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27:10 - Khaled – If glanulas are also derived from bovine sources, will there be a risk of creating a similar scenario? I’m not sure if my leaky gut is healed and so if the glandular substances were to leak into my body, I wonder if I should worry. Could
27:10 - Khaled – If glanulas are also derived from bovine sources, will there be a risk of creating a similar scenario? I’m not sure if my leaky gut is healed and so if the glandular substances were to leak into my body, I wonder if I should worry. Could glandulars create an inflammatory autoimmune response for the reason I outlined above?
37:24 – Kris – Career information.
38:27 – Jon – I have a client who is just waiting for some lab test results back from this now and I wanted to see what sorts of detox protocols that Dr. Morse recommends for things such as gonorrhea, and chlamydia. I’d be curious to hear about what Morse suggests for syphilis as well. The client said to take Cipro because it covers the whole gamut UTI’s, chlamydia and gonorrhea but I know that’s a brutal option.
45:30 – Farnas - I am 29 years old women, living in Austria. I began with raw food about one year ago because I wanted to cure my asthma. First I tried the 801010 diet but I could not digest that much fruit and mostly the bananas. I was bloated and gassy, my belly hurt after eating I had reflux. after I gained weight I went back to the normal raw food diet with some fat and green juices. I drank a lot of green juices and ate a lot of salats and after about 10 days I had no more asthma Symptoms, which is very good, before that I took every day about 3 pills for asthma and used an inhalator. But afterward, I had my up and downs with the raw food. I had a lot of detox symptoms which was fine, but I felt not good at all, I had no more energy from the raw food. Nevertheless, I was bloated and gassy with the raw food diet, after eating and being in the bathroom I could see what I ate, most of the time there was still a lot of indigestible food in my poo or stool.
01:03:56 – Hortencia - I found you today on the internet thru Kristina Carrillo Bucaram-website and how eating fruits and veggies changed her eye color. I have been eating healthy for a few years. Not vegan. Staying away from the color white, red meat not eating processed foods. Trying to eat as healthy as possible. I juice off and on but now after listening to your videos I am convinced that I need to be more faithful. About 20 yrs a Dr found what illness was attributing to my symptoms. Dry mouth, dry eyes, dry skin, inflammation of the organs etc. I suffered for 2 yrs. Doctors could not determine what was wrong with me. They said it was called Sjogren's Syndrome. I still struggle with the dryness in the eyes and inflammation. I have done a few detox programs. But, I cannot seem to get rid of the dryness of the eyes. I am having other things with my eyes, crusty eyes. The eye doctor says they are fine. He found a tiny cataract. No need to worry. I do not go to the restroom everyday. I feel I may not be eating enough? I have a smoothie for breakfast or I make a big glass of fresh juice. Eat fruit and salad for lunch- with shredded chicken or plain. Salad for dinner. I have always had trouble with constipation. Growing up drank a lot of milk, pasta and flour products. What would you recommend that I start with?
01:17:07 – Bryan - I am soon taking stomach and bowel #2, and was wondering if going on a mono fruit island ( banana island more specifically) would cause any complications? figuring it would defeat the purpose of the mono fruit cleanse due to consumption of the herbs.
01:18:00 – Alin - Just wanted to share with you. As quickly as I found out. The FDA now seems to be wanting to ban the selling of raw coconut water and put out of business companies that sell coconut water that hasn't been pasteurized. Because it "could contain a major safety risk to the US public.". I am not an US resident. But, what on earth is going on with the US government? They also might not stop there, and proceed with attempting to ban the juice bars, that sell raw cold-pressed juices to people.
01:26:00 – Charlotte - My 5 year grandson has been experiencing acid reflux for the last 2 to 3 years. He does not eat vegetables well and eats a few fruits. Eats mostly chicken and small amount of vegetables. What can heal his gut? How does this happen to such a young child?
