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00:00 health and truth/”truth always sets you free”/”stay with truth”
01:00 health and truth/”truth always sets you free”/”stay with truth”
02:26 healthcare/”health should only be in the hands of naturopathists”
05:00 the challenge ahead (chronic weaknesses, adrenal glands, kidneys, understanding our health issues)/the lymphatic system
07:40 the mental and emotional components (endocrine glands, chakras)
08:35 waking up and growth of awareness/”play higher games”
10:27 nose bleeds (nose bleeding)/”the problem is always where the action is; not in chambers”
12:14 “any obstruction to elimination creates disease”
14:20 Circulation (Upper) and Brain & Nervous II formulas to buffer trauma from boxing
14:49 gynaecomastia (stilbestrol) (#2)
16:40 enlarged adenoids and tonsils (Down’s syndrome, swollen lymph nodes)
18:10 crystal healing
20:06 breathing difficulty
22:28 we can’t keep compromising the young children due to fear/”they [the medical profession] don’t have a clue about health
24:04 ignorance/”there is no remedy with Allopathic thinking”
25:15 collapsed lung (brief)
25:33 parents should take responsibility for their kids
27:35 systemic Candida (yeast, moles, fungus, fermentation, grains), hypothyroidism, weak adrenal glands
29:14 “why don’t we just get it over with? why don’t we just have our big war, get it over with, [if] anybody [is] left stand
30:45 are humans living longer? (also view from 32:53)/”none of the news media give a damn about truth”/federal government as
32:53 obituary (obituaries, cardiac and oncology wards in the 90’s)
34:44 current level of longevity due to better sanitation? (microbes, biological immunity)
36:00 antidepressants (depression)/controlling circumstances with chemicals
40:27 there is a time and place for using the mind/”use academics when needed”
- 00:00 health and truth/”truth always sets you free”/”stay with truth”
- 01:00 health and truth/”truth always sets you free”/”stay with truth”
- 02:26 healthcare/”health should only be in the hands of naturopathists”
- 05:00 the challenge ahead (chronic weaknesses, adrenal glands, kidneys, understanding our health issues)/the lymphatic system
- 07:40 the mental and emotional components (endocrine glands, chakras)
- 08:35 waking up and growth of awareness/”play higher games”
- 10:27 nose bleeds (nose bleeding)/”the problem is always where the action is; not in chambers”
- 12:14 “any obstruction to elimination creates disease”
- 14:20 Circulation (Upper) and Brain & Nervous II formulas to buffer trauma from boxing
- 14:49 gynaecomastia (stilbestrol) (#2)
- 16:40 enlarged adenoids and tonsils (Down’s syndrome, swollen lymph nodes)
- 18:10 crystal healing
- 20:06 breathing difficulty
- 22:28 we can’t keep compromising the young children due to fear/”they [the medical profession] don’t have a clue about health
- 24:04 ignorance/”there is no remedy with Allopathic thinking”
- 25:15 collapsed lung (brief)
- 25:33 parents should take responsibility for their kids
- 27:35 systemic Candida (yeast, moles, fungus, fermentation, grains), hypothyroidism, weak adrenal glands
- 29:14 “why don’t we just get it over with? why don’t we just have our big war, get it over with, [if] anybody [is] left stand
- 30:45 are humans living longer? (also view from 32:53)/”none of the news media give a damn about truth”/federal government as
- 32:53 obituary (obituaries, cardiac and oncology wards in the 90’s)
- 34:44 current level of longevity due to better sanitation? (microbes, biological immunity)
- 36:00 antidepressants (depression)/controlling circumstances with chemicals
- 40:27 there is a time and place for using the mind/”use academics when needed”