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00:00 acids backup when kidneys aren’t filtering/when the lymph nodes backup
00:36 acids backup when kidneys aren’t filtering/when the lymph nodes backup
01:54 the ECK masters (Eckankar)/Paul Twitchell/Dr. Morse discusses the writing process of his books
05:06 chemotherapy and radiation/”it pulls on my heart strings to see so many suffering young people”
06:10 staying away from acid fruits, cruciferous vegetables and nightshades if in excessive pain
06:52 detoxification is an art/winter (cold weather and alkaline foods)
07:38 Paul Twitchell’s books are highly recommended/Harold Klemp
08:24 satnam (soul plane)
09:44 the Religion of Light and Sound/Darwin Gross/Fubbi Quantz
12:13 how do herbs work?/individual constituents/why herbs don’t have side effects like pharmaceuticals

- 00:00 acids backup when kidneys aren’t filtering/when the lymph nodes backup
- 00:36 acids backup when kidneys aren’t filtering/when the lymph nodes backup
- 01:54 the ECK masters (Eckankar)/Paul Twitchell/Dr. Morse discusses the writing process of his books
- 05:06 chemotherapy and radiation/”it pulls on my heart strings to see so many suffering young people”
- 06:10 staying away from acid fruits, cruciferous vegetables and nightshades if in excessive pain
- 06:52 detoxification is an art/winter (cold weather and alkaline foods)
- 07:38 Paul Twitchell’s books are highly recommended/Harold Klemp
- 08:24 satnam (soul plane)
- 09:44 the Religion of Light and Sound/Darwin Gross/Fubbi Quantz
- 12:13 how do herbs work?/individual constituents/why herbs don’t have side effects like pharmaceuticals