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00:00 Q & A 283 Glandulars, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Digestion Issues
04:00 Grandulars (protein in grandulars); Enhancement of Endocrine Glands
04:32 Sulfur Drugs (Sulfur compound)
10:30 The benefits of the Sewer System
17:40 Chemistry (everything with senses)
20:35 Acids are corrosive; but other acids are beneficial
20:44 Highest pH Acid is? (-30)
21:10 Hydrochloric Acid
22:50 Nerve Regeneration
31:54 Inflammation (Acidosis)
37:35 Gamut UTI’s, chlamydia and gonorrhea
40:35 Herpes and its effect
41:20 Ebola (man-made virus) ;GMO (genetically modified organisms)
47:00 Components of Asthma (not only mucus); Asthma-Eczema-COPD
48:40 Problem in Digestion (low digestive enzyme)
50:10 Fruit (Astringent)
50:30 High Sulfur Problem
53:33 High Fat & High Protein Formulas
59:10 Birth Control Pills (suppressed the adrenal lungs)
01:09:06 Constipation (Digestion problem)
01:12:20 Photos of eyes (determine the health problem); Sulfur
01:26:08 Acid Reflex on a 5-yr old child (genetics)
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- 00:00 Q & A 283 Glandulars, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Digestion Issues
- 04:00 Grandulars (protein in grandulars); Enhancement of Endocrine Glands
- 04:32 Sulfur Drugs (Sulfur compound)
- 10:30 The benefits of the Sewer System
- 17:40 Chemistry (everything with senses)
- 20:35 Acids are corrosive; but other acids are beneficial
- 20:44 Highest pH Acid is? (-30)
- 21:10 Hydrochloric Acid
- 22:50 Nerve Regeneration
- 31:54 Inflammation (Acidosis)
- 37:35 Gamut UTI’s, chlamydia and gonorrhea
- 40:35 Herpes and its effect
- 41:20 Ebola (man-made virus) ;GMO (genetically modified organisms)
- 47:00 Components of Asthma (not only mucus); Asthma-Eczema-COPD
- 48:40 Problem in Digestion (low digestive enzyme)
- 50:10 Fruit (Astringent)
- 50:30 High Sulfur Problem
- 53:33 High Fat & High Protein Formulas
- 59:10 Birth Control Pills (suppressed the adrenal lungs)
- 01:09:06 Constipation (Digestion problem)
- 01:12:20 Photos of eyes (determine the health problem); Sulfur
- 01:26:08 Acid Reflex on a 5-yr old child (genetics)
Cheyne Gouldon recommended I watch this link…
But I am so sorry I have no idea what you are talking about?!
I am trying to learn and educate myself but this is so far out of my comprehension?!!
How I am supposed to entrepret your ideas is beyond me!
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Dr Morse,
I cant thank you enough for doing these videos. I have been doing your herbs for a good 6-7 weeks and been eating mainly melons with other fruit and some veggies for about 8-9 weeks and I am just now starting to feel a “internal cleaning” going on. Thank you, thank and thank you!! I do have a question that refers to the spiritual side…what can you tell us about Akashic Records and clearing karma? I also enjoy the spiritual aspects that you add in these videos. Healing is truly body, mind and spirit and you seem to cover it all. Thank you again for helping all of us. xoxoxo
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I have been on the support group on Facebook followers of Dr. Morse, I am following the advice that is given to me.but one of the things I explain to this person that I am a single parent with 2 kids, not working since 1998 because of a lower back injury. That was my only problem until 7 years ago, I started get sick very often and 2 years ago been diagnosed with Graves decease. I did took the regular treatment, but I guess didn’t work, that’s the reason I am looking for help. My main issue is financial I can’t afford the treatment or the reading of the eyes, I did started on fruits, but I guess I need the herbs, I get a lot and painful cramps on my legs and hands, now that I am on this detox.is any way that someone can help me. I have listened to your videos very helpful and also, last year the find out a fibroid of the size of a 4 month pregnancy I haven’t take any treatment at all, no cancer but I don’t want that on the inside of me the Graves has affected my sight my hair my whole body if there’s any way you can help let me thank you very much
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