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00:00 brief discussion regarding quadriplegics (80% chance of getting people out of wheelchairs) (spinal cord injuries)
01:15 brief discussion regarding quadriplegics (80% chance of getting people out of wheelchairs) (spinal cord injuries)
03:57 positive and negative feedback regarding Adya Clarity/ diatomaceous earth
04:23 pond scum (algae)
05:22 how do you find your center? (inner self, the alone state, spirituality)
07:06 “believing in other people’s experiences only goes so far” (out of body travels, OBE, O.B.E)
08:17 the confusion lies in thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions
11:56 why do younger people have weaker kidneys and adrenal glands?
12:43 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/”there are going to be kids we can’t save”
- 00:00 brief discussion regarding quadriplegics (80% chance of getting people out of wheelchairs) (spinal cord injuries)
- 01:15 brief discussion regarding quadriplegics (80% chance of getting people out of wheelchairs) (spinal cord injuries)
- 03:57 positive and negative feedback regarding Adya Clarity/ diatomaceous earth
- 04:23 pond scum (algae)
- 05:22 how do you find your center? (inner self, the alone state, spirituality)
- 07:06 “believing in other people’s experiences only goes so far” (out of body travels, OBE, O.B.E)
- 08:17 the confusion lies in thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions
- 11:56 why do younger people have weaker kidneys and adrenal glands?
- 12:43 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/”there are going to be kids we can’t save”