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17:03 Uncontrollable Bladder At Nighttime, Monthly Cycles, Estrogen Dominance
14:30 Arsenic poisoning
00:00 Q & A 274
02:50 Natural Birth Control for Women
09:45 Brain Stem Tumor, Paralysis, Difficulty Swallowing
12:18 What's causing the blockage? What system is the tumor in?
01:07:52 exhaustion neurological weakness)
01:00:20 Salmonella (effects:brain fatigue & congestion)
55:00 Mucus (acid waste)
48:48 Lymphomas (disease from the lymphatic system); acid causes the problem (inflammation)
39:05 How To Get Rid Of Fungus
44:30 Shingles/Herpes, Type 2 Diabetes
29:24 Skin (part of the eliminative organ)
21:46 More cases of heart attack (sleeping on their left side)
26:41 Baldness, Skin Problems/Pigmentation, Abnormal Fungus Growth, Excessive Sweating
- 17:03 Uncontrollable Bladder At Nighttime, Monthly Cycles, Estrogen Dominance
- 14:30 Arsenic poisoning
- 00:00 Q & A 274
- 02:50 Natural Birth Control for Women
- 09:45 Brain Stem Tumor, Paralysis, Difficulty Swallowing
- 12:18 What's causing the blockage? What system is the tumor in?
- 01:07:52 exhaustion neurological weakness)
- 01:00:20 Salmonella (effects:brain fatigue & congestion)
- 55:00 Mucus (acid waste)
- 48:48 Lymphomas (disease from the lymphatic system); acid causes the problem (inflammation)
- 39:05 How To Get Rid Of Fungus
- 44:30 Shingles/Herpes, Type 2 Diabetes
- 29:24 Skin (part of the eliminative organ)
- 21:46 More cases of heart attack (sleeping on their left side)
- 26:41 Baldness, Skin Problems/Pigmentation, Abnormal Fungus Growth, Excessive Sweating