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00:00 “I do come off a little strong sometimes”/Internal Revenue Service, federal judges, the medical community (corruption)/
01:17 “I do come off a little strong sometimes”/Internal Revenue Service, federal judges, the medical community (corruption)/
02:15 steroids shut down the adrenal glands
04:25 Kangen Water/9.5 pH water (cesium chloride, Hydrazine sulfate)
05:31 you cannot hydrate the body drinking water/Hunzas/Hopis
06:36 alkalosis (people getting sick from Kangen Water)
07:37 “the blood cannot support a protein diet”/Atkin’s Diet (ketosis)
11:25 strengthening the uterus (fibroids, endometriosis)
12:10 worms, bacterium, fungus, virus (viruses, antigens)/”gets rid of the weak”

- 00:00 “I do come off a little strong sometimes”/Internal Revenue Service, federal judges, the medical community (corruption)/
- 01:17 “I do come off a little strong sometimes”/Internal Revenue Service, federal judges, the medical community (corruption)/
- 02:15 steroids shut down the adrenal glands
- 04:25 Kangen Water/9.5 pH water (cesium chloride, Hydrazine sulfate)
- 05:31 you cannot hydrate the body drinking water/Hunzas/Hopis
- 06:36 alkalosis (people getting sick from Kangen Water)
- 07:37 “the blood cannot support a protein diet”/Atkin’s Diet (ketosis)
- 11:25 strengthening the uterus (fibroids, endometriosis)
- 12:10 worms, bacterium, fungus, virus (viruses, antigens)/”gets rid of the weak”