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00:00 doing everything as one (herbs and diet)
01:08 doing everything as one (herbs and diet)
01:39 comfrey
01:50 the heart (as organ)/ischemia/heart attack/stroke/congestive heart failure/hypertrophy (heart enlargement)
03:27 the nervous system in the heart (adrenal gland connection)
03:55 shoulders getting tight and stiff
04:06 obstruction is the key factor of most diseases/the three flows of energy
05:08 blood cells clustering (thickening)
05:40 the thyroid controls heart rate/parathyroid glands and calcium utilization
07:13 undigested food in stool and gas from fruits
08:37 mucus congestion
11:01 the type of toothpaste Dr. Morse uses
11:50 girl lost chunks of hair and had trouble with iron levels on another detox program
12:47 the body will clean house during detoxification/weak tissue will be replaced by strong tissue
14:06 dialysis

- 00:00 doing everything as one (herbs and diet)
- 01:08 doing everything as one (herbs and diet)
- 01:39 comfrey
- 01:50 the heart (as organ)/ischemia/heart attack/stroke/congestive heart failure/hypertrophy (heart enlargement)
- 03:27 the nervous system in the heart (adrenal gland connection)
- 03:55 shoulders getting tight and stiff
- 04:06 obstruction is the key factor of most diseases/the three flows of energy
- 05:08 blood cells clustering (thickening)
- 05:40 the thyroid controls heart rate/parathyroid glands and calcium utilization
- 07:13 undigested food in stool and gas from fruits
- 08:37 mucus congestion
- 11:01 the type of toothpaste Dr. Morse uses
- 11:50 girl lost chunks of hair and had trouble with iron levels on another detox program
- 12:47 the body will clean house during detoxification/weak tissue will be replaced by strong tissue
- 14:06 dialysis