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00:00 getting a buzz from the herbs (herb kick)/animals getting a high from fruits
00:15 getting a buzz from the herbs (herb kick)/animals getting a high from fruits
01:12 the lady with multiple sclerosis fighting her family over food/regenerating nerves (brain lesions)
03:54 24 hour fast once a week
05:21 cell food/isolates (isolated chemistry)
07:00 take superfood blends without digestive enzymes, probiotics and pond scum
07:50 spiritual insights (spirituality)/”some of the most educated people are the most ignorant”
09:56 why is Dr. Morse so chill?
10:35 Dr. Morse’s 6 months on oranges
12:22 people get sanpaku eyes when you talk to them about 40-day fasts
- 00:00 getting a buzz from the herbs (herb kick)/animals getting a high from fruits
- 00:15 getting a buzz from the herbs (herb kick)/animals getting a high from fruits
- 01:12 the lady with multiple sclerosis fighting her family over food/regenerating nerves (brain lesions)
- 03:54 24 hour fast once a week
- 05:21 cell food/isolates (isolated chemistry)
- 07:00 take superfood blends without digestive enzymes, probiotics and pond scum
- 07:50 spiritual insights (spirituality)/”some of the most educated people are the most ignorant”
- 09:56 why is Dr. Morse so chill?
- 10:35 Dr. Morse’s 6 months on oranges
- 12:22 people get sanpaku eyes when you talk to them about 40-day fasts