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00:00 interstitial cystitis
01:00 interstitial cystitis
05:19 elevated white blood cells (lymphocytes, macrophages)
16:00 how long does it take to turn brown eyes blue? (chronic lymph)
18:22 caffeine withdrawals (coffee)
20:02 why we require insulin/”it’s not all about nutrition”
21:40 starches
22:14 herbs and heat (boiling herbs, teas)
23:58 legumes (enzyme inhibitors)/beans (brief)
27:13 elevated testosterone (high testosterone)/hydrogen (brief)
29:49 polycystic ovaries
30:36 being a massage therapist, nutritionist, chiropractor or medical doctor doesn’t mean you know anything about health
32:36 insulin, glucose, fructose/sugar metabolism problems (sugars)
35:51 a case #97: feeling weak, chronic fatigue, trouble sleeping and awakening, gained weight, dark line in skin, dry skin,
37:12 considering pituitary gland weakness (case above)
38:18 naturopathy and protein/one of the first laws of natural health is stop eating dead animals/”the biggest no-no that I k
39:30 nuclear stress tests
41:03 cholesterol plaquing, calcifications (brief)
41:30 medical doctors and the stats/”[the] stats last year [shows] one million people died at the hands of Allopathy, and NON
42:46 high blood pressure and low pulse rate
44:47 persantine heart test
47:04 could low stomach acid cause malabsorption [or(?)] iron anemia and hypertension? (gastroparesis)

- 00:00 interstitial cystitis
- 01:00 interstitial cystitis
- 05:19 elevated white blood cells (lymphocytes, macrophages)
- 16:00 how long does it take to turn brown eyes blue? (chronic lymph)
- 18:22 caffeine withdrawals (coffee)
- 20:02 why we require insulin/”it’s not all about nutrition”
- 21:40 starches
- 22:14 herbs and heat (boiling herbs, teas)
- 23:58 legumes (enzyme inhibitors)/beans (brief)
- 27:13 elevated testosterone (high testosterone)/hydrogen (brief)
- 29:49 polycystic ovaries
- 30:36 being a massage therapist, nutritionist, chiropractor or medical doctor doesn’t mean you know anything about health
- 32:36 insulin, glucose, fructose/sugar metabolism problems (sugars)
- 35:51 a case #97: feeling weak, chronic fatigue, trouble sleeping and awakening, gained weight, dark line in skin, dry skin,
- 37:12 considering pituitary gland weakness (case above)
- 38:18 naturopathy and protein/one of the first laws of natural health is stop eating dead animals/”the biggest no-no that I k
- 39:30 nuclear stress tests
- 41:03 cholesterol plaquing, calcifications (brief)
- 41:30 medical doctors and the stats/”[the] stats last year [shows] one million people died at the hands of Allopathy, and NON
- 42:46 high blood pressure and low pulse rate
- 44:47 persantine heart test
- 47:04 could low stomach acid cause malabsorption [or(?)] iron anemia and hypertension? (gastroparesis)