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00:00 fibromyalgia and systemic rosacea
03:06 fibromyalgia and systemic rosacea
03:44 electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) (brief)
04:27 damaged skin from indoor tanning beds
06:04 higher levels of creation (consciousness)
08:00 Raynaud’s syndrome, hands and feet turn blue in the cold, Parkinson’s
09:43 Tamoxifen (brief)
10:08 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (brief)
11:44 Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa)/”to me [Sinemet] is worse than cocaine in terms of addiction”
12:05 burning sensation in the stomach (stomach pain)
12:31 aloe vera and burns (burdock leaves)

- 00:00 fibromyalgia and systemic rosacea
- 03:06 fibromyalgia and systemic rosacea
- 03:44 electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) (brief)
- 04:27 damaged skin from indoor tanning beds
- 06:04 higher levels of creation (consciousness)
- 08:00 Raynaud’s syndrome, hands and feet turn blue in the cold, Parkinson’s
- 09:43 Tamoxifen (brief)
- 10:08 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (brief)
- 11:44 Sinemet (carbidopa-levodopa)/”to me [Sinemet] is worse than cocaine in terms of addiction”
- 12:05 burning sensation in the stomach (stomach pain)
- 12:31 aloe vera and burns (burdock leaves)