus Cells)
15:50 AIDS (A virus of the body that can be detoxed); Hepatitis
17:09 Dehydration (the effect of acidosis)
17:14 Severe Pancreatitis (Gall Bladder removed)
19:26 Inflammation (lose filtration in the kidney)
19:57 Swelling of the Brain (pressure from the head)
23:27 Glycomic Problem (lymphatic problem)
25:00 Calcium Utilization (Systemic Effects)
28:20 Muscle Severe Fatigue; acid breaks things down
28:34 Nervous System (controls muscles); parasymphatetic & symphatetic (autonomic)
30:11 Malabsorption of Nutrients (energetic & neurological lost)
30:28 Digestion (something to do with liver, gall bladder & pancreas)
30:36 What creates genetic weaknesses? (the acid side of chemistry & the lymphatic system)
31:54 Brady Tachy Syndrome (sometimes the heart rate is moved up to Tachy cardia, then moved down to Brady Cardia; real slow)
34:00 Body wide muscle twitches (nervous system is weak); need anti-spasmatic formula
34:35 Overusage of Calcium (leads to convulsion)
36:32 Neurotoxins (with pesticides & herbicides)
37:19 Constriction of the heart muscle (can cause chest pain)
39:12 Alkaline Chemistry into the body (neutralized acid chemistry)
41:57 Glycomic Pressures (lose of balance in vertigo)
46:30 Abdominal Pain ; endoscopy (high in reflex)

- 00:00 Acids in the lymphatic system; what happens with the inflammatory process
- 01:12 Acids in the lymphatic system; what happens with the inflammatory process
- 01:26 Interstitial cystitis (a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder)
- 05:34 High-sulfur (gut problem)
- 06:33 Parathyroid Issues (can cause depression)
- 07:08 After vaccination (cause serious neurological problem like convulsion)
- 08:01 Removal of Tonsils (lymphatic problem)
- 09:53 Symptoms of Bowel Sydrome (wakening up with low back pain & having IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- 10:24 Chiropractic Medicine (alternative medicine of musculoskeletal system)
- 10:39 Lymph System (the eliminated organs of the kidneys with the adrenals on top controlling that)
- 11:18 Adrenal steroids (what the body uses to fight acidosis)
- 11:25 Cortical Steroids (highly based in cholesterol)
- 11:52 Remember: bad effect of losing calcium
- 12:37 Neurological component to congestion of the lungs (asthma)
- 13:50 Spasticity (throat is contracting)
- 14:40 Lymph Toxicity (higher acidosis to the body)
- 15:10 B-Cells (bone marrow cells); T-Cells (Thymus Cells)
- 15:50 AIDS (A virus of the body that can be detoxed); Hepatitis
- 17:09 Dehydration (the effect of acidosis)
- 17:14 Severe Pancreatitis (Gall Bladder removed)
- 19:26 Inflammation (lose filtration in the kidney)
- 19:57 Swelling of the Brain (pressure from the head)
- 23:27 Glycomic Problem (lymphatic problem)
- 25:00 Calcium Utilization (Systemic Effects)
- 28:20 Muscle Severe Fatigue; acid breaks things down
- 28:34 Nervous System (controls muscles); parasymphatetic & symphatetic (autonomic)
- 30:11 Malabsorption of Nutrients (energetic & neurological lost)
- 30:28 Digestion (something to do with liver, gall bladder & pancreas)
- 30:36 What creates genetic weaknesses? (the acid side of chemistry & the lymphatic system)
- 31:54 Brady Tachy Syndrome (sometimes the heart rate is moved up to Tachy cardia, then moved down to Brady Cardia; real slow)
- 34:00 Body wide muscle twitches (nervous system is weak); need anti-spasmatic formula
- 34:35 Overusage of Calcium (leads to convulsion)
- 36:32 Neurotoxins (with pesticides & herbicides)
- 37:19 Constriction of the heart muscle (can cause chest pain)
- 39:12 Alkaline Chemistry into the body (neutralized acid chemistry)
- 41:57 Glycomic Pressures (lose of balance in vertigo)
- 46:30 Abdominal Pain ; endoscopy (high in reflex)