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00:00 lump in throat (swelling of the esophagus, mucus)
00:17 lump in throat (swelling of the esophagus, mucus)
02:00 degrees, Harvard students (appreciating people for what they know and do and not for their degrees)/”don’t worry about
05:08 for those with lack of affordability to get the herbs
05:58 defining boundaries/natural health field has been slandered for years
08:25 which came first: spirituality or raw foods?
09:27 will garlic slow down detoxification?
12:25 seeing the family doing well
13:02 reactive airway (similar to child asthma)/working with children
FYI, starting at 9:20, Dr. Morse is “rapping”!
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Hi Michel, yes I see that, it’s a problem with a video, unfortunately I cannot do anything about that
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FYI, starting at 9:20, Dr. Morse is “rapping”!
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Hi Michel, yes I see that, it’s a problem with a video, unfortunately I cannot do anything about that
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