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00:00 lyme disease (lupus, fibromyalgia) (brief)
02:23 lyme disease (lupus, fibromyalgia) (brief)
03:46 the genes approach (medically)
05:56 our primary tools for regeneration/grains
07:08 why vegetables are not necessarily ideal for humans
13:41 80-year-old with post-polio/vaccines, natural immunity (brief)
16:46 it’s never too late
18:11 a case #128: urinary tract infections, epilepsy (epileptic), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, C.O.P.D.), ov
22:19 “I don’t care who you are, what mother you are, what grandfather you are, you’re never too old to change your diet”
28:10 cyst above anus
29:19 breaking out during juice fast
35:13 vitamin D (sunlight)
36:02 stone stuck in gallbladder duct (Phosfood, magnesium, vitamin B6)
41:00 baby with eczema (children)
47:18 appearing healthy externally
48:19 postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome/modalities in the health field
53:47 licorice root (anti-inflammatory qualities)
56:49 difficulty maintaining detoxification diet
59:19 type 2 diabetes
01:01:35 dealing with cravings and boredom
01:03:44 claims of healing with raw animal products, etc.
01:06:19 should you always see sediment in your urine?
01:07:49 proteins
01:10:56 balding
01:13:13 glaucoma, dry eyes
01:16:02 dehydration (dehydrated)

- 00:00 lyme disease (lupus, fibromyalgia) (brief)
- 02:23 lyme disease (lupus, fibromyalgia) (brief)
- 03:46 the genes approach (medically)
- 05:56 our primary tools for regeneration/grains
- 07:08 why vegetables are not necessarily ideal for humans
- 13:41 80-year-old with post-polio/vaccines, natural immunity (brief)
- 16:46 it’s never too late
- 18:11 a case #128: urinary tract infections, epilepsy (epileptic), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, C.O.P.D.), ov
- 22:19 “I don’t care who you are, what mother you are, what grandfather you are, you’re never too old to change your diet”
- 28:10 cyst above anus
- 29:19 breaking out during juice fast
- 35:13 vitamin D (sunlight)
- 36:02 stone stuck in gallbladder duct (Phosfood, magnesium, vitamin B6)
- 41:00 baby with eczema (children)
- 47:18 appearing healthy externally
- 48:19 postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome/modalities in the health field
- 53:47 licorice root (anti-inflammatory qualities)
- 56:49 difficulty maintaining detoxification diet
- 59:19 type 2 diabetes
- 01:01:35 dealing with cravings and boredom
- 01:03:44 claims of healing with raw animal products, etc.
- 01:06:19 should you always see sediment in your urine?
- 01:07:49 proteins
- 01:10:56 balding
- 01:13:13 glaucoma, dry eyes
- 01:16:02 dehydration (dehydrated)