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00:00 Fixing the thyroids, adrenals and the pituitary
00:19 Fixing the thyroids, adrenals and the pituitary
00:39 Chronic State of Grandulars (desiccated tissue)
00:56 What are the adrenal glands made of? (bunch of cells & 2 fluids-blood & lymph)
01:15 Lymphatic System (a small painful death diseases) Pulmonary eczema & strokes
04:39 Fast track Alkalizers; Effects of Bicarbonate in the Pancreas
05:14 Lymph is a lipid based; an anti-acid system
05:23 Inflammation (acidosis)
05:45 3 Kinds of Heart burn (1st: true acid reflex)
06:13 3 Kinds of Heart burn (2nd: interstitial lymphatic constipation)/ burning in the inside out
06:34 3 Kinds of Heart burn (3rd: interstitial lymphatic constipation)/ burning in the inside out
07:25 Sulfur (gut; high candida problem)
08:01 Creatinine Level is 0.5 normal (before losing your kidney if not filtering)
11:54 Blood is 7.4 pH
15:35 What is the first sign of having an adrenal problem? (low blood pressure)
19:05 Vaccination (constant seizures)
20:45 Benefit of the Highest Green Nutrition
22:57 What is a cancer or a tumor & their effects?
24:04 Omega 3 to 6 in a diet
25:03 Fructose is a simple sugar like glucose
25:33 Adrenal Problem & sugar metabolism
28:54 Flavonoids (from the fruits)

- 00:00 Fixing the thyroids, adrenals and the pituitary
- 00:19 Fixing the thyroids, adrenals and the pituitary
- 00:39 Chronic State of Grandulars (desiccated tissue)
- 00:56 What are the adrenal glands made of? (bunch of cells & 2 fluids-blood & lymph)
- 01:15 Lymphatic System (a small painful death diseases) Pulmonary eczema & strokes
- 04:39 Fast track Alkalizers; Effects of Bicarbonate in the Pancreas
- 05:14 Lymph is a lipid based; an anti-acid system
- 05:23 Inflammation (acidosis)
- 05:45 3 Kinds of Heart burn (1st: true acid reflex)
- 06:13 3 Kinds of Heart burn (2nd: interstitial lymphatic constipation)/ burning in the inside out
- 06:34 3 Kinds of Heart burn (3rd: interstitial lymphatic constipation)/ burning in the inside out
- 07:25 Sulfur (gut; high candida problem)
- 08:01 Creatinine Level is 0.5 normal (before losing your kidney if not filtering)
- 11:54 Blood is 7.4 pH
- 15:35 What is the first sign of having an adrenal problem? (low blood pressure)
- 19:05 Vaccination (constant seizures)
- 20:45 Benefit of the Highest Green Nutrition
- 22:57 What is a cancer or a tumor & their effects?
- 24:04 Omega 3 to 6 in a diet
- 25:03 Fructose is a simple sugar like glucose
- 25:33 Adrenal Problem & sugar metabolism
- 28:54 Flavonoids (from the fruits)