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00:00 does sugar feed cancer? (ATP, chemotherapy)
01:25 does sugar feed cancer? (ATP, chemotherapy)
03:38 cold arms when playing badminton
04:35 water bumps
06:06 distance course
08:28 “we need to come down on the FDA”/“the federal government has gotten away with so much”
08:58 lady who used black salve on her nose
09:50 “people are walking mummies”
10:10 stimulation vs. enervation (purging) (brief)
11:11 should we replace bacteria after antibiotic use? (antibiotics)

- 00:00 does sugar feed cancer? (ATP, chemotherapy)
- 01:25 does sugar feed cancer? (ATP, chemotherapy)
- 03:38 cold arms when playing badminton
- 04:35 water bumps
- 06:06 distance course
- 08:28 “we need to come down on the FDA”/“the federal government has gotten away with so much”
- 08:58 lady who used black salve on her nose
- 09:50 “people are walking mummies”
- 10:10 stimulation vs. enervation (purging) (brief)
- 11:11 should we replace bacteria after antibiotic use? (antibiotics)