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00:00 the spiritual element, thought (the mind)/”the more academically inclined you are, the stupider you can be”
01:31 the spiritual element, thought (the mind)/”the more academically inclined you are, the stupider you can be”
05:34 impeded utilization from ingesting multiple glandulars?
07:18 starting slowly with glandulars (more sensitive people)
08:08 “the older people’s job is to pass their knowledge and their wisdom on to the younger people, so they [the younger peop
09:56 low blood pressure
11:08 the wrong way of detoxifying
11:37 no changes in acne after prolonged detoxification (chronic skin congestion)
13:46 dog with anal tumor (Canax, animals)
16:07 dialysis, lupus (chemotherapy)
21:08 brief discussion on proteins
23:06 epilepsy symptoms improved from eliminating proteins
24:41 seizures (neurological weaknesses and fruits)
26:25 stay strong in your decision to NOT vaccinate
27:12 turmeric for pain relief?
28:08 if you want to become a naturopathic doctor/licensing
29:48 exploded rashes
33:15 sometimes science doesn’t have the answers
34:43 low iron levels (liver, spleen, kelp, alfalfa)/low white blood cell count (brief)
37:28 unicorns/Eckankar
38:44 spring water is immature water?/distilled water (alkalosis)
40:41 deficiencies from distilled water?
44:26 eye problems (nearsightedness, stigmatism, etc.)
46:33 always remember the Upper Circulation and Brain & Nervous System formulas when working on the head area
46:57 science vs. clinical work (theories vs. actualities)
48:46 man and meat/nature offers all the answers
52:06 difficulty maintaining an all-fruit diet
53:08 vitiligo, pituitary gland and tranverse colon
55:55 fruit detoxification, water fasting and dry fasting
57:37 iridology (Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book: Iridology Simplified)
58:44 become healthy having children
01:00:20 will the herbs work on a standard diet?
01:01:05 the problems we face as healers
01:02:55 dietary tips
01:04:35 debilitating ear infections (ear candling sinus congestion)/can you regenerate removed tonsils and adenoids?
01:08:46 we have to learn how to interact with clients
01:10:20 man, fruits and herbs
01:11:50 have fun without fear/out of body experiences (OBE, O.B.E.’s) (spiritual insights)
01:15:39 motorcycle ACCIDENT: spinal stenosis, broken bones, road rash, tingling sensations
01:21:25 what appears healthy may not be healthy (your body is a self-healing organism)
01:24:17 the attempt at slandering iridology
01:28:57 prostatitis/pelvic discomfort
01:33:26 therapeutic touch (brief)
01:43:57 gemstones (Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians (book))
01:45:44 hair gel
01:46:40 difficulty finding history of primitive vegan cultures, the present moment
01:50:16 can we survive without animal products?
01:54:27 vaginitis/discussing infections
02:00:55 panic attacks following divorce
02:03:54 fibroid tumors, irregular menses (menstruation, benign tumors)
02:07:49 rheumatoid arthritis (R.A.)
02:09:57 amalgam fillings (root canals)
02:12:38 stop reading others consciousness
02:14:36 why aren’t we more nutritionally deficient?/digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination
02:16:36 minerals (brief)/the fixation on vitamins and (m)inerals
02:19:21 coconut oil pulling

- 00:00 the spiritual element, thought (the mind)/”the more academically inclined you are, the stupider you can be”
- 01:31 the spiritual element, thought (the mind)/”the more academically inclined you are, the stupider you can be”
- 05:34 impeded utilization from ingesting multiple glandulars?
- 07:18 starting slowly with glandulars (more sensitive people)
- 08:08 “the older people’s job is to pass their knowledge and their wisdom on to the younger people, so they [the younger peop
- 09:56 low blood pressure
- 11:08 the wrong way of detoxifying
- 11:37 no changes in acne after prolonged detoxification (chronic skin congestion)
- 13:46 dog with anal tumor (Canax, animals)
- 16:07 dialysis, lupus (chemotherapy)
- 21:08 brief discussion on proteins
- 23:06 epilepsy symptoms improved from eliminating proteins
- 24:41 seizures (neurological weaknesses and fruits)
- 26:25 stay strong in your decision to NOT vaccinate
- 27:12 turmeric for pain relief?
- 28:08 if you want to become a naturopathic doctor/licensing
- 29:48 exploded rashes
- 33:15 sometimes science doesn’t have the answers
- 34:43 low iron levels (liver, spleen, kelp, alfalfa)/low white blood cell count (brief)
- 37:28 unicorns/Eckankar
- 38:44 spring water is immature water?/distilled water (alkalosis)
- 40:41 deficiencies from distilled water?
- 44:26 eye problems (nearsightedness, stigmatism, etc.)
- 46:33 always remember the Upper Circulation and Brain & Nervous System formulas when working on the head area
- 46:57 science vs. clinical work (theories vs. actualities)
- 48:46 man and meat/nature offers all the answers
- 52:06 difficulty maintaining an all-fruit diet
- 53:08 vitiligo, pituitary gland and tranverse colon
- 55:55 fruit detoxification, water fasting and dry fasting
- 57:37 iridology (Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book: Iridology Simplified)
- 58:44 become healthy having children
- 01:00:20 will the herbs work on a standard diet?
- 01:01:05 the problems we face as healers
- 01:02:55 dietary tips
- 01:04:35 debilitating ear infections (ear candling sinus congestion)/can you regenerate removed tonsils and adenoids?
- 01:08:46 we have to learn how to interact with clients
- 01:10:20 man, fruits and herbs
- 01:11:50 have fun without fear/out of body experiences (OBE, O.B.E.’s) (spiritual insights)
- 01:15:39 motorcycle ACCIDENT: spinal stenosis, broken bones, road rash, tingling sensations
- 01:21:25 what appears healthy may not be healthy (your body is a self-healing organism)
- 01:24:17 the attempt at slandering iridology
- 01:28:57 prostatitis/pelvic discomfort
- 01:33:26 therapeutic touch (brief)
- 01:43:57 gemstones (Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians (book))
- 01:45:44 hair gel
- 01:46:40 difficulty finding history of primitive vegan cultures, the present moment
- 01:50:16 can we survive without animal products?
- 01:54:27 vaginitis/discussing infections
- 02:00:55 panic attacks following divorce
- 02:03:54 fibroid tumors, irregular menses (menstruation, benign tumors)
- 02:07:49 rheumatoid arthritis (R.A.)
- 02:09:57 amalgam fillings (root canals)
- 02:12:38 stop reading others consciousness
- 02:14:36 why aren’t we more nutritionally deficient?/digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination
- 02:16:36 minerals (brief)/the fixation on vitamins and (m)inerals
- 02:19:21 coconut oil pulling