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00:00 the common denominator in incidences of mass shootings/journey to self-realization
01:00 the common denominator in incidences of mass shootings/journey to self-realization
04:38 scoliosis (kinesiology, acidosis)
06:35 “because man has been doing something for years doesn’t mean that it’s right”
08:10 treatment-based thinking
12:47 the body’s three main antacids (calcium, cholesterol, water)
16:28 being polarized to cooked foods
19:13 “always think [w]holistic”
23:00 detachment (Deepak Chopra)/”desire that which improves your beingness”
26:32 “we’re always alone within ourselves”
29:12 develop your ability to communicate your subject matter
34:44 “any desire is somewhat toxic to you because you’re locked to that desire”
35:45 kidney deterioration as a result of the Atkin’s diet
36:50 foods building negative thoughts
37:40 Grave’s disease, lymph node cancer
41:50 fat loss (weight loss)
48:10 not filtering after 4 months of grape fasting and taking herbs (filtration, sediment)
49:54 menses ceasing following fruit fast (menstruation)
51:57 transverse colon connection to the pituitary gland
53:49 slowing down when healing crises get too intense
54:27 resistance to the flow of energy (brief)
58:37 dark circles under eyes/kidney stones
01:01:27 rheumatoid arthritis (also view from 1:08:02) (charcoal, bentonite clay, systemic acidosis)
01:06:00 depression from pain
01:06:40 cravings (fungi, fungal, fungus)
01:09:25 dog with blindness and arthritis
01:10:30 alternatives to root canals (dental, teeth, tooth)
01:12:29 negative feedback on stem cell therapy
01:13:00 cardiac neurosis (Circulation Lower)
01:14:26 “the heart is attached to the descending colon in the embryonic trunk tissue”
01:15:05 Dr. Morse’s view on hypnotherapy/”true spiritual guides will not let you use them as a vehicle”
01:18:08 “be very cautious about opening yourself up to another entity or another being”

- 00:00 the common denominator in incidences of mass shootings/journey to self-realization
- 01:00 the common denominator in incidences of mass shootings/journey to self-realization
- 04:38 scoliosis (kinesiology, acidosis)
- 06:35 “because man has been doing something for years doesn’t mean that it’s right”
- 08:10 treatment-based thinking
- 12:47 the body’s three main antacids (calcium, cholesterol, water)
- 16:28 being polarized to cooked foods
- 19:13 “always think [w]holistic”
- 23:00 detachment (Deepak Chopra)/”desire that which improves your beingness”
- 26:32 “we’re always alone within ourselves”
- 29:12 develop your ability to communicate your subject matter
- 34:44 “any desire is somewhat toxic to you because you’re locked to that desire”
- 35:45 kidney deterioration as a result of the Atkin’s diet
- 36:50 foods building negative thoughts
- 37:40 Grave’s disease, lymph node cancer
- 41:50 fat loss (weight loss)
- 48:10 not filtering after 4 months of grape fasting and taking herbs (filtration, sediment)
- 49:54 menses ceasing following fruit fast (menstruation)
- 51:57 transverse colon connection to the pituitary gland
- 53:49 slowing down when healing crises get too intense
- 54:27 resistance to the flow of energy (brief)
- 58:37 dark circles under eyes/kidney stones
- 01:01:27 rheumatoid arthritis (also view from 1:08:02) (charcoal, bentonite clay, systemic acidosis)
- 01:06:00 depression from pain
- 01:06:40 cravings (fungi, fungal, fungus)
- 01:09:25 dog with blindness and arthritis
- 01:10:30 alternatives to root canals (dental, teeth, tooth)
- 01:12:29 negative feedback on stem cell therapy
- 01:13:00 cardiac neurosis (Circulation Lower)
- 01:14:26 “the heart is attached to the descending colon in the embryonic trunk tissue”
- 01:15:05 Dr. Morse’s view on hypnotherapy/”true spiritual guides will not let you use them as a vehicle”
- 01:18:08 “be very cautious about opening yourself up to another entity or another being”