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00:00 a case #82: skin rashes (brief), ear infections/”be prepared for healing crisis”
00:18 a case #82: skin rashes (brief), ear infections/”be prepared for healing crisis”
02:29 don’t get caught up with people who pull you down
03:04 “everybody has to drop the religious [crap] kind of thinking”
04:21 lemon juice fast/what’s the between Dr. Morse’s lemon juice cleanse and the Master Cleanse? (cayenne pepper) (Stanley B
05:53 maple syrup
06:42 salt water flush (Himalaya salt, celtic sea salt)
07:32 can the GI Broom be incorporated into a lemon juice cleanse? (bentonite clay, charcoal)
09:41 getting bloated on lemon juice/edema
11:17 cooked herbs still have powerful medicinal properties (Heal All Tea)
12:54 decreasing chances of returning to an earthly life/karma (you reap what you sow)/the real self

- 00:00 a case #82: skin rashes (brief), ear infections/”be prepared for healing crisis”
- 00:18 a case #82: skin rashes (brief), ear infections/”be prepared for healing crisis”
- 02:29 don’t get caught up with people who pull you down
- 03:04 “everybody has to drop the religious [crap] kind of thinking”
- 04:21 lemon juice fast/what’s the between Dr. Morse’s lemon juice cleanse and the Master Cleanse? (cayenne pepper) (Stanley B
- 05:53 maple syrup
- 06:42 salt water flush (Himalaya salt, celtic sea salt)
- 07:32 can the GI Broom be incorporated into a lemon juice cleanse? (bentonite clay, charcoal)
- 09:41 getting bloated on lemon juice/edema
- 11:17 cooked herbs still have powerful medicinal properties (Heal All Tea)
- 12:54 decreasing chances of returning to an earthly life/karma (you reap what you sow)/the real self