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00:00 make sure to filter out lactic acid from exercise
00:29 make sure to filter out lactic acid from exercise
01:00 herbivores vs. humans (Homo sapiens, frugivores)/the Hippocrates (HHI, H.H.I.)/detoxifying on fruits vs. vegetables
02:27 Hep C boosters (hepatitis C, vaccines, vaccinations)/bacterium/viral loads/viruses
04:21 7-year-old with slow growing hair (slow hair growth)
04:50 fruits mature the brain and nervous systems of man
06:05 “you can study books until heck freezes over, you’re studying other people’s consciousness”/don’t isolate chemistry
06:52 stretch marks/scar tissue/adhesions
07:47 read Arnold Ehret’s books (cuts not bleeding on high fruit level)
08:40 “I’m not opposed to eating meat every once in a while for those who need it”/don’t judge others

- 00:00 make sure to filter out lactic acid from exercise
- 00:29 make sure to filter out lactic acid from exercise
- 01:00 herbivores vs. humans (Homo sapiens, frugivores)/the Hippocrates (HHI, H.H.I.)/detoxifying on fruits vs. vegetables
- 02:27 Hep C boosters (hepatitis C, vaccines, vaccinations)/bacterium/viral loads/viruses
- 04:21 7-year-old with slow growing hair (slow hair growth)
- 04:50 fruits mature the brain and nervous systems of man
- 06:05 “you can study books until heck freezes over, you’re studying other people’s consciousness”/don’t isolate chemistry
- 06:52 stretch marks/scar tissue/adhesions
- 07:47 read Arnold Ehret’s books (cuts not bleeding on high fruit level)
- 08:40 “I’m not opposed to eating meat every once in a while for those who need it”/don’t judge others