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00:00 mothers releasing toxins into the breast milk/detoxifying babies
00:07 mothers releasing toxins into the breast milk/detoxifying babies
01:10 a case #71: hypothyroidism, two benign nodules, severe right-sided c-spine pain
04:22 put a child on fruit and the academics, comprehension and motor skills goes way up
04:53 bodybuilder for 11 years/protein shakes (bodybuilding)
06:46 can tendons be regenerated back to 100%
07:50 the MS testimonial case
08:23 hawthorn berries
09:16 is it possible to extract animal glands for glandulars without harming their [the animals] health?
10:25 controversies over time
11:37 vitamin B12/intellectualism
13:24 products good to grow hair/regrow hair

- 00:00 mothers releasing toxins into the breast milk/detoxifying babies
- 00:07 mothers releasing toxins into the breast milk/detoxifying babies
- 01:10 a case #71: hypothyroidism, two benign nodules, severe right-sided c-spine pain
- 04:22 put a child on fruit and the academics, comprehension and motor skills goes way up
- 04:53 bodybuilder for 11 years/protein shakes (bodybuilding)
- 06:46 can tendons be regenerated back to 100%
- 07:50 the MS testimonial case
- 08:23 hawthorn berries
- 09:16 is it possible to extract animal glands for glandulars without harming their [the animals] health?
- 10:25 controversies over time
- 11:37 vitamin B12/intellectualism
- 13:24 products good to grow hair/regrow hair