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00:00 damaged DNA, leukemia (antigens, macrophages, viral loads, blueprint)
01:03 damaged DNA, leukemia (antigens, macrophages, viral loads, blueprint)
02:55 “medical doctors can’t cure anything”/”medical doctors aren’t in the field to cure”
05:12 salt (celtic sea salt, Himalayan rock salt)/salt cravings (craving salt)
06:39 nutritional yeast
07:20 anything a plant or tree bears can be considered fruit (cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, avocado)
08:09 second best diet to raw foods (alternative to raw)
13:01 purists are unbalanced (puritans)
13:57 apple cider vinegar for washing produce

- 00:00 damaged DNA, leukemia (antigens, macrophages, viral loads, blueprint)
- 01:03 damaged DNA, leukemia (antigens, macrophages, viral loads, blueprint)
- 02:55 “medical doctors can’t cure anything”/”medical doctors aren’t in the field to cure”
- 05:12 salt (celtic sea salt, Himalayan rock salt)/salt cravings (craving salt)
- 06:39 nutritional yeast
- 07:20 anything a plant or tree bears can be considered fruit (cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, avocado)
- 08:09 second best diet to raw foods (alternative to raw)
- 13:01 purists are unbalanced (puritans)
- 13:57 apple cider vinegar for washing produce