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00:00 Lymph System problems (cysts, tumors, boils, pimples, acne, and more); Autoimmune condition
06:50 Lymph System problems (cysts, tumors, boils, pimples, acne, and more); Autoimmune condition
08:04 Testosterone is not only considered as drug but a bad drug (because some have heart attacks from it)
09:18 Homosapeans are designed to eat, and use botanicals which God designed to clean and restore the function of the cells
13:58 What causes mucus? (dairy products, cheese, proteins, and more)
24:30 Blood as a reading for steroids and hormones
25:53 Hyper always needs to hypo; hyper means stimulating that gland or tissue; generally acids can make hyperacidity
26:30 Organic means synergistically bond in food; the more inorganic, the more elemental
29:18 How the hypothalamus and pituitary affects adrenals?
37:14 Stomach means a sac made of cells and fluids, and each cell produces hydrochloric acid
41:42 Fruits are very active in the lymph system
55:10 Lymph system problem (building pressure in the body); Lymphatic Pressure, glycomic pressure that works on your points d
01:09:29 Rashes on the forehead (due to lymph system, which system that deals to cell waste or cell chemistry, which is acid)
01:21:25 How we eat our internal sewer system?
01:22:25 Lymphoma (weak system); How to get away lymphoma? (clean the lymph system)
01:24:17 Sulfur is suppressive, inflammatory, gassive bloating, and fungal (candida type leads to uric acid)
01:33:43 Blood, nerve, and lymph (3 main energies flow in the human body)
01:35:42 PACs (Premature atrial contractions) & PVCs (Premature ventricular contractions)
03:05 Inflammatory problem (Behçet’s Disease), blood vessel disorder inflamed throughout the body
03:35 Where does cholesterol plaque in the vascular system? (on the wall, in the wall)
03:58 Blood vessels are made of cells
04:25 Inflammatory problem is systemic (cells with 2 major fluids, blood & lymph that follow all these pathways through you
07:19 Kidneys are very eliminative organs
08:05 Acids that are out of balance is a very serious problem; lymph is a slow painful death that bills everything up in the b
22:15 Detox (kidneys filtering, start getting steroids from the food (fruits and berries are the highest steroid type anti-inf

- 00:00 Lymph System problems (cysts, tumors, boils, pimples, acne, and more); Autoimmune condition
- 06:50 Lymph System problems (cysts, tumors, boils, pimples, acne, and more); Autoimmune condition
- 08:04 Testosterone is not only considered as drug but a bad drug (because some have heart attacks from it)
- 09:18 Homosapeans are designed to eat, and use botanicals which God designed to clean and restore the function of the cells
- 13:58 What causes mucus? (dairy products, cheese, proteins, and more)
- 24:30 Blood as a reading for steroids and hormones
- 25:53 Hyper always needs to hypo; hyper means stimulating that gland or tissue; generally acids can make hyperacidity
- 26:30 Organic means synergistically bond in food; the more inorganic, the more elemental
- 29:18 How the hypothalamus and pituitary affects adrenals?
- 37:14 Stomach means a sac made of cells and fluids, and each cell produces hydrochloric acid
- 41:42 Fruits are very active in the lymph system
- 55:10 Lymph system problem (building pressure in the body); Lymphatic Pressure, glycomic pressure that works on your points d
- 01:09:29 Rashes on the forehead (due to lymph system, which system that deals to cell waste or cell chemistry, which is acid)
- 01:21:25 How we eat our internal sewer system?
- 01:22:25 Lymphoma (weak system); How to get away lymphoma? (clean the lymph system)
- 01:24:17 Sulfur is suppressive, inflammatory, gassive bloating, and fungal (candida type leads to uric acid)
- 01:33:43 Blood, nerve, and lymph (3 main energies flow in the human body)
- 01:35:42 PACs (Premature atrial contractions) & PVCs (Premature ventricular contractions)
- 03:05 Inflammatory problem (Behçet’s Disease), blood vessel disorder inflamed throughout the body
- 03:35 Where does cholesterol plaque in the vascular system? (on the wall, in the wall)
- 03:58 Blood vessels are made of cells
- 04:25 Inflammatory problem is systemic (cells with 2 major fluids, blood & lymph that follow all these pathways through you
- 07:19 Kidneys are very eliminative organs
- 08:05 Acids that are out of balance is a very serious problem; lymph is a slow painful death that bills everything up in the b
- 22:15 Detox (kidneys filtering, start getting steroids from the food (fruits and berries are the highest steroid type anti-inf