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24:45 Lymphatics (strong astringents)
22:50 Proper filtration (to get rid major kidney problem)
04:38 Minds (supplements); consciousness (whole foods)
00:00 Q & A 277
57:32 Epinephrine (neurotransmitter)
55:35 Hypoglycemic; magnesium metabolizes sugar
49:10 What side of chemistry damage the body?
49:05 How do you mutate the cell?
46:25 Heart transplant (correlated with cells)
45:03 How repopulate the lymph nodes?
41:25 Fermented Foods (molecules; that has living bacteria)
30:37 Ebola (virus)
30:09 Good bacteria (under antibiotics)
25:15 All cells are "inherit"
58:03 Dopamines (neurotransmitters for elimination)
58:44 4 essential & basic process of the body (digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination)
01:04:03 Astringent fruits (acid amd sub-acid foods)
01:05:42 What is the simple idea of filtering better? "Relax"
- 24:45 Lymphatics (strong astringents)
- 22:50 Proper filtration (to get rid major kidney problem)
- 04:38 Minds (supplements); consciousness (whole foods)
- 00:00 Q & A 277
- 57:32 Epinephrine (neurotransmitter)
- 55:35 Hypoglycemic; magnesium metabolizes sugar
- 49:10 What side of chemistry damage the body?
- 49:05 How do you mutate the cell?
- 46:25 Heart transplant (correlated with cells)
- 45:03 How repopulate the lymph nodes?
- 41:25 Fermented Foods (molecules; that has living bacteria)
- 30:37 Ebola (virus)
- 30:09 Good bacteria (under antibiotics)
- 25:15 All cells are "inherit"
- 58:03 Dopamines (neurotransmitters for elimination)
- 58:44 4 essential & basic process of the body (digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination)
- 01:04:03 Astringent fruits (acid amd sub-acid foods)
- 01:05:42 What is the simple idea of filtering better? "Relax"