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00:00 coconut milk and grape juice causing arrhythmia (neurotoxin)
00:35 coconut milk and grape juice causing arrhythmia (neurotoxin)
01:45 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #2 (iridology)
02:15 tonsilitis
03:37 scoliosis
10:51 irregular periods (brief)
11:08 low blood pressure (brief)
12:37 difficulty sweating
12:40 ulcers in the mouth (brief)
12:49 basal temperatures (textbook 97.8)/dump days on basal temperatures and blood pressures, etc.
- 00:00 coconut milk and grape juice causing arrhythmia (neurotoxin)
- 00:35 coconut milk and grape juice causing arrhythmia (neurotoxin)
- 01:45 Dr. Morse performing iris analysis #2 (iridology)
- 02:15 tonsilitis
- 03:37 scoliosis
- 10:51 irregular periods (brief)
- 11:08 low blood pressure (brief)
- 12:37 difficulty sweating
- 12:40 ulcers in the mouth (brief)
- 12:49 basal temperatures (textbook 97.8)/dump days on basal temperatures and blood pressures, etc.