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00:00 Romanian shepherd dog with complex mammary carcinoma, kidney failure, heart problems
00:22 Romanian shepherd dog with complex mammary carcinoma, kidney failure, heart problems
03:18 fasting with tumors
03:36 Adya Clarity
04:29 hernia operation
05:12 “this is a touch and go planet”
06:38 Allopathic community as a killing machine/Allopathy is alternative
08:52 the cerebellum connection
10:22 injected tuberculosis dissolved tumor
12:07 Bradenton, Florida (location of Dr. Morse’s first practice)
14:21 chronically dilated face capillaries

- 00:00 Romanian shepherd dog with complex mammary carcinoma, kidney failure, heart problems
- 00:22 Romanian shepherd dog with complex mammary carcinoma, kidney failure, heart problems
- 03:18 fasting with tumors
- 03:36 Adya Clarity
- 04:29 hernia operation
- 05:12 “this is a touch and go planet”
- 06:38 Allopathic community as a killing machine/Allopathy is alternative
- 08:52 the cerebellum connection
- 10:22 injected tuberculosis dissolved tumor
- 12:07 Bradenton, Florida (location of Dr. Morse’s first practice)
- 14:21 chronically dilated face capillaries